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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I wish, but really.. one article does not equal pressure on the NFL.
  2. I'm going to stay on normal tackle, it's going to be high enough, no way Jack misses a tackle.
  3. Hey uhm, so last year we took the Eagles out of the playoffs. I'm pretty sure they are coming for us hard. What is the plan here?
  4. Ok this is as many as I could recognize. Few things I had no clue what they were. (Like that guy who looked like Mathew McConaughey at the switchboard, and those dancing animated things). Dang I'm bored right now. Numa Numa - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP9eH2p2PI Dramatic Chipmunk (even though it's really a gopher) - Nunchuck Guy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIvWASpK9aQ Diet Coke + Mentos - GI Joe PSA's - Most T-Shirts worn at once - Chris Crocker (I hate this guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc All Your Base Are Belong To Us - Miss Tean USA - Ryan vs Dorkman (light sabre references) - Evolution of Dance - Chocolate Rain - Daft Hands - Daft Bodies - Rainbow Socks - Kelly Videos - Lighsaber Drumsticks - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pziDsnBZANY Peanut Butter Jelly Time - Will it Blend - Charlie the Unicorn - Sneezing Panda Cub - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R6vMPYR1vo
  5. Actually I don't think it rips on any of them. The fall-over-nunchuck guys takes out some ninja's. Cris Crock (leave britany alone guy) gets a hug. The chocolate rain guy gets a duet with Rivers. spelling be girl gets to uses a blender to destroy a map (ala "will it blend"). I think the concept of the video is to resolve the problems that the stars of each video have. man they covered a *lot* of videos. anyone else catch the reference to charlie the unicorn in there. def one of my fav's
  6. I killed the early 90's thread with that video.
  7. James Hardy? For being the player you want to see the most, you could at least learn his real name.
  8. I think that was stewy23's point also.
  9. Lol, I never thought of that. Maybe he's not a real ninja?
  10. Ninja, and any day when you get to use the ninja smiley is a great day.
  11. What's even worse... government officials almost passed a law banning the stuff once.. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/mar/2...a.worlddispatch
  12. Speaking of early 90's music, Weezer's new music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP9eH2p2PI
  13. Hmmm.. interesting. I always thought of Trent as the Zarley Zalapski of football. You do have a strong point there though. I may consider changing my position.
  14. It used to be Charleston Chew, back when I actually ate candy.
  15. Stats are a terrible way to determine how well someone is playing. Determining how much money a player deserves is so subjective that you have to let the open market decide it.
  16. If Jerry Falwell were with us, I wonder what he would say. I'm just joking on that. It's fun to poke fun at these "Super-Christians"
  17. Man some of these inside jokes are beyond confusing.
  18. Goodness, if we're not going to win, why bother palying at all. Surely the Bills players have better thigns they could do with their time.
  19. Most of these names are pretty cool actually. To be truly insulting the name has to be feminine (or gay?). There is a beer in Utah called "Provo Girl" or you could just make up a name like "Lady Brew" or "Female Ale"
  20. Ya no kidding. If only every post was so awesome. That guy was such a great draft pick. Well worth the #8 pick. Love him. He's our
  21. Lol, the Falcons are going to suck for a long long time.
  22. Lol, just what I was thinking.
  23. Suck Frankfurt beat PPP. They have higher rating than us also. We have to win this one. Anyone got any ideas?
  24. PP got a haircut.
  25. Maybe if they had James Hardy's dad they would have. You know he deserved it.
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