The results of global warming are local temperature extremes. More rain, more drought, more snow, more storms, more heat, more cold. The term "global warming" refers to the average temperature of the whole planet. Local weather patterns will vary.
Ok. So according to your math, what was the jobless rate in 1930? How do your numbers compare when applied to other recessions or the depression? Your numbers are meaningless unless they are placed into the same context of history as the government unemployment figures are.
Ok, I have a new theory... this whole Russian spy thing is just one big trailer and viral marketing campaign intended to promote the move Salt. I mean have you seen the trailer, the timing is just too good to be true.
But you obviously do. And no they are not idiot politicians that you listen to, you listen to idiot talk radio show hosts. Idiot talk radio hosts that also did not bother to read the bill. But they felt the need to spend hours and hours of airtime talking about a bill that they never read.
"Obamacare" as you call it, has seen the light of day. It's now law, and more of the bill is kicking into effect every day. You call your buds, I'll call my doctor - neither of these things is in any way inhibited by the bill.
You know... I can't argue with this paragraph. It's probably true. I try, but stuff like that video mead107 posted just knocks the wind out of me. mead107 posted that video, and he takes that video serious. I do not know how to react to that. I jump from blood boiling anger to "this is just !@#$ing silly, so I'll act silly also".
Wow, DrFishfinder was right, a ridiculously fabricated post did arrive. Holy **** that video has so many lies in it that it makes Glenn Beck look like George Washington.
How in the hell do you view videos like that and take them serious? I mean it. What is your rationale for trusting that thing? That video is absolute fabrication and completely full of false and misleading information.
Doc, you said these words. And when you said them, I'm pretty sure you were serious. You obviously believed whatever idiot told you these things. So ya, you will believe anything anyone tells you.
You know, as I fabricated that paragraph, I tried to be as absolutely ridiculous as possible. "I'm sure they'll see my sarcasm, except Doc, he'll believe anything" I said to myself. My paragraph has as much truth to it as anything that Doc has said in this thread.
... but none of you call him out. Why is that?
Mandatory insurance my money would go directly to a private insurance company, then insurance companies pay for my medical care. With Universal HC my money goes to the Federal gov't, and the Federal Gov't pays for my medical care (and the health insurance industry ceases to exist).
No, in 2003 the Republicans in the House proposed a bill that had a line that said something close to "In the case that any citizen contracts cancer and earns less than $10,000 per year, that citizen is to be put to death". It was written by a few lobbyists from United Heath Insurance but never got out of committee hearings.
So as you can see, the Republicans do have a bit of an obsession with death panels.
Well it's not like the Republicans ever came up with a plan. They had at least 6 years under Bush to come up with something. They didn't even try.
Replace it with what? Mandatory death camps for sick poor people. If anyone under a certain wealth level gets sick at all they get sent to be killed? Republicans have no interest in anything that does not put more money in the pockets of the already wealthy.
"relatively benevolent socialism"
What the !@#$ does that mean? I disagree wholly with this implication that socialism is anything but benevolent. I think the creator of this poll needs to learn that socialism is an entirely different entity (with different causes and different implications) than a dictator or a totalitarian government. I read into your statement that you think tyrannical governments and socialism are somehow correlated. I challenge this line of thinking as an entirely false assertion.