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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. we could at least offer him something to try to see if they really will. media speculation really should not affect the decision to give him an offer or not. plus, what if we value him higher than they do. either way, I'm glad to know we brought in and looked at a guy that has some desire from his existing team to keep him.
  2. foreigners are people too. they need jobs just as we do.
  3. My list of picks in preference Mario Dabrick Hawk Ngata Davis Huff just basing that on the "take the best player" strategum, which i think always works great in the first round.
  4. tackles are a subjective stat. there is no official nfl record of stats, so every team/organization keeps tackles in their own way. ... so if BB.com wants to exagerate and say he has more tackles than anybody else, they can and technically they aren't lying.
  5. I thought he was a DE. Anyways, I loved having him on my team in madden. Possibly he'll do well for us. No I'm not serious.
  6. Oh... good to know
  7. Lol, I had thought those guys were bums.
  8. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=43117
  9. at first I thought youmeant peterson. Ok, I don;t care that much about carter. Definately overpaid.
  10. I thought he retired last year.
  11. I like you mattb74. Of all 6 of your posts, 5 of them have been enjoyable. And for that, you get a pirate ====>
  12. Hahahaha. Dead on. I listened to them talk about the Sopranos for an hour on saturday. It was almost as if the Sopranos paid them to do a 1hr comercial.
  13. Sounds like a good description of Ron Edwards.
  14. Seriously, what are they thinking? Don't they need a QB? Why haven't they even talked to Culpepper or Brees?
  15. He might end another one of the great white MLB's, ala brooski (we're not worthy!!), thomas, or romanowski.
  16. Hey at least the Felons are all back together on one happy team. I think the only other place Lewis would have felt at home was Miami, and they were not looking for a running back so he had to go back to Baltimore.
  17. Here let me rephrase that and tell you what I thought I just heard from you: "London Fletcher cannot tackle by himself, he needs other players to do his work for him so that he can be good"
  18. maybe we could just draft a few more fast wr's and play with no offensive line at all and just have 9 guys racing for the endzone on every play.
  19. Let me edit this post for you..
  20. Its a good thing that arby's doesn't server actual meat.
  21. Heh, hey somtimes I feel that way. I registered for the board and made 2500+ posts.
  22. wher are the jests getting all these moneys?
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