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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The wording of that article comes out like a salesman trying to get me to buy a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Ya I read that one before. He's pretty silly, I do agree.
  3. I don't live inside Nancy Pelosi. I don't even like her that much. Also, JOSEPH MCCARTHY!!!
  4. This doesn't even make any sense. So a tea-party candidate is a moron who fundamentally misunderstands the constitution (big surprise there), and so your response is "Nancy Pelosi"??? Well I have two words for you SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! I bet you can't beat my witty retort!
  5. I don't know what it is, but these Tea Partiers just love to lie about things. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/10/15/5297088-paul-accused-of-misrepresenting-antitax-group-status
  6. Wacka you are one of the craziest people on this board. You think global warming is a hoax. You are just flat out insane.
  7. Thats the one sherlock!
  8. Admit that you want this information only so that you can make ad-hominem arguments. Your whole world is based on ad-hominem arguments. I think that same thing every time I read your sig.
  9. Regardless of politics or money (both of which I strongly disagree with your accusations), the science is not bad. It's extremely sound science, and some of the science is very basic so that even a child can understand. The greenhouse effect, for example, can be demonstrated on a childrens TV show. It's a simple to understand science experiment. You should perhaps start there if you are having trouble understanding the science of global warming (as you seem to be).
  10. Yes, for you and other idiots like this terror guy Khadr, some intellectual food would be torture. I'm glad you are finally admitting straight up that you hate science and intellectualism.
  11. Then why the plea deal?
  12. Oh! Now I understand why Gary M hates all the wildlife so much and want to kill all of the liberal animals. This makes sense now.
  13. The whole article is lacking in any useful information. Tell me this: if there was no torture, and there is so much evidence of his wrongdoing, then why the plea-deal? Are the plaintiff lawyers that incompetent that they can't find no law to convict this guy under? Do our laws suck that bad? There are what you seem to be saying. You do a great disservice to our nations fore-fathers when you disrespect the laws they have worked so hard to put into place. You are definitely an American-idiot, you should move to Somalia where they will embrace you and your disdain for the rule of law.
  14. If only we didn't gather information under the torture that we've signed agreements saying we would not do. I'm mad that the guy will get a deal also, but I love our laws and the fact that we are a country ruled by law. So our laws must take precedence even if it pisses us all off.
  15. Lol, they totally called themselves that. http://weedoom.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/im-teabagging-for-jesus.jpg http://www.eurweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/teabaggers.jpg Now the term "obamacare" is an inaccurate term that has never been used by Obama or any Dem, yet you wingnuts insist on using it.
  16. You really do hate information don't you? I did not realize that people existed who were anti-information. What a weird world we live in. I'm sorry for tapping into that vast information source that is the rest of humanity.
  17. Ya !@#$ wildlife! All those liberal animals and their liberal agendas! They can go to hell.
  18. I strongly disagree with this. IPCC works very had to be honest and open, and receptive to criticism. They do try to improve their methods and data. As with any human run organization, they are only human. Science is not being done improperly though.
  19. Like I said, the APS can defend itself, I am not going to defend them. The actions of this one organization do not affect climate change though.
  20. The APS can defend itself Regardless, I like how some of you dopes are going to use this as a rationalization to convince yourselves global warming is not a fact. One resignation from one member of one society (out of hundreds) == GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!
  21. I'm sure the subject came up because the guy who Cheney shot has recently done his first public interview since the shooting. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/features/view/feature/Man-Cheney-Shot-in-Face-Still-Unhappy-About-It-2299
  22. I think you need to listed to the words of a president who spoke of these things a long long time ago. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2465144342633379864# What ..bob speaks of is nothing new or revolutionary, and what he's saying is definitely true. But it's also true that you are always wrong, and I have no idea how you manage to pull off that statistical impossibility.
  23. So for the sake of the profits of the RIAA, MPAA and the artists they represent, I have to sacrifice my personal liberties and subject my personal computer to searches? Reality is theses industries need to adjust to the technology, not make the technology adjust to them. Otherwise we'd all still be using buggy whips (look it up).
  24. I don't care about being a Democrat one bit. I care about being an American.
  25. Yes, I agree, this is another thing we should all be outraged about, but aren't (because demonizing Peggy Joseph is more important). This is just another case of us sacrificing our liberties so corporations can profit. Cory Doctorow is a voice to be listened to regarding these things. http://www.internetevolution.com/document.asp?doc_id=188055&
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