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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. yeah during work hours you can go to city hall and go out on this roof kind of things and get a nice view of the city. its only open like 9-5 or something, buts its fun to do.
  2. Moulds offered, Pat Williams offered, Bledsoe offered. We just never took them up on those offers. Players do respect our organization.
  3. <sigh> Oh WNSA how I miss you
  4. Let me re-word that for you: Please don't state opinion as if it were fact.
  5. He's also the one with the defense that can singlehandedly win games without his help. I'm glad though, at least the pats are starting to waste their money, less cap room for them to sign real talent.
  6. With this thread and the son of satan thread floating around, one might be lead to believe TBD is becoming a very religious place.
  7. I had just assumed all of the games would sell out. I didnt consider otherwise, now that I know, maybe I will.
  8. here.. #1 Peyton Manning #2 everybody else thats a fairly comprehensive list
  9. And I've heard many rumors that TD tried to draft nugent, but was unable to move up in the draft. So he knows its a concern.
  10. The average length of NFL players careers is 3 years. actually less, its 2. something, I forget.
  11. that was a question i never thought i'd hear asked, UB and ghetto in the same sentance... lol.
  12. ... uhm... tdb has hit a new low with this thread.
  13. he might serve as a prime example for the maurice clarettes of the future. "Jason White stayed another year, and now he's washing dishes"
  14. I was not a allowed to do a lot of things. Watching the Smurfs was one of them. If you care I'll tell you more, but my parents were strict on the TV watching, and I turned out fine (I think) anyways, I plan on not having a TV at all when I have kids (or just dvd's) TV is just way too filled with bj00bies and sexual reference for me to want to expose a 7 yr old to that.
  15. W Sep 11 Houston W Sep 18 @Tampa Bay W Sep 25 Atlanta W Oct 2 @New Orleans W Oct 9 Miami W Oct 16 N.Y. Jets W Oct 23 @Oakland W Oct 30 @New England Week 9 BYE L Nov 13 Kansas City L Nov 20 @San Diego L Nov 27 Carolina W Dec 4 @Miami W Dec 11 New England W Dec 17 Denver W Dec 24 @Cincinnati W Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets the pats record: 6-10
  16. How about you give me one mistake the guy has made. He's dont everything asked of him. Unforunately we havent't asked much of him. If we throw the ball his way, he'll do good things with it.
  17. what?? no "(OT) Computer help" title?
  18. The Prayer Chain - Mercury I had to give my answer, no matter how obscure (anyone who's actually heard of the band or the album, you can be my new best friend if you want)
  19. Bill from NYC, nice thread you have going. I won't add to the flames, but offer a courteous Hello, and hope you have a good day
  20. Bolden gets meh vote.
  21. yeah, #11, kind of ironic with the history this team has had with that jersey number.
  22. and to think some of consider ourselves knowledgeable football fans Show what we know.
  23. Rogers will be fine, they put a metal plate over his colarbone, that thing is not going anywhere this year. I wouldnt assume any injury for him, but the Lions are, so that why they picked up Mike W
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