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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The guy hid an illegitimate child from his WIFE for 9 years. What on earth makes you think he will do even one thing he's said he'd do?
  2. I think you should print that on a t-shirt and wear it everywhere you go.
  3. This bill just passed in the house. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/29/911-health-care-bill-passes/?partner=rss&emc=rss
  4. Ouch you've cut me to the quick? You are a very serious person who should take himself very serious, and you should not look at the mirror every day and think that you are a joke. This is one of those examples of why I think is board is full of morons. You completely ignore my post and the point of it. You nitpick one little negligible detail and blow it up into some big deal. Yes accountants have phones and can call investors. They can also just be investors themselves. They can also say to you "hey man look you have extra money, you should invest". !@#$ off with your false self-righteousness.
  5. Obama's number over and over and over again has been 250k. To be clear, you saying this means you make over 250k (I think that would make you the richest man in Buffalo?). Does your accountant invest your money and turn your money into more money? I'm sure pay taxes on this money, but your 10% gain on your 500k is much better than Shaniqua Jones down the street who had $10 leftover to invest and spent it on a lottery ticket and didn't win.
  6. I was in Berkley once and saw Code Pink protesting something (I've no idea what). They were the !@#$ing weirdest people I've ever seen.
  7. There are a few lists out there, and whole organizations that document their lies. Unfortunately you have been mentally conditioned to dismiss them ad-hominem as "liberal media". You absolutely ignore any facts and images and video and use ad-hominem arguments to dismiss the facts. In any case.. (bring on the ad-hominem arguments) http://www.newshounds.us http://www.thedailyshow.com/ http://mediamatters.org http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677 http://gawker.com/tag/foxnews/ http://crooksandliars.com/taxonomy/term/294 Here is a recent doozy from John Stewart on this. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-september-9-2010/are-you-ready-for-some-midterms----msnbc-s-political-narrative
  8. Don't forget The Daily Show. And then of course tomorrow at 11:08 sharp Gawker will post an article telling what J-stew said in his opening segment.
  9. Did I say they "doesnt cater to the liberal elites"???? I didn't say that. I said they are !@#$ing liars that lie. Fox News does not tell the truth. Fox has pulled away in ratings because they have no journalistic integrity and they will do whatever they need to gain ratings, including make lies up.
  10. A ratings boost does not prove or disprove the fact that Fox News is a den of !@#$ing liars. The fact that they are !@#$ing liars proves that they are !@#$ing liars.
  11. People that live off fear and hate as the fans of "right-wing media" (for lack of a better term) do are easy to manipulate. Since we live in a capitalist society and all, it makes massive sense that companies make every effort to profit from the fear.
  12. OC is a troll. But the weird kind of troll, the kind of troll who takes himself serious and really really thinks he's right. He's beliefs contradict all human decency and dignity, and yet he manages to think himself moral. But that happens when you live in fact free world as OC does.
  13. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -- Ben Franklin
  14. OCinBuffalo, you are the guy who stabs his eye in the video ...
  15. Something is surely wrong though, the large income gap compared to history is not encouraging. http://www.alternet.org/economy/148294/the_super-rich_get_richer%2C_and_everyone_else_is_going_down_the_drain/ http://www.alternet.org/economy/148236/15_shocking_facts_show_that_the_middle_class_is_being_wiped_out/ http://www.laprogressive.com/economic-equality/enthusiasm-gap-5/ (also compared to history, the top tax brackets are at among their lowest levels) http://www.ntu.org/tax-basics/history-of-federal-individual-1.html Also that "the poor don't pay taxes" is one of the biggest lies going around this PPP forum these days. The poor pay plenty of taxes. A minimum of 10% of their income. The fun thing about being poor is likely this means you are not educated or cannot afford an accountant in order to properly figure out all of your tax breaks.
  16. I said in my post Are you illiterate or something?
  17. I think this is the definition of irony.
  18. It's all you... http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/Jessica_fat_pic_resized%282%29.jpg
  19. Doesn't mean that the guy didn't lose his mind and become a crazy partisan 9/11 profiteer at some point after he was done being mayor. During his presidential primary the guy did not say one intelligent thing.
  20. Yes, reality has well known liberal bias.
  21. Uh.. yeah. http://gawker.com/5406279/rudy-guiliani-argues-with-himself-on-the-daily-show
  22. I would also like you to refute the claim that you are an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes from the planet Xenu who came to earth on a dare using an improbability engine that does not exists and found a magic bean that turned anyone who touched it into an "erynthered" and erased all past memory of ever being an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes.
  23. I'm not sure how to react to that. It's so loony that I want to offer my applause to The Onion for such a great article.
  24. Yes, I am better off now than I was four years ago. (except for a bit of balding starting to kick in). I make more money, I get laid more often, and my health is doing just as well. Thanks for asking!
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