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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. What, looking at vinny's dick?
  2. Do you remember how many home games in a row she went to?
  3. His mother is a huge Bills fans. She's been on ESPN for it before. Something like she went to every home game from like 1977-1997 or something along that lines. I forget.
  4. I get the feeling that you've spoken the harsh truth.
  5. He's the guy who lead the way to our 5 shutouts. You know, the one who is going to make sure we get the 6th against the Razorbacks.
  6. Don't underestimate Jack Diesel, he'll tear you up!
  7. I just think the Bills will do well because they have a super easy schedule. I love playing the NFC West.
  8. Oh yeah... uh... LINK PLEASE!!!??
  9. Few I was getting worried about next season. I feel better now.
  10. Just from that line you know he's lying through his teeth. Jauron does not get giddy.
  11. They will I bet. Anyone else remember the accusations brought forth that (at patsy* home games) opponents radio sets would sometimes "malfunction" at important moments in sustained drives?
  12. Will do coach, now where's my #$@& hooker???
  13. That sucked we let up way to many points on defense.
  14. Lol, you guys a so mean. I wish we would get a better DE than Kelsay also. Hard not to cringe at some of his plays last year. I hope Ellis works out.
  15. Every year the finals for both leagues overlap. It will happen again this year. It's so stupid, fighting for ratings, when they should just spread out the games a bit. I agree, regular season should be about 20 games shorter also.
  16. If I was part owner of the Bills, I'd be buying season tickets every year.
  17. He forgot to mention that hockey playoffs are way way to long, and need to be cut to 5 game series.
  18. Ah man, great times,
  19. Yeah if it means anything, this omen didn't help us at all last season, so I doubt it will this year either. But I bet my bottom dollar the big board crash of 2008 erased all of those posts.
  20. Oh man, you can say that again. We really worry about stupid things around here. Also, should this thread be pinned?
  21. Yeah no kidding, that writing must have been trying to show off his moron skills or something.
  22. If I ever get a ticket in the mail from a camera... they are going to have to prove it was me driving that car. And it wasn't me, so they can't prove it
  23. Wow nice! I'd buy a house in Utah.. but there does not seem to be a bubble here.
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