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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Get a paper published on climatology, and you will carry more weight (and if its a dissenting argument against the theory, you will be f'ing rich)
  2. Unlike God, most scientists actually have to earn their stripes and demonstrate they know what they are doing. They earn their "authority", and have to back up their opinion with peer reviewable evidence. God does not provide evidence.
  3. DC Tom .. do you see this, and how ridiculous it is? This is what you sound like to me when you say thing like "I know how to criticize the scientific communities work better than they themselves do".
  4. Some ridiculous number, like 96% of climatologists accept the global warming theory. Basically every major body of scientists has come out with a supporting opinion on the theory. Most of these people do not live in the USA. But yes, those are all crazy left wing liberal Democrats trying to push a liberal agenda on us all.
  5. Wow. This is an impressive level of conspiracy theorism. You are so jaw droppingly detached from reality that I don't know where to start in attempting to correct you. Additionally, I'm not at all convinced that any amount of effort on my part would back you down from the ledge. I think you are beyond hope of return to the world of reality on this topic. Yes, the scientist are out to get you. They want to take your children from you and sell you into slavery. The IPCC is hell bent on world domination. Pick out any internationally renown scientist, without doubt he wants to see nothing but the collapse of the American Empire. Long live the IPCC, they will be our new overlords!
  6. As if anything you've said is not something that Rupert Murdoch does not want you to say. That guy has you like a puppet. No, no NASA was not discredited to some degree. Sure there is some variance in data, and a level of degree of error. That is perfectly natural. The variance does nothing to discredit the theory, and the rising temperatures that NASA is reporting over the last 20 years only corroborate the predictions made by the theory. It seems to me that the *only* people denying global warming all fall under the Rupert Murdoch sphere of influence of right wing USA politics. Globally this is a well accepted theory. However, if you watch Fox News, then you do what the corporations tell you to do instead.
  7. You are the dimwit who suggested Al Gore getting a house would be the "the period to the Global Warming is a scam". That is a riot. If Al Gore flushes his toilet five times fast, does gravity cease to exist? This just in: Al Gore eats a hot dog, puts a period to the "Earth is round scam".
  8. Guys I have to get back to work, do your own research. I don't have time to hold your hand all day. Lol, did you gather the data and do the research on that one all by yourself? It's completely false assumptions like this that are the reason you don't trust scientists.
  9. What is wrong with you? You don't expect me to have a serious conversation with you when you say insane things like "So the planet is only 130 years old", do you? I don't know, Al gore is as crazy as you.
  10. I've been railing against gore for years. The guy is a profiteer. You idiot right wingers just can't face up to the scientists, so you attack the dopey looking guy whose used to be vice president. If you are in the right, get a scientific paper published on it. I promise you will be super rich within hours of it's acceptance. There is so much evidence for global warming. We've done like 20 page threads on this board about it back and forth. I know most of it flew over your head though. So I understand why can't understand what is happening.
  11. 130 years The data also lines up very well with the CO2 correlations warming predictions made. If science predicts something .. and then data shows the prediction to be right, you should do like DC Tom would and call the scientists crazy.
  12. 2010 is on track to be the hottest year on record. 2000 to 2009 was the hottest decade on record. 2009 was the 2nd hottest year on record. !@#$ al gore, this is real.
  13. Yes, you have proven to be such an impeccable source of information Here is a partial statement from the Exxon rep. Just accept now that you have mental deficiencies. You will be better in the long run for it. And where are those numbers on all those cops that died? There must have been hundreds of them.
  14. I knew a simple request of some numbers would be too complicated for you. Next time I'll stick to only asking you about colors of fruits and the sounds that farm animals make. What does the cow say?
  15. Ok, I would suggest we reduce oil use though. Certainly there is just tons and tons of room for us to use cleaner sources of energy (wind/solar .. possibly nuclear) in many areas of our economy. I know the switch over would be super expensive up front (which is why it's not been done yet). I'm not saying "eliminate all oil use" so please don't strawman me, but I am saying reduce oil use to some degree. and ... murra .. you are just crazy man. Just crazy.
  16. The onion is far too intelligent for the likes of you. Anyways, while we're here.. why don't you post some of those statistics on how many officers were killed by guns in NY the last few years. I mean they must be getting killed in droves. You are such a smart chap.. lets have those numbers.
  17. I don't think you understand how stupid people are on this board. Have you seen all the "moran" comments? They are clueless. Yes, well, in your cognitively dissonant little world of crazy, I can understand how reality might look a little strange to you.
  18. Goodness. I can see why you crazies compare Obama to Hitler all the time. You have no sense of history, you just jump right to the extremes. But in any case, this is a non-issue. But I know .. it's the Republican way "guilty until proven innocent". However, the right is just dying for anything any sense of "we are right, they are wrong" to cling on to. So you have been and will continue to grasp at straws. You enjoy doing that, if that's what you like.
  19. For the record, you won't hear any disagreement from me on this statement. And I feel the need to say this because I get the feeling you dopes think that I like this guy. He frequently presents an altered reality to fit into his own counter-"rightwing narrative"-narrative. He belongs on Fox News with the rest of the fake journalists.
  20. So... have you read any Noam?
  21. I hear windspills are also super nasty when they happen. We can't do windpower either because if the wind gets everywhere, it will cause a huge mess.
  22. Doesn't matter, DC Tom still thinks he knows more than these guys. He thinks he is smarter than all scientists.
  23. Is that what you call a "gotcha" posting?
  24. Ouch my feelings are hurt? I think you have no idea how low my opinion is of you.
  25. This article you linked to indicates that things are improving.
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