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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. simply disgusting.
  2. some of my favorite moments from tonight: - When Roscoe did that play where he reversed fields, one of the anoucers said something to the effect of "He did that to run away from Bruschi" - The camera only on Bruschi in the middle of a Bills offensive play - Talking about Brushci while that pats offense is on the field - Showing Brushi's wife instead of the replay's to an important turnover - After the first half of worshipping the guy that start the second half with "Hero" deisgnated for Bruchi I guess we all knew he would get a lot of talk, but man who would have thought it would be as bad as it was. It was at most comical. Does anyone else know if fans from other parts of the country care about this?
  3. Just want to say, I agree a lot with the original poster. I don't care how "exctiting" Mcgee is, he can't win a game all by himself.
  4. Well I'm sure they won't want Bruschi on the field if we line up 5 wide.
  5. Anyways, thanks Burglar. Its always good to give attention to things that benefit charity.
  6. I'm not the one who brought Emmit, and Irvin into the argument At least you have a realistc view of the guy. Though I'd argue that he doesn't make big plays when he needs to. He makes small plays, which are just enough to get into field goal range so Vinatieri can kick a game winning field goal. When has he ever made a game winning big play all by himself? Heck yeah, I'm sicking of watching BILLS fans stick their noses inside of Marsha's butthole. The guy is good, not "the greatest ever", not "the return of the messiah", not "the ultimate quarterback", he's (as many have said before) not even the best QB playing right now. He's just a good qb. I normally wouldn't care one way or the other but this repeated worship of him on this board, in the media and all over the place is just sickening. And as far as that "intelligent, studious, passionate, selfless players" crap, I'll mantain that his success was the product of the system. I'm glad you overrate him so much. I have no doubt that the next few years will prove me right.
  7. Yeah I know, its really sad.
  8. in other words, buy your mp3's now before the site goes down.
  9. 2. unless we lower our requirements or something.
  10. oh c'mon you can't see the humor in that?
  11. Steve Tasker is on the list, so is Darryl Talley, Cornelius Bennett, Fred Smerlas, Kent Hull
  12. Full list of niminees, http://www.ohio.com/mld/beaconjournal/news...te/13023133.htm ^ edit: so stupid if you click from google news it doesnt make you register. more edit: try this url instead http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcs.dl...mplate=dateline
  13. hehehe.... three cheers for lawsuits.
  14. He those things were good. Nothing like a nice bowl of Flutie flakes with some milk. yummm
  15. Good call. Maybe even I can tune in on the radio to Murph, I'm sure he doesn't like to give Brady BJ's.
  16. and Seymour, and Harrison, and Buschi, and McGinest... ..and of course, seeing as how he sold his soul, Brady had satan himself on his side, so that probably helped also.
  17. It's not hard to argue with, actually it's rather easy. The problem it's just annoying to argue with.
  18. Sweet lets start *another* debate about Brady. Aikman did the exact same thing that Brady did. I do not see anybody calling him the "Ultimate Quarterback" or "the greatest ever" or whatever ball sucking people around here do to Brady. Give me one reason why you worship Brady and not Aikman?
  19. I can't help but laugh. 20 yards + a field goal = ULTIMATE QUARTERBACK
  20. I know its terrible to say, but I actually hope Holcomb gets injured... Eli Manning = Warner Injury Big Ben = Maddox injury Brady = Bledsoe injury JP Losman = Holcomb injury??? I hope so anyways. Plus it would make it easy on MM not having to make any decisions.
  21. As I was reading Lori's matchup, I kept accidently replacing "Brady" with "Marsha". It was to the point where for a few moments I thought Lori had actually typeed Marsha instead of Brady. Hehehe Tom Brady is a girl from a 70's TV show!
  22. Hey if Brady is as good as everyone says he is this game should end up with about a 49-3 score. We don't stand a chance, what with Brady being the Best QB ever and all.
  23. TD let Pat Williams leave the team.
  24. heh... i wonder if the coaches would ever do that?
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