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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. is clinton portis considered a stud? well this week I am sitting him in one league in favor of greg jones. come back in 3 days to judge me.
  2. hehe, that one guy has Peton Manning + TO + Harrison. I'm not sure how well that will work, but it is funny to see.
  3. Does London's contract expire this year? He's getting old, I wouldn't mind letting him go if we draft a "can't miss" LB to replace him.
  4. we were somewhere between indy's 53% and pitts 69%. i never heard buffalo's exact percent.
  5. I fully agree. Why can't we ever run the ball 5 plays in a row. If the run is working keep on calling it, if its not it means the defense is defensing it... time to pass. Stop the end arounds also. I'm not sure how they started thinking it was a good play, but I hate it and its not how buffalo plays football. trickery is not our way. bang the ball down the field and take an occasional long shot with your qb.
  6. No don't. But at least this week, I think palmer is a good play. Willis McGahee is one of my studs, but I always at least consider sitting him on the bench. Sometimes I wish that I had followed through.
  7. Yep, that was the most annoying of any of it. The just had to show Bills fans how Bruschi was still awesome didn't they. I guess they haven't seen the rows of shrines we have built unto him.
  8. but will rudy johnson get the ball 20 times? that is the question.
  9. then you guys go ahead and make our boys feel like they are at home. cheer loud and proud. and while you are at it make drew brees feel like he's in enemy territory, especially on third downs.
  10. that was him?... oops went to bed at the beginning of the 4th.
  11. all the praise for roy williams (of the cowpukes). or am i just imagining that? only time he gets mentioned is when they mention that tackle/grab the colar rule change.
  12. Probably Gado and Johnson. Check back here later though I might change my mind after I look at matchups.
  13. I saw that highlight also on like fox or something during the post game show. I laughed when I saw it. Yeah he pretty much flipped over as I think ronnie brown ran through him.
  14. on MNF last night madden said "Midway through the season, they've played half of their games"
  15. I'm glad we went with "our new young guy". instead of DB. It didn't matter who the guy was so long as he was judged to have talent and potential. I just hope MM and TD's judge of QB talent is better than their judge of left gaurd talent.
  16. nobody else is impressed with my bold and wonderfully accurate prediction of simms' fantasy play this week? i am, and i'm happy about it.
  17. Pretty much, the Bills lost some games they should have won, so now if they want to make the playoffs they have to win some games that they should lose (ie next week in SD)
  18. yeah, I bet Tedy had more hits. Bruschi definately deserves defensive player of the week.
  19. Just wanted to show my supppot for this thread by posting in it.
  20. Naw he just can't judge O-line or D-line talent.
  21. I alway stop reading posts when I see the words "cut Eric Moulds"
  22. told you so
  23. actually I'm suprised.... I'm suprised at how long it took them to actually do it.
  24. Yeah the 10th guy just posted the same thing 10,000 times.
  25. one of these days someone is really going to have to explain this kool-aid thing to me.
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