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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. i'll give you that, he is the only one with a brain.
  2. hehe, I guess we don't take well to media types around here. they are always pissing us off. I'll admit though brad, at the moment, is the best of the bunch.
  3. here let me correct your typo...
  4. Wait why no show? Were you on this morning already?
  5. Whether you are Brad Riter or not, I think its funny I read your post with the Brad Riter voice inside my head. Now onto real topics, how can we get Mike Schopp and the Bulldog taken off the air? We've really been mulling the whole "Bruschi thing" all day. Frankly I'm sick of it by now.
  6. so you got a link to the orinal post? I want to see who "hammered" you.
  7. Holcombs best chance was to run the ball himself. (if anyone else was watching the game)
  8. I dunno but I wouldnt be opposed to using a #3 or 4 draft pick next year on one.
  9. Bruschi > Brasky ... but there is an eerie similarity in their names.
  10. I'm not much of an art apreciator, but those are some nice photos. You should be proud.
  11. Try to imagine a game where the Bills dominate time of possesion with long slow drives. But they can't actually score any points. Then we get enough field goals to get ahead. 9 points lead. Then the team gets all relaxed. The tedy's make 3 big plays, score two touchdowns and win. All the while Tedy Bruschi is standing in the middle getting a nice blow job from the anouncers. I've never knew it was possible to give a 3 hour bj. You learn something new every day.
  12. No that was TD not Tedy.
  13. That is really funny. Where is he ranked on Nascar circuit?
  14. He's the second coming of Attila the Hun.
  15. he must be on espn's "payroll".
  16. Broosky made it so my poor old dad could afford to buy christmas gifts for his children this year.
  17. pretty much, he should have run for the first down. he had the next 20 yards wide open. ... also its good to see words like "franchise receiver" used regarding moulds. enough with this cutting him talk. the guy is awesome and needs to be on this offense even when he is over the hill.
  18. there is a funny blurb about it on this guys blog
  19. Wow, you actually said something that didn't piss me off. Nice job.
  20. Ok Mr. Know it all, I don't think KC will be overtaking denver with that win.
  21. My only real observation: Wow the pats are bad, I mean really bad. I'd be suprised if they got 7 wins this season. We played bad and were in it that whole game. I can't imagine what will happen when they play teams with actual talent.
  22. "The most predictable thing on earth" is that a radio-active half-life?
  23. Who cares, I say we start JP now. Kelly is 2-2 now, and we can't play every game at home. Get JP in there he'll get hi experience and possibly rack up some wins on the way.
  24. stupid Clements. I didn't even thought of that. If we hadn't called a pass play there would have been no turnover. Suddenly I hate our O.C. Tom "tricksy" Clements.
  25. Has anyone ever heard of a stats called "Hits" or did they make that up just for Bruschi? "He had 40 something hits dear, my that is impressive" Near the end of the game they listed him as having 11 tackles... I just looked now, he's listed as 2 tackles, and 5 assists. Why do they have to lie about the guy?
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