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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. as they say... Nobody, and I mean nobody Circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!!!
  2. Those are the same people who thought the Bills sucked whene they were 0-4. I Billieved then, I Billieve now.
  3. its weird because we'd have the tiebreaker over the jests, the jests over broncos and brocos over us. who goes to the playoffs?
  4. car jacks!!! i'm so pumped, i can jack up my car now!!
  5. dems da ropes, I had similar problems with droughns/bell. I just went with a WR and altogether stayed away from that backfield for the week.
  6. heh, well i guess the nfl should start auctioning off super bowl victories "Sold to the Buffalo Bills for a wife, a girlfriend, an ex-husband and a guy who quit smoking."
  7. not me, not until someone explains this whole cowbell thing to me
  8. I'm feeling very wierded out by all of this. Someone please do me the favor of explaining this cowbell thing from start to finish.
  9. I vote london, his consistant paly was more important to our defense than spikes big plays. (and i'll remind you the defense is the heart of this team)
  10. as Bledsoe always says, a QB gets too much credit when you win, and too much blame when you lose. ...well as the pats have won a lot, Brady has gotten waaay too much credit up to the point where he's compared with greats such as Manning, or Montana. I knew he'd get exposed one day though. Things will only get worse for him, as soon as the pats come back to earth and he's less than average - justice will be served.
  11. we dont appreciate that. we know you are just rooting for the bills for your own selfish gain. i hope it backfires though and you have to face the bills in the playoffs, then you will regret wanting us to beat pitt.
  12. yeah, yeah whatever. i don't want that guy within 100 miles of buffalo as any sort of coach
  13. its not a big game anymore. suddenly the bengals suck and the bills can't beat a team with a winning record. (prior to the game the bengals were amazing and a team to be feared) people have messed up logic.
  14. I don't think anyone would agrue that GW was an idiot.
  15. NOOOOOOOOOOO dont show that knee play again!!! I hate CBS
  16. and the Bills would love to play them again, so lets make it happen!
  17. awesome, hey i shoulda thought of that, those would make a great x-mas gift for my dad.
  18. yeah i got invites if you send me i pm i'll be glad to send you a invite.
  19. I'm sure peyton will want to pad his hold on the record as much as possible.
  20. Not really hindsight, I felt the same way before that game started, when they anounced RJ as the starter as I do now. If DF plays, it's a whole new game and that lateral just would not have existed.
  21. I voted for Lindell, really nothing worries me about this game, but Lindell sucks so he gets the vote. and for the guy who said... .....then why have we been punting from the 35yrd line if he is so good? he's has good stats because we don't give him the chance to miss the long field goals.
  22. Oh that would be sooooo funny if me and you started a RJ/DF arguement, in the year 2004 nonetheless (five years later). I'm up for it if you are... 1. He didnt win the game 2. DF had done everything the team asked of him and more, he deserved the chance to win that game.
  23. You've never played Madden have you? I gave both a fair chance, 2k5 just does not compare.
  24. If and only if... I'm still not over the if we had only let Flutie play against the Titans instead of putting RJ in there......
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