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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I think it was more disrespectful than silly. But I expected nothing less from the likes of you Rkfast. You haven't a drop of decency or honour in your whole being. In any case, like him or not, Byrd's career was nothing less than remarkable.
  2. In the past, I've done full threads demonstrating how dumb Palin is. I have no memories of anyone saying "you know what, you are right, she really is extremely stupid".
  3. The difference being that I live in reality, you live in some sort of insulated bubble that does not like things such as factual information and historical accuracy.
  4. Uhm... stop watching TV, it makes you stupid. If even half of your previous sentence was true, I would agree with your sarcasm. Fox News lied to you straight up, and you drank if down like a child at a Jim Jones sermon.
  5. I don't think anyone ever called her crude or unsophisticated. I'm pretty sure everyone simply agrees that she is dumb.
  7. Why is gouging in quotes? There are many humanitarian organizations that do just what you describe. They lack a lot of funding and sometimes (like ACORN) they get demonized in a national witch hunt sponsored by Fox News (a corporation).
  8. Just curious, what would it take for you to stand behind a financial regulation bill? This country was almost brought to it's knees and collapsed by the greed of corporations. But still you don't want to regulate them?
  9. The last like 10 years the defense has crushed the offense in OTA's and camp. Just once I would like to see it the other way around.
  10. Hi. You can't eliminate fossil fuel usage. No one wants to eliminate that. Stop going to extremes. Actually listen to what others are saying instead of demonizing them and hearing what you want to hear. NO ONE IS SAYING "ELIMINATE FOSSIL FUELS". Do you understand this? If you understand this, we can begin to have a serious discussion. Until then, you are a joke.
  11. You know how when you tell a good joke and there is that one idiot that says "I don't get it". So you explain the joke and by that time it's just lost all entertainment value that it had. Yeah, this is that.
  12. Does it even matter if I say yes or no to this? You are going to hear what you want to hear.
  13. Neither of these are what I am trying to indicate.
  14. When one group of people is actively damaging my country and actively damaging the planet I live on, yes I tend to hate them. Tell them to pass a quality energy reform bill, and I'll stop hating them (even if they are white and Republican). We both know this would never happen, and they will filibuster it to the bitter end. And I bet you also think global warming is a big hoax, and that the recent health care reform bill is socialism.
  15. Maybe this is the problem, you need to learn the definition of different. British people are not that different from you. They speak English, enjoy the same books and movies as you, and are upper/middle class just like you, and they enjoy bacon and eggs for breakfast, just like you. Now tell me that you find impoverished pygmy rape victims who are currently bound to slavery in Congo to be "mostly hilarious and fun to be around", then we will have something.
  16. You may want to look up the word imbecile in the dictionary. Some person or group of people that are vastly more intelligent than you do not qualify as imbeciles.
  17. Was that a death threat? Did you just say you would like me to get shot and that it would be "comedy gold."?
  18. How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.
  19. Damn that is nicely done.
  20. Please don't speak for other people when you have no idea what you are talking about. At least for me - I view Clarence Thomas and Michael Steele as "token black guys" for the Republican party intended to mask the appearance of racism. Steele is an idiot, but he's the head of the RNC because the Republicans need to be able to point to something and say "Look, a black guy, see we are not racist". And sure not all Republicans are racist, probably only a minority percentage are. But that does not change facts like this: In the last 100 years there have been exactly three Republican black men elected to the House of Representatives (Oscar Stanton De Priest, Gary Franks, and J. C. Watts). This is hardly representative of the general populous. So in any case, if your attacks against Obama are not logical, I tend to suspect racism, as racism is not logical. And yes, I suspect many people are subconsciously racist so that even they are not aware of it.
  21. Whose side are you on then? Presumably you are on the side of the "have nots", which *should* mean you support dropping Bush's tax cuts for the rich, and cracking down on the wealthy corporations with some regulations. But if you don't want these things - then what is your solution to the problem at hand?
  22. I can't read the ft.com article. The quote alone strikes me as neither true nor false. I have no particular quarrel with it. It may be true. I don't feel like our country is even close to collapsing due to fiscal policy, and Obama is not a contributor to making things worse.
  23. I hate Republicans to no end. I hate democrats also, just far less. Whatever you want to call it, it's also a factually accurate post.
  24. He got it from Reagan (or a mass email from the 2000 campaign). Which may or may not be a quote from British lawyer Alexander Fraser Tytler (1800). No copy of the text older than 1951 exists, so we don't exactly know it's origin with any certainty. Many variants of the quote exist but he quoted the most common version. It's literally very possible the quote was just made up in 1951 by an op ed writer from The Daily Oklahoman and falsely attributed to Tytler. Republicans do love to modify history like that.
  25. He's not even calling on Barton to do that. Get a grip.
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