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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. is it still the 82 game schedule? idiots. I thought they were going to fix hockey... should be about 64 games in the season.
  2. You serious!!!!!???? I would not undo the DB trade, I'm happy for that trade. I cannot believe you would be so closed minded. DB's 2002 season built this team. Without that year... 1. Peerless Price does not have a monster year 2. Spikes does not get super excited about the great offense in Buffalo and come here to help our ailing defense 3. Milloy, same as above, plus he was happy to be back on a team with his old teammate DB 4. Attendance would be lower, attendance was way up with Bledsoe here (and all of the hype that came with him in his first 1.5 years), he alone helped the Bills finances immensely. Not to mention marketing, advertising, and just the presence of a household name on the team. Just because you know who JP Losman is, doesn't mean all of the residents of WNY do. No I'm glad he came to Buffalo, just as well, I'm glad he's gone also.
  3. Yeah, definately you should do what the best man does, and say what the best man should say... tell him he's an idiot and to move the wedding location to somewhere sane. Don't go if they won't move it.
  4. And why does everyone think the weather in Buffalo sucks so much? There was an article in this weeks art voice pointing our how much our weather does not suck compared to the rest of the country. No hurricanes/floods/drought/mud slides/earquakes/etc... Snow is easy to deal with compared to all of those things, and the heat rarely goes above 85.
  5. But didn't you know, his girlfriend is football.
  6. Aww, its like a sad movie... "Hey Willis eat this brick" "If you say so JP" "Hey JP, this brick is making my throat bleed" "I know Willis, I know"
  7. I thought you were going to finish it off like this... 3. What is the most underrated rock album of all time? Mine, by me 4. Fill in the blank: The most meaningless thing in the world to a woman is a credit card. I am 5. Fill in the blanks: It is a matter of time until (TBD MEMBER NAME) will become a (BLANK) fan. You .... me
  8. having more people be admit to being gay doesn't make it right or acceptable. maybe our culture might get over it, but there are many people who won't.
  9. No one here will argue with that!
  10. he'd be a 55 if TBD got to set his ratings.
  11. 1. One of the humans 2. Nothing 3. Underrated is in the eye of the beholder 4. A bacon band-Aid (but followed closely by logic and intelligence) 5. Stojan ...... Racing (or /dev/null ...... Kirk)
  12. Respect. (or lack of it)
  13. i'm comishing a league on myfantasyleague.com this year. so far its great, a little too much control almost. but i'll let you know how that one goes also.
  14. Was it anything like that avatar of yours?
  15. I don't know why I care about this, I decided sometime within the last 6 months that the NHL sucked. But for some reason I still do care.
  16. Do you really want to find yourself rooting against the bills at the end of the season so that you can win some money?
  17. Read my link, it's better, as I see you have not read it yet. But if you have arguements, don't argue with me. I still claim to be ignorant, but ignorant with an opinion.
  18. This is the most convincing site yet on the whole hoax thing. I really believe at least some of it was faked. http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicapollo.html
  19. i'm getting bored of these predictions threads. anyways.... Bills 14-2 Jets 8-8 Pats 7-9 Fishies 5-11
  20. id do it if it was me Crap tried to use all 2 letter words.. i failed. But i would soo pull that trigger.
  21. plus they are missing bruschi the cheater, and ty law, and is seymor still holding out? anyways i should just put it into my sig, pats = 7-9 this year
  22. I would have worded it like this.. so does dilfer, warner, trent green, and brady(yes brady) or this... so does brady, dilfer, trent green, and warner(yes warner) but not the way you did it. ps favre's and delhome's are huge also (no suprise)
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