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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Wacka here is more.. http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
  2. Those are pseudo-science articles, and uninformed blog posts. They do not subject themselves to peer review nor to they provide transparency. Most of them don't even provide any good evidence. Among the people that do perform proper scientific research, there is a consensus. And while a consensus does not equal proof, a consensus among such educated and well researched peoples should be taken very very serious by lawmakers and the public in general. Unfortunately anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
  3. I sent you to Bill Nye to learn some science. But since you hate information you pushed poor Bill away. I try my best to provide links to outside information, because I myself make mistakes. You people stroke yourselves and each other and pat yourselves on the back for being the most correct person in the small little box in which you live.
  4. It's impossible to have news without bias. But NPR doesn't straight up lie to you like Fox News does. They try very hard to keep personal opinions out of the news as best they can perform that impossible task.
  5. You can't discuss topics. The forum is dripping with ignorance. I strongly disagree with the any suggestion that discussions around here are even close to informed.
  6. You're telling me? Google "global warming" and you'll find billions of pseudo-science articles and uninformed blog posts claiming that global warming is one big hoax. It's unbelievable how much misinformation there is out there. Do you believe these idiots that claim global warming is a hoax, and how many of them are out there? Its good thing we have real scientists who do research and straighten everything out! And it's a good thing the denizens of this PPP forum do not dismiss the information gleaned by those scientists!
  7. You know what a *ussy would do, a *ussy would be afraid of terrorists. So you little *ussy's sit in your frightened little box and get all scared of every little turban that walks by. I'll be at the pub drinking a beer.
  8. I guess the anti-information stances of the average PPP poster dates back to 2008 and likely even earlier. If it's information that you are providing, then the average PPP poster will hate it. Obviously I think you folks have your priorities backwards. You grow and gain perspective by learning more things and absorbing information. Running away from information, and mocking those who provide it, is not exactly a good philosophy on life.
  9. Yep. Welcome to the corporatocracy that is America!
  10. I've definitely become more than a poster here. It is certainly common place around here to attribute positions or stances to me that I've never taken. Such goes life. "Any man who inflicts the human race with ideas must be prepared to see them misunderstood." -- H. L. Mencken OC if you are a CEO, I would love to short sell your stock. Seriously, you give me a ticker symbol, and I put as much money as I can into shorting it. I have 100% confidence in you to fail at everything you try at.
  11. Oh "having fun", is that what you call it when you are dead wrong and won't admit it? Dude, you are by far the dumbest person on this forum. An impressive feat by any measure (there are a *lot* of really stupid people around here).
  12. Ok Wackaenrythread3rdling, whatever you say.
  13. I don't agree with him either. I think the two of your are crazy, and debating stupid ****. But really the true story of this thread is OC's post. Oh goodness, I am at a loss of how to mock that post to the full length that it deserves.
  14. I didn't say you were wrong about that. It's a correct assertion on your part. I said the detail is negligible and unimportant to Magox's overall point (not that I even agree with Magox). But more than that I think you do this very frequently on all topics, you nit-pick unimportant details and miss the larger point.
  15. In summary, OCinBuffalo thinks that NPR is the United States Government.
  16. I do blame the entity the created these loopholes. Corporations are just doing what corporations do. Definitely our lawmakers are at fault.
  17. I understand that Google donates to charity. Regardless, this does not change the fact that some corporations pay very low tax rates compared to the average US citizen. I cannot overstate how ignorant you are.
  18. I realize NPR get's funding from the government. Regardless, there is no law or anything that says NPR cannot censor what they want to censor on their airwaves. I cannot overstate how ignorant you are.
  19. Your link has no relation to income tax rates and corporate tax evasion. Here, I'll give you a link that is equally related to the topic. http://www.zombo.com/
  20. Typical republican logical fallacy here. Freedom of speech protects you from censorship and limitation by the US government. NPR is not the government.
  21. ... but the poor are the ones who don't pay taxes.
  22. DC Tom is the ultimate nit-picker. He nit-picks far too much. Often as a result he misses the point entirely as he sits there smugly thinking he right because he nit-picked an unimportant detail.
  23. He has brains like this: http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2010/10/glenn_beck_on_evolution.php
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