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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. KD in CT has his panties in a bunch.
  2. Yes, this coming from the guy who thinks Rick Sanchez had good ratings.
  3. You right wingnuts demonize the weirdest people. Did your "news" sources talk about her so much that you actually remembered her name? Actually I don't think I ever knew her name in the first place, she is that unimportant.
  4. Like anything you say resembles factual information.
  5. Oh man, you've really won this argument.
  6. You do the work of a Republican. You spread skewed information, as evidenced by this thread. No one is arguing that corporations do not control our government.
  7. After the alarmist and slightly misleading headline, this is rather dull and unexceptional news.
  8. I'm not really a fan of you pointing this out, and failing to point out the 30+ corporations who got the same exemption. This is the definition of Republican brainwash bias.
  9. The whole while the corporations will sit on the sidelines on their piles of money they've bought with the blood from our fight.
  10. Is your avatar comparing Tom Brokaw to Olbermann and Mathews? I suppose I'm not surprised.
  11. Yes! The same goes for the highway system and the fire department!
  12. Lol, do you pay attention to anything? My question was directed at Magox. Get A Brain Moran!!
  13. Ya, I know right, my diploma was printed with liberal ink on liberal paper, and handed to me in one of those liberal graduation orgies. It's all lies!
  14. You are so full of bull **** I can smell you from across the internet. Even in the face of hard numbers showing you are wrong, you still find every rationalization to try to convince yourself you are right. This is why you are wrong on so many issues. You are not objective, as you refuse to admit you are mistaken. You are biased towards preserving your own sense of not being wrong. You've picked your position, and you must be right about it, no matter what the facts say. And any facts that don't agree with you become "liberal facts".
  15. "Sharia Law In the US" Lol. There's one for the archives. 3rdnlng thinks the US is headed for Sharia Law. Got it. Do you dispute that as a factual statement?
  16. I still think you are full of **** http://tvbythenumbers.com/2010/07/29/ratings-woes-continue-for-cnns-rick-sanchez/58496
  17. Yes, the fallback Republican position, "I'm voting for this guy because he did the same thing as some other guy that you didn't vote for". (I voted Nader)
  18. I decided to fact check you. I think you are spouting bull **** (a common occurrence, I know)
  19. No you !@#$tard, it's a link to an article by Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone Mag. What does it matter, the article is way over your head and far more full of facts than you have ever have been. Since you can't understand it, you will falsely dismiss it as liberal propaganda. --- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs533.snc3/30286_128990457119376_128990393786049_286736_8233199_n.jpg
  20. At least the guy has decent taste in pron? http://wnymedia.net/paladino/
  21. I don't think that is how democracy works.
  22. I kind of think CNN wanted to dump Sanchez already and just used this as an excuse.
  23. He really is the cream of the crop at this point. Idiots like Magox laugh, but that is only out of ignorance. Magox would be hard pressed to rebut even one paragraph of just one of Taibbi's articles, much less the dozens on extremely accurate and poignant articles that he's written over the last few years. -- What happened to ACORN was illegal and the law passed would have been overturned in court .. but ACORN folded before it ever had a chance to fight. ACORN did nothing wrong, period. The problem was that we did not find out ALL OF THE INFORMATION until it was too late. "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes" -- Mark Twain This guy words it well http://www.villagevoice.com/2010-09-29/news/white-america-has-lost-its-mind/
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