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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. its matters its matter from the standpoint of Henry has 5 starts with 5 losses and Willis has 2 starts with 2 wins. This matters because it means we might just have a good team after all. Only time will tell though.
  2. Howard Simon beware.
  3. I think we're better than seattle. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks, won't we?
  4. Bills + McGahee = Winnars!!!!
  5. funny post, funny post. Berman made a comment about that on Prime Time.
  6. Uhm you mean an incomplete pass. Give him some credit, he did put that ball where Moulds was the only one who even had a chance to catch the ball.
  7. From a drew supporter: Drew is not good Drew is not bad I will cheer for Drew until JP is ready Drew still has a cannon for an arm, and can play Drew is not the wrost QB ever, he's worthy of being a starter
  8. doesnt matter who was in there today, the steelers werent going to let anything get past them
  9. sad thing is i'll probably still watch it
  10. Wow, the refs are trying their hardest to give the pats the win. This is rediculous. the Stillers won't let it happen though, they got this game under control no matter how much these refs cheat.
  11. willis has one goal line rushing attempt this season. cut the guy some slack.
  12. might i remind you that they played san fran with ken dorsey at qb, and then a pass happy rams teams. of course they are going to have good run defense and takeaway stats. stats do not accurately represent how good a team is.
  13. It gives me hope reading your post. Hope that someone will actually want to give us something for Henry when we go to trade him next year. I was afraid everyone would see Henry for the overated back that he is. If you still think he is good, there might just be some owner out there who feels the same way and wants to give us a first rounder for him. I say to you: thank you for that hope.
  14. who cares who you have at WR, you got holmes, barber and mcnabb. they will win it without the help of any wr's. how did the idiots in your league let you get such a good team?
  15. i'd still be in it but i forgot to make my picks two weeks ago, and well that was it for me.
  16. i'm nto sure but i think howard said it would be haddad
  17. you make a good bills fan
  18. i've seen a lot saying moore will lose his starting spot to ontario smith in a week or 2. be careful.
  19. naw put moulds up, he's been a solid player for years. despite his one dro on sunday, he's still a stud others worthy of the top are: fletcher spikes
  20. i hate to be the optimistic bills fans, but thats what i am.... with mcgahee starting now, i could really see our offense picking up. bledsoe might not be a bad starter after all. but i dont see how keep farve is a gamble. the guy will start and make big plays regardless of injury.
  21. Waaaay off topic, but.... yeah i went to China and i loved the squatty potty. i swear, things just flow better when you squat. i def plan to have one installed in my house one day. those things are just awesome. it doesnt suprise me that a lot of americans cant squat. i know it has to do with how overweight we are compared to other countries. fat people cant squat, and america is full of fat people (thanks mcdonalds, now we can't squat) eek i just noticed i made it to 1000 posts. i wonder what crap i wasted my 1000th post on. oh well, i dont care.
  22. i'd go with taylor, philly's run defense is week. the raven defense is jsut to much, i expext mcnabb to be scrambling a lot. edit: this was my 1000th post. big waste eh?
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