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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The real question is, if you were Chan Gailey would you make out with yourself?
  2. So, does anyone on this board not own their own business? It's starting to seem like everyone does.
  3. I think his reproducible demo that you can reproduce at your home was more the source than anything. He is the "Science Guy", and what is science, if not peer reviewable? ... (obligatory) you blithering idiot
  4. Perhaps if you did a bit more of your own research and a bit less watching of the TV (or corporate radio), you might learn some factual information. Then we could agree more. Until then I won't be able to look past the corporate cum you have in your mouth.
  5. I love Churchill. I suppose I don't know you that well, but from what I've seen of your posts, I'm forced to ask, do you even know a thing about the guy?
  6. I do have to admit, it is a good line.
  7. Finally, something we can agree on. The only people the south is hospitable to is other white southerners. Lets see them open their doors to a few Mexicans or something.
  8. Those southerners are always so nice.
  9. Rule #1 - Any commentator who says we should have brought in Campbell is a moron.
  10. ya I love those auto-tune the news guys
  11. Lynch Meg Whitman! (kidding, I have no idea who she is)
  12. The worst part is that this might actually be the most ethical ever. We suck at voting.
  13. An Irish aid ship is headed to Gaza http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl..._CPJzAD9G4F1M00 The Israeli's intend to stop it.
  14. This is true. I haven't seen Chris Brown outright tell any lies though, so I don't mind reading his articles and watching his videos. In many cases he is the only source for interviews with the players/coaches.
  15. Should healthcare eating be a right in this country?
  16. I also learned recently that Canadian laws require offshore drill rigs to drill a relief well when the rig is first built. This way if a Gulf type spill ever happens it can be relieved with relative ease, instead of waiting 4 months for one to get drilled.
  17. You are telling me you would do something reasonable such as try to fix a food stamp program that needs fixing, instead of getting rid of it altogether? You must be a socialist communist nazi muslim elitist!!
  18. Hi. I have searched for a good bit now, and cannot find any source that confirms this. Can you help a brother out with a link? I cannot find anything about an offer of inspection in Ashkelon. Everything I see says Israel was planning on taking control of the ships and bringing them to Ashkelon (which they did). Also, as far as I'm aware Red Cross is not allowed past the blockade either, and have not been for some time.
  19. It's humanitarian aid. Food and medical supplies and such. 'Good guys' don't block that sort of thing from reaching people.
  20. Ya this will be interesting to see unfold. Turkey is super pissed about this. Obama has to pander to the Jewish vote, so he probably won't get mad. I heard Turkey was sending another humanitarian relief envoy soon with escort by their Navy. Edit: A Jewish group denounces the attack: http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1725 Edit2: Here is another video I did not see posted in above links:
  21. He issued an apology. Even Glenn Beck knows what Glenn Beck did was wrong (which, from reading this thread, is more than we can say about Fastback, Nanker, or PearlHowardman apparently) http://www.alternet.org/media/147039/glenn...issues_apology/
  22. That is because I seem to be the only person here who appreciates a well researched and well defended position backed by evidence that is peer reviewed. So yes, if you get a paper published in a respected scientific journal on the subject of climatology it would carry weight with me. You would have had to know what you are talking about, you would have had to do a lot of research, and you would have to provide peer reviewable evidence. All these things are respectable. So, "Only with you, dumbass" does explain this board. I am the only dumbass who appreciates knowledge apparently. The rest of you are content in the bosom of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. A global conspiracy of scientists that are doing false research and providing false information in order to push some leftist liberal agenda on you and your loved ones. Knowledge be damned, scientists are all leftist liberal scum. (and since none of you have a real response to this, you act like 8th graders and call me names)
  23. Oh the name-calling. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is an 8th grade class wacka.
  24. Good golly that is so many links, that is just so many words. How will I ever argue with so many words? You know what else has a ton of words? The Koran. This means that since the Koran is so big, and has so many words, it must be true. It's huge! Maybe I will call someone a "moran" and paste the text of the Koran in here? I could not possibly be wrong because my post would be so huge!
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