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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. "Boring and Uninteresting"
  2. Mike Glennon is the guy I hope the BB's draft. I doubt they will grab him though, the BB's never really tend to do anything smart.
  3. I'm saying I disagree with your assessment that taxes would go up. In either case, there is a huge list of people who currently cannot afford health insurance. If UHC causes a few waiting lines in exchange for millions of people having coverage when they previously had none, that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
  4. Per capita the US currently pays more that any country in the world. I can't see that going anywhere except down with a consolidated payment system.
  5. "or go private" is the key wording there. There is no one stopping you from keeping private health insurance and using private doctors with Universal HC.
  6. Did you get this information from the same people who predicted Romney would win the election? Your statements and fears are simply wrong. You are just flat out wrong. These are completely false predictions.
  7. It's so true. Crazy person logic says that more words is equal to being more right. Just because you can type out a lot of words does not at all mean that you said anything.
  8. Yes this forum is and has long been overflowing with right wing crazies who do not subscribe to facts or logic. I know all to well how tempting it is to respond to crazy with your own version of crazy. Unfortunately I've also learned that, while fun to play along, acting crazy yourself does not help much. (well .. nothing said on this forum matters much) This is the spot where I do have to credit Obama. He remains solid and moderate and seemingly unphased by the 200+ filibusters and lies about Kenya and mall of the other nutso things that the far right has done. And then moderate Republicans refuse to tell the crazy right to STFU. I'm not sure how Obama has remained so calm, but props to him.
  9. America is the biggest winner. The long term future health of this country grew a bit.
  10. He does. For some weird reason 48% of the country is too blind to see it.
  11. It's reality detached terminology like this that won Obama the election. No one except you crazies believes this crap.
  12. Please explain in detail how the English language works. As a follow up, explain gravity on a molecular level, in detail.
  13. My favorite line was Colbert when he asked if Rove would have to go into hiding because he wasted $300M that some of the wealthiest men in the country gave him.
  14. Why can't they just stop being !@#holes instead? That would do the trick. "Don't be !@#holes"
  15. I see just the opposite. Quotes from Fox News : "Republicans need to try harder to get the black/latino vote", "Republicans need to court the female vote" Obama just tries his best to be fair to all and to allow them their rights and shot at the American dream. People respect him for that.
  16. This post makes me giddy. I love the despair of you crazy people right now. Perhaps some small percentage of you crazies will re-join the rest of us back in reality. The Republican Party is not the party of God. The Democratic Party is not the party of Satan. Your failure to recognize that is your own problem.
  17. Even so, Obama still managed to win, despite all the blindly loyal Republican voters.
  18. That was quite a speech. Wow. Few chills in my spine.
  19. I'd agree with that. Silver uses math. Axelrod probably uses his mustache or something.
  20. Silver has called 49 of 49 states correct so far. Florida he put at 50.3% chance of an Obama win anyways, so it's hard to fault him if he gets that wrong.
  21. We're not. If you study history, there is nothing special happening politically right now. People are just as angry as they were in 1910 and 1960. There were no revolutions then and will be none in the future.
  22. Is not about the number of nukes we have. It's about getting other countries to reduce their nukes. I think you said the same exact hing four years ago. You were wrong then also.
  23. We have 5k nukes right now. Even cutting that in half would still be enough to blow any continent to hell.
  24. It was nuclear weapons reduction treaties. Oh the horror.
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