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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. His privacy and spying problems, and his lack of support for gay marriage do not exactly constitute "a complete disaster".
  2. The puts the entirety of PPP out of the running.
  3. Not that I believe for a minute that you would ever change your mind on this. But sure, we'll do this whole shebang one more time for the gipper. Lay-mans terminology: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2004/12/how-do-we-know-that-recent-cosub2sub-increases-are-due-to-human-activities-updated/ http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_spm.pdf Technical.. http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_ipcc_fourth_assessment_report_synthesis_report.htm In my opinion, a society that does not trust and look to it's most intelligent members is !@#$ed. Just read this: http://www.openletterfromscientists.com/ Tell me Rob's House, and the rest of you insane folks, why do you not listen to and respect the words of the most intelligent members of our society?
  4. Technically it's just everyone else on PPP. There are large sections of the populous elsewhere who agree with me. But I intentionally subject myself to you crazies in order to attempt to understand what you !@#$ers are thinking when you say/do the crazy things that you do. And I still don't understand how you insane people can believe global warming is a hoax. Not in the least.
  5. Stop it with your false intellectualism In simpleton terms: a majority agree
  6. I think that is my point. We all get our information from 2nd degree sources. I for one place a good degree of trust in the scientific consensus. Since we all have to rely on someone, why not rely on the guys who have to defend their position with the strongest factual data (as opposed to the most money or loudest voice)/
  7. The same thing can be said about the Theory of Gravity.
  8. Everybody get's their information from somewhere. I'll assume you went to Greenland and measured ice core temperature and C02 levels yourself.
  9. Ya sure. The theory still exists (although in a modified form) http://www.grida.no/publications/other/ipcc_tar/?src=/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/357.htm Given the C02/temperate correlations many think the likely end result of global warming is an ice age.
  10. You are brainwashed.
  11. Funny, because that is exactly what I think of you. DC Tom thinks the scientific process is doing what DC Tom says. He's not an expert, or even knowledgeable in the field of climatology, yet the guy insists he knows more than the many well respected and peer reviewed articles that are out there. 3rdnlng, I know you are brainwashed on this issue, but I'll give it a shot anyways. The core science of global warming is well documented, it's been peer reviewed and subjected to maximize scrutiny and survived. The core concepts behind global warming are based on science that is over 80 years old (well before Fox News or Al Gore existed). Sure the IPCC has likely made some fringe predictions that may or may not be true. It does not matter, the core science that the average temperature of the Earth is on the rise to unprecedented levels is as close to indisputable as you can get. We are headed unto unknown areas temperature wise. Predicting the future regarding this is like predicting an earthquake, you can try, but you are not likely to get it right. Global warming is happening and will continue to happen. All of the science-hating in the world is not going to stop it. And !@#$ Al Gore, the guy is a tard.
  12. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2010/05/when-science-clashes-with-belief-make-science-impotent.ars
  13. Well since 47% of Americans think Obama passed TARP, he's on par with the average American.
  14. It's a very serious thing that serious people seriously use all the time in a very serious manner. Seriously.
  15. 47% of Republicans think the woman is qualified to be President. That is a staggeringly high number, and proves that 47% of Republicans have learned nothing from Bush. http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2010/10/60-minutes-poll-201010?currentPage=all And AD, !@#$ off, Obama kicks ass.
  16. Nanker I demand you make a thread/poll complaining about this tweet: http://twitter.com/louisck/status/22750091784
  17. The ripples from the tidal wave that was George W. Bush are still out there. And it seems to me the right of this country has not learned it's lesson regarding electing morons to office (as evidenced by Sarah Palins popularity).
  18. I agree that anyone who hates Bill Nye is stupid.
  19. The strawman who is telling lies in an unrelated topic agrees!
  20. Well then, I expect to see a thread for each Colbert/Stewart joke regarding Fox News also. I'm pretty sure Stewart calls Fox News a terrorist command center a few weeks back. Go grab your angry mob and lynch him for it. But yeah I built a SATANIC DEATH CULT CENTER last week. It looks just like a really authentic SATANIC DEATH CULT CENTER, the same as they used to build back in the 50's.
  21. It's true, Republicans really do not have a sense of humour.
  22. We were on global warming all winter also. (or do I need to bump those threads?) If you science-haters would stop being stupid we could be done with this as an "issue". (and start working on an actual solution)
  23. Lol. I imagine this guy to look like this: http://i.imgur.com/x4lwx.png
  24. Well to me the question to look at is was it worth it? 4,400 Americans dead, over 10,000 Americans wounded, and $700,000,000,000 spent. What did we gain, and was it worth the cost?
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