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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. http://www.proprofs.com/polls/upload/yuiup.../1068537879.jpg
  2. Michigan recently did a study about you.
  3. Ok then, it's very clear we are not talking about the same thing at all. I am talking about the act of dropping the charges, you people are talking about the act that the charges were brought up on. They are two different actions by different people. I had assumed the anger was over the dropped charges. My bad. We're not out of the loop. We just don't find this as outrageous as you. When you have a distorted view of reality (like Glenn Beck) you tend to find non-outrageous things to be outrageous.
  4. What is on video tape? Are we even talking about the same thing?
  5. ... well the accusations are not exactly anything except accusations.
  6. Oh no it's not about you, I just saw that bb and thought of your post. A billboard that preys upon the fearful and naive by saying that Obama preys upon the fearful and naive. (unless you paid for that bb?)
  7. Most hateful racists wouldn't. Ah, I see. This guy really seems sincere and that makes him credible. Well, post some links. I post links all the time when I have original sources. Why don't you actually contribute something for a change. Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_wwhXWqdUQ
  8. Related: http://i.imgur.com/WEIc8.png
  9. Thank you for your vast insight, you made so much sense that I will never eat banana pancakes again.
  10. I love this thread. It really puts the ignorance of your average PPP poster on display.
  11. True, he does. He is very very inaccurate when he cites history, and more often than not cites some sort of revised history that suites his purposes. But he does cite history, most history revisionists do.
  12. That is because you are a monkey, and monkeys laugh at anything. One of the events you speak of is factual, and the other is fictional. I don't hold out hope that you will ever know the difference between the two words.
  13. It is the trendy thing to do. Certainly a statement like that is the quick way to credibility among the many many drooling cavemen that grace this forum. Pat yourself on the back.
  14. You entirely missed the point of my post. I know you are half-retarded, so I'll throw you a bone. My comment had nothing to do with small-government or anarchism or Somolia. This ....lybob guy seems to be the only one who understood why I posted what I did. Apparently people (especially you) are that dumb because they accept the premise of this thread with no problems. You know as well as I do that Fingon is insinuating with this thread that Obama or Democrats are wrong for pushing unemployment, or medicare, healthcare, welfare, or other social programs through. He's using events from Zimbabwe/South Africa to attempt to make his point. I used a similarly stupid analogy to mock him with. It's called parody. To word it similar the way that you did... A "Social safety net in a wealthy country" is different from "taking money/assets from the skilled section of society, and giving it to the unskilled produces nothing". This is one of those "everybody's here is dumb" posts that you people make that proves that everyone on this forum is a goddamn moron.
  15. Well if hoping that you twits would not misunderstand everything I say at every turn makes me a truther, then guilty as charged. I've said this a million times, I only wish those people would get their chance in court to make their case.
  16. Small government works also. Just look at Somolia.
  17. The name of this forum needs to be changed from PPP to Conspiracy Theory Central
  18. Ok, I'll bite. What did I make up? I'm more than happy to correct information I'm incorrect on. I think DC Tom is nitpicking, but he is technically correct. But, I think my "mistake" is a far cry from the outright lie that the hockey stick graph has been debunked (which no one but crazy old conner seemed to question your lie).
  19. That is not a true statement. It has not been debunked by a peer reviewed and accepted article. ... but given your corporate agenda pushing news sources, I can see how they would lie to you. And given your stupidity, I can see how you would believe them.
  20. I love a good conspiracy theory. Tell us more.
  21. I don't think Al Gore made that graph, I'm sure someone much smarter than Al Gore first gathered that information. However, data is data. You cannot deny that. Late 20's, I joined in college. Thanks for your interest in my knowing-it-all-ness.
  22. So you want me to hang a quote of myself taken out of context on my wall? If we're going to do that... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FINALLY ADMITTED TO THE TRUTH!
  23. So now you are criticizing Obama for responding to criticism?
  24. This is such an incorrect statement that I want to like frame it and hang it on my wall or something.
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