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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Well... it's not bad. Could use a few upgrades. I'm going to have to move it somewhere for more permanent hosting, but for now you can check it out at this link... http://www.google.com/ig?skin=http://unend...ffalo-bills.xml What other players should I put up there? I don't want to be controversial. If it's up to me Flutie and Moulds and Scott Norwood would all be on there. As well as like Angelo Crowell, and Whitner. I just got the feeling those would not be popular choices.
  2. Edwards sucks, we need a new QB.
  3. See if you can find a killer background image, I'll see if I can make something tonight.
  4. Yeah where is Steely Dan? I have not seen that guy in a while.
  5. She is morman, and thus I garuntee she is blonde.
  6. I think Trent will have better numbers overall than Brady. ... how'se that for putting myself out there?
  7. Bottom right of the page, under Sound Bytes. Why is Cowherd having Whitner talk about Cleveland???
  8. But I bet the cracker jacks would be tasty at least.
  9. Yeah he's right, you should have waited just a wee bit longer. Plus I think there is a price drop coming soon to like 199 or something.
  10. Give her a wedgie, just like old times. Yeah don't you hate know it all's. Do you think other people that are friends with your sister or work with or whatever, have the same problems? Hey if family can't talk this stuff out, who can?
  11. do you think Cheez will ever come back?
  12. Man I tell you ... I wish I was one of them. I bet they are much happier people than us. They have no idea what they are missing out on, and no where near as much cares. Get food, eat, sleep, have fun, have sex with the gorrilla woman. I bet it's a good life.
  13. Ya Fez, nice story. Thank you for sharing it.
  14. All depends on your POV. I have 3 defenders listed in my top 5, and then my 2 honourable mentions are on defense. Not that I have any idea what our criteria is. I just kind of went on the "If I had to protect 5 guys in an expansion draft" mentality
  15. Peters Whitner Marshawn Crowell Schobel ... I think.. McCargo, Poz get honourable mention .. but Poz is just a blind guess since he hasn't played much.
  16. Also could depend on the lease. Some leases have it written in that the landlord can do that. Some states have laws where 24 hours of written notice is required (or an emergency reason). What state?
  17. Even though I disagree with your dislike of Barack, I agree fully with this statement.
  18. maybe it's because we're douchebags?
  19. How much money did we make for the eagles game? Did it sell out. Hey if the Heat can win, we may still get another home game?
  20. Do I really have to point out that you just turned 10k into a million dollars via "before you know it". I think that is a very large jump, especially given the average household income in the USA. Unfortunately the concept of a democratic government revolves around satisfying the desires of the majority. Your example probably is not common. But yeah feel free to vote as you wish. Just, don't say Obama has actually done anything but try to help the majority of people in this country. Was douchebag really called for? In any case, ... question... in your opinion, which number is higher? For the sake of sticking with the number Obama uses, lets define "well off" as making 200k or more a year. 1. The number of people that worked hard, and became well off. 2. The number of people that worked hard, and stayed in mediocrity. (I'll grant you that the number of lazy "douchebags", as you would word it, dwarfs both those numbers)
  21. Hi! Do you really think a guy with 5 million in his bank account (from his dad?) works harder than you to make money? Ever heard of interest on investments? The way the economy is designed, the rich get richer. A guy with a million dollars has his investment manager put make 7% interest off his million. The manager take 1% off the top. 6% profit on 1 million... 60k. Now you. 200k in the bank. You have your investment manager invest that, he makes 7%, take 1% off the top. You make 6% profit, or 12,000 dollars. Hey that rich guy made 48,000 more dollars than you this year. He must have worked a lot harder than you. Not to mention, next year he has 1.042 million dollars to invest, and you have 212k. So he will pull further ahead of you every year. ... now try playing this same game with 10k in your pocket.
  22. I'd take a whole team full of Donte's if we could.
  23. What is a nanny state? Also.. uhmm if you got a higher income... would the higher taxes be a problem? Not that Barack will raise your taxes at all. He's only going to raise taxes for people who make over 200K/year. People below that might even get lower taxes.
  24. Huh? Why, what did Obama do wrong? Are you afraid of something new?
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