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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Wow. Yeah if you are the Bills you have to give this guy a really good look.
  2. I think the broken bone is a worse injury despite. Though both are pretty gruesome.
  3. I haven't read this thread at all, and not going to.. but just wanted to thank all the people who named me as the greatest. I will continue to produce the high quality and enjoyable levels of posting that you have come to expect. Sincerely, rt
  4. Broke my collarbone playing hockey. Was antsy to get back on the ice. I rushed things a bit. First game back, I got hit and broke it again. ... yeah that sucked.
  5. Ray: Yeah we all have our opinions.. in mine Brad is the most straight forward and honest Buffalo sports talk show host I've listened to. Just good at being objective, and not saying what will get him the most ratings. /my2cents
  6. That was pretty nice of them to do. ofiba: I'm pretty sure the Hokies players are not expecting to win.. nor will they care if they do. This is like in little league when you got to play against your coaches. Its just fun man.
  7. Sweetness. Riter is back on the air.
  8. -2 That is how many message I have. Negative freeking two.
  9. Georgetown is my pick.
  10. JoeF, come one where you at buddy? Lagging behind
  11. Believe it or not, it's also Pi Day. Coincidence?
  12. Also... we know you've heard of him, that joke ain't funny no more.
  13. Yeah, I would rather have the win. This does not console me.
  14. Oh we lost some data? edit: Yep lost about 1000 posts. Classic Stadium Wall it is!
  15. Warning controversial statement ahead... I dont care. Half the time I take off my hat, but not because I care about the USA (because I don't)... but I do it just so people don't look at me funny.
  16. I don't think either of them are very fun for a 5 year old. I'm sure both of them have Chuckie Cheeses. What do 5 years olds find fun?
  17. Did anyone else notice this????? "He's as talented as any offensive player I've been around," says Cal coach Jeff Tedford, who has coached many NFL first-rounders, including Aaron Rodgers, Trent Dilfer, David Carr, Akili Smith, Joey Harrington and Kyle Boller. Ok that seals it. Lets please never talk of drafting Lynch again. I have no desire to draft someone grouped in anyway with that hodge podge of failures.
  18. once in a while. they kind of bore me though.
  19. Good thing in his one draft as a GM he drafted a defensive player. Otherwise he'd have a history of drafting offensive players.
  21. I buy it when I can't find any juice. I might just ask.. "Who the hell buys Pepsi? That's almost as bad as Arsenic."
  22. That made no sense. So if we didnt care if he dissapeared he would do more?
  23. I know Drew Bledsoe was 'Cut' also. He had like a 27 pack and two big guns to go with.
  24. That is hilarious
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