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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I could be reasonable an accept portions of this as true. However I do wonder what the point of being reasonable with a nutcase like you is. Would you ever agree to a statement such as this...
  2. Huffpo post lots of pictures of hot babes and cleavage. Is this site going to show fat guys with butt cracks?
  3. I bet he was no true Scotsman either. I can never get past even the first sentence in anything you post without hitting piles of bull ****. -Bush lowered taxes (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001) -Bush cut the capital gains tax (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003) -Bush strongly favored and pushed financial deregulation -Bush gave us all an $800 Tax rebate (can you get more supply side than this?) What more could the guy do to support Supply-Side Economic policies than he already did?
  4. If nothing else, I'm glad Obama is president simply due to the fact that it pisses you off a lot.
  5. I think the same thing of you and writers like Matt Taibbi and Eugene Robinson. You crack me up with joke statements like this. This is the pot calling the white picket fence black.
  6. Was GW Bush the supply-side guy? Did his policies succeed? Edit: For the record, I disagree that Obama has followed Keynesian economics with any good degree of loyalty. If he did the stimulus should have been twice as large, as many economists recommended.
  7. None taken, the guy is unimpressive in every sense. His texts read like the writing of a troll.
  8. Charles Krauthammer is crayonzesque
  9. http://www.theonion.com/articles/man-already-knows-everything-he-needs-to-know-abou,17990/ OC was the first thing that came to mind.
  10. .. well since 76% of the population is Christian, there does seem to be an explanation.
  11. There you go, being dumb again. There is a difference between the two, and I know you are smart enough to see it.
  12. While I know you say such things out of a purely partisan motivation, and not a desire to better this country... it is worth considering how much blame Obama should receive for such things. Also worth considering is if a Republican presidency would have changes anything in this. Overall though, this is a court ruling, and likely out of the hands and reach of any president.
  13. I was wondering if anyone else on these forums paid attention to this kind of thing. I think this is one of the most outrageous and aggravating turn of events. My personal theory is that when citizen privacy goes out the window, the totalitarian in your government starts to creep in.
  14. That is just the first in a long long list of outrageous assumptions made by this article.
  15. That high cloud you are on is imaginary (possibly substance induced). That you think highly of yourself is obvious. That you frequently and consistently are wrong on various subjects is also obvious.
  16. Whats to argue though? I feel like I'm talking to a wall, and the wall just keeps yelling back "Don't change the topic". At some point you have to stop.
  17. Most confusing post ever. I'm done, this conversation has gotten too weird, even for me. You have problems.
  18. Is that a your cop out? You get cornered, so you yell "Don't change the discussion!!!" That depends, did you learn anything from reading the Bible? Perhaps you learned how to kill gays?
  19. Rkfasts quote: "out of respect for history and the struggle which made it happen, it might be a the right thing to reconsider the timing and location of event coming up." I don't get your desire to be intentionally stupid. It's a really strange phenomenon.
  20. Glenn Beck trying to hijack MLK is aggravating. That does not mean he can't hold his event.
  21. Uh ya, you do not see what is going on. http://www.muslim.org/islam/tolerance.htm http://www.imamreza.net/eng/imamreza.php?id=3282 http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/208/ You say "that rape and genocide stuff is Old Testament, I can disregard it". Muslims say "There are many other examples during the lifetime of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, in addition to the Saheefah that practically portray the tolerance Islam shows for other religions."
  22. .. well as aggravating as racist Glenn Beck trying to hijack MLK's speech is, let me offer my open condemnation of anyone who said such remarks.
  23. Who said that? Link? I mean I have heard people say that, but it was a pure joke meant to mock the right. A Jon Stewart type comment, if you will.
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