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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. When the two of you have so deeply demonstrated your own cognitive biases and faults, it's extremely hard for me not to laugh outright at statements like this. You have cognitive biases You think I have biases I think you have biases I point out that you have biases You think my pointing out your biases is biased. I think your thinking my thinking is biased is biased. ... (repeat) I'm sure your slug sized brain can process that.
  2. You morons compose a very large block of the voting population. Your votes affect the laws and rules I have to live by. So I'm forced to make it my business to try to understand how you can think the insane things that you do. Additionally when I have the time, I try to point out your mistakes and correct you. ... needless to say you all have a really bad case of confirmation bias, this prevents you from acknowledging the errors in your beliefs.
  3. My title of what? Being the only non-retard to frequent this board? That is nothing to write home about.
  4. LAbills asked for a list. I only fulfilled his request.
  5. NEWSFLASH: Liberals support free market ideals!!! Stop being ignorant.
  6. .... when all the scientists are liberals, and all the economists are liberals, and all the college professors are liberals, and all of the historians are liberals ... ... but you guys have Sarah Palin. She's smart.
  7. Only people who have no clue what they are talking about laugh from ignorance at Krugman. I know that includes you. Among the educated, he is taken serious. As per your request, here is a list. I'm sure there are many many many many more, but I think you get the idea. Greg Anrig, Laura Tyson, James Galbraith, Warren Buffett, Mark Zandi, Joseph Stiglitz, Dean Baker, John Judis
  8. Many economists that said the stimulus was too small. It's seeming likely that they were correct.
  9. Doonesbury could kick your ass.
  10. If the parents of your babies momma were as loaded as the Palins, you would do the same.
  11. Yes, and I also post as Rob's House, /dev/null, and Alaska Darin
  12. Did you fund and perform that study all by yourself. You are making up data and claiming it as fact.
  13. Republican rule #1: War improves the economy.
  14. Well .. Medicare supplies the money to pay for care, not the care itself. In R'Houses fictional world people are able to pay for expensive late in life care by themselves. He's not really grounded in reality to realize all the problems and reasons Medicare was created in the first place.
  15. They always fear idiots who have abundant confidence in their incorrect beliefs. It's not hard to figure out.
  16. Yeah, something like that. He also openly and strongly stated public regret for his former ways, stated he regrets filibustering and voting against the Civil Rights Act, and seemed to be very sincerely apologetic about the whole thing. I mean, for example, the guy did endorse Obama in 2008. I for one, am of the stance that people can and do change.
  17. This is such a false statement that it's damn near signature worthy.
  18. <Mindless Zombie Republican> </Mindless Zombie Republican>
  19. I don't think it means what you think it means. Words usually do have real and actual definitions, even if you are unaware of them.
  20. Truer words were never spoken.
  21. I don't disagree with your point.
  22. I'm not saying you have to sing the guys praises. However, I don't think he could have been so bad to anyone as to earn the disrespectful goodbye that rkfast gave him.
  23. You should study apples, they are really informative when one is wanting to learn about oranges.
  24. Why is scholars in quotes? What have you ever accomplished?
  25. This is the kind of thing that I'm talking about when I say you people live in an alternate reality. Reagan was not perfect, nor a saint of any sort. But I know your Republican blinders block you from seeing this. It is debatable who is the better president. One thing is for sure is that Obama has passed far more major legislation in his two years than Reagan did in his first two. I don't have time to go into a comparison of the two, but it should not be a surprise to see Obama ranked higher. To call that ranking a "Scathing indictment of presidential scholars, Siena College and the education system as a whole" is just plain ignorant.
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