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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. during the bills game? no way, not a chance.
  2. Sorry i dont look at stats. I watch the games and how the runners run. Did Willis gain more yards on that play than he should have? Yes Did Henry run right into the pile and not gain a yard, nor try to make a second push? Yes. Did I see both of these things happen multiple times? Yes I choo-choo-choose Willis McGahee
  3. were you happy or sad when we drafted williams. i doubt you were saying how bad of a player williams was on draft day. THIS JUST IN: Yes, hindsight is still 20/20
  4. if it was possible to wager a bet with you over this, i would. i'd bet you that putting in willis will solve a lot (granted not all) of our offensive problems.
  5. we deserve it anyways. we've been playing like the #32 team.
  6. i just realized what starting willis means.... ITS THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA FOR THE BILLS. LET THE WILLIS ERA BEGIN!!!!
  7. if he's worth anything in a trade that is. i wouldnt mind keeping him on as a backup, we will need one.
  8. who cares, i'd have given up also
  9. drew spent 3 minutes looking right at mcgahee before he threw it. the dude needed to disguise the play a little better. everybody on the field and their mother knew what he was doign with the ball.
  10. I'd vote for Travis Henry's bad running game.
  11. No chester taylor is good, he's also going to try twice as hard, he'll wants to make the most out of his time in the spotlight. and dont forget about head coach Travis Taylor, he's pretty good.
  12. i'm pro willis, but shut up with this trade henry crap. its not even worth argueing about.
  13. i'd go with willis. pretty sure he's gunna get the goal line carries. touchdowns are usually worth more than yards.
  14. i'm one of the biggest anti henry people out there. i'd sooo go along with it, becaues i know there is no way on earth henry has a big game.
  15. A:> format c:
  16. willis is the best because he won the topps game ball
  17. i'm not getting into a bledsoe debate. suffice to say i feel a lot of the problems he's had can be blamed on other things (example: a bad running game from henry)
  18. lol in the game they interview him and ask him about it. ray doesnt believe in curses.
  19. you want to put money on that. i bet henry doesnt get 50 yards.
  20. i've been on the willis band wagon since week two, when i realized henry cant do the job. we used a number 1 draft pick on the guy, he better be as good as we are all saying he is. i agree with that fully, (which is why i still support bledsoe even). henry however does not fall under the category of consistant.
  21. If I could, I'd flood the board with that. I hate how one team just always wins and everyone loves it. It's nice to seem them lose in such a devistating way. Maybe that dumb anouncer will shut up now. (i'm off to bed now, thats why the post is early)
  22. yes, i'm glad to have him back also. we missed our lawyer.
  23. clayton is the bucs new goto guy (starting last week) he should be good for 50 yrds/game and the occasional touchdown.
  24. There's no J or P in McGahee. Wow, you really misspelled his name there.
  25. where is the original thread?
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