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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The dems have traditional values? What is it, smoke weed and put hippy flowers in their ears? Obama is helping the middle class. That is why you hate him so much, your corporate overlords have commanded you to do so. I can't stand Carville, or Clinton they are part of the problem, not solutions. I link to sites, because my opinion has no weight here, and I want to back my positions up with actual data. Unlike all of you people who just shovel crap at me (see OC's posts in this thread for examples) and want me to take you serious.
  2. Dude I have no idea what you are trying to get at. I've tried to answer this ridiculous request to the best of my abilities. I've linked to sites and stories that explain the cartoon fully, I've explained it myself to you. I cannot do any more to help you here. You are on your own.
  3. Ok, but !@#$ the Democratic party, they can rot in hell.
  4. OCinBuffalo, this thread is more proof that you do not care about America, you only care about the Republican party. Of the many lies in this thread, this is one of the most ludicrous.
  5. It's hard to be serious when all the rest of you are so silly.
  6. Maybe the dingo ate yo baby
  7. Did none of you take the time to listen to the NPR piece? I suppose DC Tom is the only one out of the 20 of you crazies that did give it a listen.
  8. Maybe this is why you crazies are so maladjusted. You *really* do not understand satire.
  9. I was not joking. The political satire cartoon was being satirical. Perhaps "humor" was not the right word, but you really need to go look up "satire" in a dictionary.
  10. That woman's uneducated political opinions are not important. She just is simply not knowledgeable. The only use she is is possibly contributing to statistics of how many Americans are politically ignorant. You also do a good job of contributing to that statistic.
  11. I do not think he ever said that. With this post you demonstrate a grave misunderstanding of those whose politics you do not agree with. If you don't understand someone, how can you disagree with them?
  12. Don't attack me with your elitist gotcha media tactics!
  13. I don't think you understand how humor works.
  14. You could try using google once in a while. http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/09/opensecrets-battle---koch-brothers.html http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129425186 KDinCT, !@#$ you and your vast partisan ignorance.
  15. This is a very nonsensical post. And, yes, get Soros and the Koch brothers and every single political contributor to open their books, that would be awesome. Stop being such a partisan hack,
  16. I don't think you know how credit cards work. Yes you can refund with just the number and expiration date. This is a weird weird post. Do large words and long radio segments hurt your head or something? There exist political attack ads on the TV machine. Nobody knows who paid for them, and nobody legally has to tell anyone they made them. To date, all of the attack ads attack democrats. Most suspicions are that large corporations and multinational conglomerates are the ones responsible, as they have the motive and funds to do this. LA, You are lazy.
  17. Exactly!!! You wingnuts love to demonize Soros, all I hear from you people is Soros this, and Soros that. The guy is a drop in the bucket compared to his corporate right wing counterparts. His contributions are about 1/5 of what the Koch brothers contribute. And the Koch brothers are just one of many corporate Republican contributors. Soros is not that powerful, and even he knows it.
  18. I know you don't pay attention to anything that happens in reality. So I'll help you out: Obama returned that money. http://www.newsweek.com/2008/10/03/obama-s-good-will-hunting.html http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0709/25420.html
  19. That is an 11 minute auto clip. You did not take a moment to listen to it and educate yourself.
  20. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130291350&ps=cprs
  21. It is very weird that you call factually accurate assessments "Desperation".
  22. http://i.imgur.com/k6Aoz.jpg
  23. You have no idea how bad it is. I heard some crazy stat like congress persons on average earn 12% more on their stocks that the average American. Edit: some links http://insidertrading.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=001034 http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/09/17/pm-inside-dope/
  24. I got mansand in my vagwhich!!!
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