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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. ooooh I want to do an "I told you so" I told you so, I told you so dangit were those the only two time I said that? i remember being all angry about losing phatty and yelling and posting how our defense was not going to be as good. i'm a little dissapointed in my self. gotta learn to repeat myself a little more.
  2. Free the Badger!! .. yeah typing random things = fun
  3. dang make me the OC, I know you want to.
  4. that reminds me of the fidler on the roof. dang i want to hang out on a rooftop and shoutor fiddle or something.
  5. whats with all of the capitol letters?
  6. Hey!!! I don't eat cheato's. Really that looks like the boringest sport ever to watch. I can't believe they got 500 people to show up for that thing.
  7. Just think, soon that will be us. One day we'll all wake up and the will be news items on Ralph. It will come out of nowhere.
  8. Now there is a person deserving of their own thread. LAHP.
  9. dood I have jsut one question for you... How happy were you when he drafted Mike Williams?
  10. Give me one reason why anyone on the Bills should care if they scored. A loss is a loss, and with a minute left it was a loss. I wouldn't want to throw my body in there and risk injury. No freekin way.
  11. for those of you who don't feel like reading it all: 9-7 gets us to the playoffs this year.
  12. The real reason why they ran it up: Norv Turner knows his job might be in jeopardy if his team continues to stink. He knows a 38-17 win looks better on paper than a 31-17 win. When his review comes up he can point and say "Look we crushed the Bills". I'm pretty sure he has kicked a field goal once this year in the last minute when his team was losing by like 14 points. He'd rather take the safe way and make it look good on paper than go for the gusto and fail miserably. I'm glad MM has said he would have knelt down. It lets me know he has character as a coach.
  13. but.. but but .. the Bills.. I like the Bills.
  14. I predict we will all die of ulcers and TD will make money off of it.
  15. Oh snap. I don't have morals like that, but man it takes me 3 years to find any song in good condition. I'll pay $1 for an album.. awesome!
  16. What kind of advice can I get if I send you a $20?
  17. I've lost all optimism. I just hope the Bills make it to the game ok, you know without missing the flight or going to the wrong terminal.
  18. That is very odd. The two people we hated the most in the offseason are seemingly our two best players right now. I'm so confused... so very confused.
  19. Yo I wanna be the GM, I'd make sweet draft picks.
  20. He is? ... oh you were being sarcasic.. ahh.
  21. Our whole defense was tackling bad yesterday. It wasn't the same defense we have been used to seeing the past few years. Lawyer is not tackling well London is not tackling well No Spikes on the field. Those things I think add up to good yardage for other teams. Does London's contract expire. I've been his biggest supporter the last 3 years, but now I'm not sure if I would argue if we didn't re-sign him.
  22. I think the pivitol moment was that huge pass from Collins to gabrial or moss or whoever off that fumble recovery, that was when the raiders realized they still had a team and could play football, and could move the ball on us. If we knock that down, they have a fully different mental state.
  23. I wouldn't exaclty call that love... but it isn't hate either.. so I guess I'll take it.
  24. I want to download it. Say file not availbable. Can anyone hook me up?
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