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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. ???? Lawyer is half of the reason our defense is so good. The games he missed last year, our defense just barely held on. He is SOLID, and well worth the 5 mill or whatever we're paying him.
  2. I was born in the Love Canal. j/k anyways, clean.. Buffalo... hahahaha
  3. Fantasy football drafting is just sooo fun. Gott do it now, I sure do miss it. Besides now you can pick up all the good young players before they make a name forthemselves in camp/preaseason. Plus its free.
  4. Maybe the ravens defense will lose their chemistry because of this and finally become a weak unit. Thats one less team we'll have to fight to get into the playoffs.
  5. Bolden has always been smart like that. I think he wanted to try to get more money, but he wasn't going to do it at the expense of being with his teamates, and missing practice time. I respect that guy a lot. Wish we could have him up here in buffalo.
  6. No, the funniest thing was Hines Ward following that up with the eagle dance in the endzone
  7. based on the current teams and needs, Bruuuuuuuce. It'd just be fun to have him back, and any of our DE's are replaceable if we find a stud. Norwood. He was a great kicker and we need one of them. I'd say Kelly, but I soooo want to seee what JP can do that I don't want to replace him just yet. If we still had Drew, then Jim would surely be on everyone's list.
  8. bah humbug, it should be 1, 1, and 1
  9. Uhm, you must not know much about buffalo. Baby joe was huge around here, everybody had/has an opinion on the guy and his career.
  10. Not sure, but you noticed how NYC has a lot of sports teams that end in 'ets' The Mets, The Jets, The Nets... what in the world??
  11. annoying is a better word for it
  12. i hate these lists. not even worth reading, yet we are still drawn to them.
  13. good ol' Ricky J. He's problably somewhere at a bar right now... "This sport ticker update is sponsored by Paddock Chevrolet, its huge. Weather today, high in the mid 80's, sunshine throughout the afternoon into the evening. While expected, the Vikings are upset over the anouncement of Ontario Smith being suspended for the season. In basketball the Pistons are moving on to the finals for a second straight year in order to defend their title......" sigh... sob, takes another sip of his beer, and says in an ever so sad tone "more updates after the break"
  14. I figuere if I say it enough, maybe someone will will get annoyed into hearing what I say. I stand be what I said, no matter how much you won't even consider that I'm anywhere near right.
  15. hey awesome some one besides me noticed that. his show does suck now. i just cant listen to him at all anymore.
  16. I just want less grabbing, clutching, riding into the boards. enforce the rules so that defenders have to go for the big hit and either take the player with the puck out, or get burned and we can see a sweet goal. its just boring when the two of them just drift into the boards.
  17. Brady isnt in the top 10%. He's not even good. The mans defense and coach win a few measly playoff games for him and all you people start thinking he knows how to play.
  18. Why are the teams with no superstars so dominant in pro sports now adays. Devils, Pats, Pistons.. all of these are teams that have just dominated their sport in recent years and none have any uber super stars of note.
  19. Oh, dont worry, I voted its just to much to keep clicking the show me the results button. I'll let you speculate on who I voted for and scewed your results.
  20. Wheres the I didnt get a jersey option? You know .. so i can see the results.
  21. Look out... its nate Clements!!!! The whole gallery
  22. I liked the smaller charging buffalo of the early 90's. this super-sized charging buffalo they have on the helmets now is just too much.
  23. 15? I just looked it up, that show went off the air in 1971. I could be 35 and have never watched that show. There are too many old timers around here and they are losing track of time. Ok kidding about that old timers joke, I apreciate you guys.... sometimes
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