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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. it would be usefull if we had some sort of rating system to rate people who sell things on the trading post, or at least some kept up list of trustworthy sellers.
  2. Uhm... yeah TH has refused to attend anything, wont ever be in buffalo again unless its on a visiting team. So outside of the whole holdout thing, yeah you might be right....
  3. peyton #7, lol.... that guys wins 3-4 games a year just by himself, i only hope he drops that far.
  4. I dont agree with FFS, but I'm too lazy to look up an example, and can't think of anything off the top of my head.
  5. Tell that to the Lions, Chiefs, 49ers, Cardinals, Vikings, Rams and Browns
  6. Wow, just how old is Miroslav anyways, especially if he's got kids the age of TD?
  7. ok here's mine Bills 12-4 Jets 9-7 Pats 7-9 Felons 5-11 bold? yes, yes it is.
  8. ok, well we better at least give it honorable mention.
  9. uhmm... Lost in Translation?
  10. uhm... ? whats the big deal? i remember the same thing happening to my classmates back in school. no one cared then. is taping a stupid kids mouth shout worse just becuse now its the year 2005 and we are more educated as a society or something? you people who are angry at this teacher are probably really bad parents. kids need discipline.
  11. ??? wow, all these tv show threads. I didnt even realize people watched tv anymore.
  12. but..... If our offense improves, that means they will spend more time on the field (I hope) and the defense will spend less time on the field, which would mean fewer yards. Also, longer the drive means fewer successful drives, less points against, and a better defense rating. Most of all less points will mean more wins.
  13. Stats can be manipulated. Of those 58% how many were on first down? After the opposing offense lost yardage on first or second down, how often was someone faster brought in to rush the QB? My feeling is that this year D will suffer without Fat Pat. Though I also feel Edwards is a capable replacement.
  14. but how many times did the bears punt from inside the 40?, the bills sure did it enough last year.
  15. i'd take edinger in buffalo, the guy is solid enough
  16. uhm.. this is easy... Fuddruckers
  17. lol, I don't think size matters with kickers. In fact (from soccer) some of the people with the strongest legs I've seen have been really short.
  18. google cache, gotta love it
  19. so did anyone make a mirror of it?
  20. lol, instant classic right there
  21. So here's my story, I was to youngg (or uninterested in football?) to have watched that superbowl. For the last 5-7 years though I hear all of the hate on norwood, so I too hated him. From what I heard it felt like he missed a 30 yarder or something simple, so naturally I thought he missed an easy one, at most 36 yards. Then one day I found out the truth 47 yards (I knew that, I second guessed myself based on an earlier post) What??? 47 yards, he's not superman. Then I read up on all of the great play over the years by norwood, and how in general he was just a great kicker. I no longer hated him, in fact I will now go out of my way to defend the guy when given the chance.
  22. I'll do my top 5: #1 It was a 48 yarder #2 Norwood is human #3 it was still a 48 yarder #4 the field goal attempt was from 48 yards out #5 48 yards is a long ways
  23. Trade TH for him!!!
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