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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I rescinded this, as I had no data to back the claim. I provided irrefutable data to back that claim up.
  2. The dingo ate yo baby Since the definition of infidel is "one who rejects the central tenets of a given religion", ya I'd have to say that is me.
  3. Oh goodness. I see where OC finds the supplies to build his layers of ****. I can't even get past the first sentence without hitting a plethora of incorrect information. But for you LA, I'll try to chip at just one of these layers. Just one. Liberalism is not under siege Liberalism (not being) under siege is not ugly The assumption that Liberalism is under siege is such a ridiculously simplistic view of politics that I don't even know where to start (but lets try) The world and government is not "liberals" vs "conservatives", political views are a vast rainbow of stances and positions Many people have hated liberal views for as long as history can remember, it is not any more or less so now (but the discussion is a topic of it's own) Just as many people hate Krauthammers views Most (what you people call) "liberals" barely consider Obama a liberal, the guy is a moderate Historically the political party that any elected President belongs to *always* loses congressional seats in the midterms (history repeating itself it not "a siege") And that is just the first sentence (or layer of ****) out of a complete story that is just more and more complete **** piled on top of more ****.
  4. The subject is "Falsely attributing beliefs to Religions and religious people, who don't actually believe what 3rdnlng thinks (or wants to think) they believe" A secondary subject might be "Why does 3rdnlng insist on falsely attributing beliefs to Islam?" I used Christianity as an example to show that beliefs can be falsely attributed to any religion.
  5. Problem is you are the one who clearly misunderstands what is happening here. But since you have a New Testament fetish, let me play that game for you.. Romans 1:24-32 Man is that the New Testement telling Christians to put gays and the sexually impure to death??? Christians must really only be interested in killing all gays, their Holy Book clearly tells them to do such things.
  6. Are you telling Muslims what their own Holy Book says? Is the Old Testament not part of the Bible or something? Why do you disregard it's verses? Islam *is* friendly towards other religions, I said that already.
  7. I'm not saying Christians are bad people or actively commit genocide or Rape. But I am saying these things are in their Holy Book. And in the same way, I don't assume Muslims kill infidels because you can quote some verse in their Holy Book that has such an event. Do you understand now?
  8. Yes, did you? Those three are just a drop in the bucket of objectionable verses in the Bible. Deuteronomy 7:1-2 Deuteronomy 20:16 1 Samuel 15:2-3 Joshua 6:20-21 Jeremiah 50:21-22
  9. Ya I have to rescind that one. I thought I remembered that he was one of the original donors back when the Tea Party was still run by Ron Paul supporters (before FoxNews got it's corporate paws on the movement). But I was not able to find any data to support that claim. So .. nevermind.
  10. Christianity would appear to call for a lot of rape and slavery and genocide. Would you agree?
  11. Lol. I'm not going to defend the Koran as a whole. I'm sure there are plenty messed up verses in there. There are also plenty of messed up verses in the Bible. Things such as selling your daughter into slavery, or rape captives in war, there are chapters on genocide. I don't accuse Christians of doing these things.
  12. It was not a random quote. The quote came directly from the reference that the website you linked to references. http://shup.com/Shup/407312/110726101022-The-text-of-the-Koran-is-undeniable.-How-can-you-be-Muslim-and-still-support-our-Constitution-Mozilla-Firefox.png
  13. Wat the !@#$s? The actual text of the Koran What this website you linked to has said the Koran says... I mean the Koran is a stupid book, but at least be honest in your criticism of it.
  14. Yes. And by in general, I mean 99% of Muslims are generally happy to co-exist with other religions. But just like the KKK does not represent all of Christianity, Al Qaeda does not represent all of Islam.
  15. For the same reason that China and Pakistan don't get along, or that Norway and Pakistan don't get along, or that Russia and Pakistan don't get along. Oh wait, they all get along just fine. Come on, if you are going to cite unrelated ages old conflicts, then maybe you could cite the Catholics and Protestants in your "arguments"? Hey, you've finally stated a fact. Nice job.
  16. They should have prayed to Jesus to find out if he approves.
  17. I'm quite happy with my shtick as it is, thank you very much.
  18. So says Rupert Murdoch's lackey
  19. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/features/view/feature/Mosque-Allergies-1895
  20. Yes, I know. You hate freedom of religion also.
  21. http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/florida-mosque-bombed-fbi-calls-help-nation .... what are the chances that bomber was a Christian? Pretty good, I'd say.
  22. I own two handguns. Owning a gun is a constitutional right.
  23. @rtconner Hey I can twitter all my topics now
  24. Also I think Michigan is going to bomb Lithuania within 36 hours. Mark my words!
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