This is how girls think, and it pisses me off. I have to respond to the lines that I hated the most.
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep, setting the standards high?
One who's handsome, smart and strong
One who loves to listen long, ie, can tune you out and pretend to care
One who thinks before he speaks, we think, just not the way you want us to
One who'll call, not wait for weeks. weeks does not = boyfriend
I pray he's gainfully employed, don't date him if he's not
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. blah, thats all girls see in men - their bank account
Pulls out my chair and opens my door, what do you do for him, releationships are two ways
Massages my back and begs to do more. my gf is a neverending massage vaccum, why bother - she's never sated
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, what does this mean, please explain... in english
Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?" use a mirror
I pray that this man will love me to no end, long as you do the same
And always be my very best friend. well get good at madden so I can enjoy doing something with you
Amen. i hate how meg ryan movies put all these idiotic unrealistic thoughts into girls heads