So are you saying our o-line just cannot block 1 on 1? Or are you saying there are more rushers that there are blockers, so people are getting in untouched. Playcalling can certainly improve the blocking, add more blockers, call a screen pass, or play-action fake, or other similar tried and true plays. JP had descent amounts of time yesterdays, but convsider this... the Bills didn't run the ball at all. From the first play of the game there was zero commitment to the run. The defensive line knew we were going to pass the ball. If they know we're going to pass the ball, they have no hesitation in attacking the QB. Even that split second hesitation where they have to keep their eye on Willis for a moment can improve the pass blocking immensly.
So yes the playcalling does suck. I am sorely dissapointed with it. We have not had good playcalling on this team for many years and its very disheartening.