That is because I seem to be the only person here who appreciates a well researched and well defended position backed by evidence that is peer reviewed. So yes, if you get a paper published in a respected scientific journal on the subject of climatology it would carry weight with me. You would have had to know what you are talking about, you would have had to do a lot of research, and you would have to provide peer reviewable evidence. All these things are respectable.
So, "Only with you, dumbass" does explain this board. I am the only dumbass who appreciates knowledge apparently.
The rest of you are content in the bosom of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. A global conspiracy of scientists that are doing false research and providing false information in order to push some leftist liberal agenda on you and your loved ones. Knowledge be damned, scientists are all leftist liberal scum.
(and since none of you have a real response to this, you act like 8th graders and call me names)