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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. It a matter of respect for a guy who has made sacrifices for the organization. Mould is a franchise player, a hard worker, and represents our team and why we are prideful of the bills. You cut moulds, you turn your back on the very thing that so many of us love about the Bills.
  2. ok someone post a bio
  3. moulds being cut=me never being a bills fan again
  4. maybe we'll find out how unimportant having a good ol is, when you have a good qb that is.
  5. yeah that poor guy has to face our defense twice a year. he doesnt know whats coming!!!
  6. this is looking good for the bills and trading henry so far.
  7. I don't think this poll is the end all, be all. I'm still calling him Big Cat, the rest of you will just have to take your time to warm up to it.
  8. the difference between here and there: There - everyone just believes the post Here - everyone asks for proof so give me some reliable proof, otherwise I won't even think of believing it.
  9. cmon, he needed a nick name - it came up and seemed as good as any nickname anybody could come up with, so we went with it. it was there so we embraced it, now we just need the media to do the same.
  10. You are giving away your age there old buddy. But I think Big Cat won't mind letting Big Cat use his nickname.
  11. Who's bringing the "Big Cat" sign to the home opener so that the (National) Media can catch on.
  12. Is that what you see? I saw this... Season 1. Dropped a lot of balls Season 2. Coach gave him a second chance, and he still dropped a lot of balls Season 3. Coach gave him a third chance, with less playing time, and he dropped less balls
  13. lol, if we did that we'd actaully get a straight up trade of a higher pick for next years 32nd pick overall
  14. nascar isn't a sport
  15. Computer programming. Take lots of breaks from my code to come read about the Bills.
  16. He's rated an 89 in madden, I usually get him on my team and he does a solid job for me. So with that said, I say pick him up. for those of you to stupid to know this (and I know you're out there) - that was a joke
  17. so, eagles fan... how do you feel about our input
  18. Pluses: He has good stats that make him very marketable He can bench press a lot of weight Minuses: He sucks He's stupid .the end.
  19. If our defense plays as good as it did the past two years, Vick is just dead if he ever scrambles. Our defense is built to kill scrambling QB's. I knew Jeff Garcia would die when the put him in (he lasted all of one play)
  20. I'd love to have Walker here. He seems to be a good guy and would make a strong Right Tackle (since we'll move MW to left) Shelton, uhm... he'd make an ok backup.
  21. Worst ever: trading a 1st, 2nd, 5th for JP Losman * /me ducks and runs It was a joke guys.
  22. Why is Buffalo, NEW YORK so proud of its TEXAS red hots?? Weird
  23. i'll give you a hint, its not this guy
  24. i'm a flutopian, because doug's big chance to get to the SB was just taken from him without reason or rhyme. bledsoe had every chance to go the distance. he proved he will always falter in the big game, and thus i won't still be defending him 5 years from now. however.... i wish people would show drew a little more respect than they do. he did a TON to help this team out. no he didnt do a lot on the field, off the field though he did way more for the Bills than we all give him credit for.
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