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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I might have been a little too annoyed by the girl this weekend...
  2. This is how girls think, and it pisses me off. I have to respond to the lines that I hated the most. ---- Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, setting the standards high? One who's handsome, smart and strong One who loves to listen long, ie, can tune you out and pretend to care One who thinks before he speaks, we think, just not the way you want us to One who'll call, not wait for weeks. weeks does not = boyfriend I pray he's gainfully employed, don't date him if he's not When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. blah, thats all girls see in men - their bank account Pulls out my chair and opens my door, what do you do for him, releationships are two ways Massages my back and begs to do more. my gf is a neverending massage vaccum, why bother - she's never sated Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, what does this mean, please explain... in english Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?" use a mirror I pray that this man will love me to no end, long as you do the same And always be my very best friend. well get good at madden so I can enjoy doing something with you Amen. i hate how meg ryan movies put all these idiotic unrealistic thoughts into girls heads
  3. mm i dunno I'm going to jax though, so what do i care if it doesn't sell out
  4. do we buy this person some sort of media pass to go in and interview the bills players/coaches/staff etc. i mean in order for this to be useful i think the person should have some sort of new perspective.... .... orrrr ... is this just something TDB does and then markets it to the national/local media and communities for reading?
  5. Here's how a comfort myself on the Whitner/McCargo picks: "Marv knows what he's doing" "Please Marv, know what you are doing" "Marv was not along in that room, there were 5-7 other football Guru's in there" "Marv is not senile" "The Bills are not out to get us, they want to win" "Marv you seem smart, you know what you are doing" "TD always made 'good picks'"
  6. Ah and we usually do bad, so maybe now since there is no shiny lights and flashy frills we'll do good. Psyverse Recology
  7. can we do this again on a day when i have a better lunch than carrots. perhaps tomorrow... i'll make sure i have a lunch worthy of an A++
  8. ggrgrg what is this, I've been cheated? Did the other team pay you off, I taking this to court I won't stand for this. I'm cursed, this team will never win this city sucks and I hate you alll!!!!
  9. 13 Baby Carrots, and a water bottle. No more, no less.
  10. There is not enough room for price, davis, and roscoe.. 1 of them cuts get.
  11. you sure it was not brusci who won those?
  12. yeah i remember reading about that thing. i rember afterwards thinkin mcd's deserved to be sued. *of course they always deserve to be sued.. they were the ones to brought that crap food to the countries forefront.
  13. Bravo, good show. I like people who are willing to have fun and make fun of society.
  14. My friend did it, I forget the details but if you do it correctly you get like a 30 registration and such. He said it worked out well and was not a big problem. (still had to pay NYS taxes on the thing though, btw)
  15. expertsexchange is a classic indeed. nice list 'bout time someone assembled them all in one place
  16. I would hope very easy. I've always found that the one thing the science community is always willing to do is question itself. Maybe I'm wrong but theories in all aspects of science are always beign changed/questioned/ and improved. If that is not happening, then what is science? Yes statistics can always be manipulated to say whatever anybody wants.
  17. how funny is it that they really have not officially announced this logo, its still jsut a rumor, and we are spewing hate like its our job.
  18. my response to CTM blop, blop, and blop (there is a googleplex of information regarding all of this) Anyways... You really feel all of that greenhouse gases buildup and such are not affecting temperature? At all?
  19. In my defense... I never even had a conversation about those things... much less told someone else to worry about them.. Global Warming on the other hand.. I'm telling you, you should worry about it.
  20. 1. Guess you did not catch my sarcasm. I think that everyone who does not acknowledge Global Warming is oblivious to how much everything in this country is motivated by money. My point was, everyone has been told the truth, most Americans just refuse to listen, for whatever reasons. 2. Why did you link to another TDB thread. (one about a player who should be banned??)
  21. And if only someone would inform the public of this data.
  22. the rams are pretty much the same team, except some backup went up 3 pts.
  23. mccargo starts off at 80 and whitner is an 84 I'll take it.
  24. I was so glad to not see any references to a certain advertising campaign.
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