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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. No. (in my opinion) Anyways, death pool? Lol.
  2. Yep. And to be sure... they are not making much money off me. I see like 2 movies in the theatre per year.
  3. funny. he did mention that exact promo on air.
  4. Ah, the "and he does, over and over and over and over" got me. I thought "he" was Brad. An ambiguous identifier, if you will.
  5. ???? How can you say that when the main member of both bands is the exact same person? I recommend the album as a purchase. Death Cab has not yet broken into the realm of truly historic or legendary, but I think this album finally puts them into the list of top indie bands ever. I think this album is sort of a musical history landmark, or will be one day.
  6. Wait Lori. Now listen, I think of you as one of the more reasonable and smarter folks around here. Top echelon, if you will. Now I also think highly of Brad Riter's show. And I'm curious.. did you just say that his show sucks? I mean, if you do, I'll want to argue with you and all. In either case I am very curious, can you expand on what you just said a wee bit?
  7. I posted a url earlier in this thread. You might like that one even better. Edit: Man this talk on Marshawn and his hair stylist is really funny.
  8. So who isn't a douche then? I think I was in three of those categories.
  9. http://smarter.bz/riter-wgr.mp3
  10. Ok, also I lack confidence in my ability to do justice with a good answer. He answered a question about why he was fired. (They seemed to be looking for him to make a mistake, so be 25 mins late one time.. = no job). And then he said he was still friends with a lot of people there with no hard feelings (for most). But talked about how a few in management were very incompetent and were and are why the station lack quality. One more thing he said though.. which I found very interesting. Something along the lines of "radio hosts have no pressure on them of what to say on air". Which really for me does not bode well for shope and the dopebulldog. Because I always assumed the reason those two talked about such dumb stuff all the time was due to pressure from management. So it seems they are just idiots on their own, with no help from anyone. ...eek well, there is the worms.
  11. Teach you not to tune in I have no interesting in adding to this thread. Brad was cool about it, I've not seen any GR posts on this board be half as cool. So I won't even try.
  12. I hope Paul Hamilton is one of them. That guy is always super informative.
  13. this evenings show is epic. this is great. he's tearing gr apart.
  14. He would have been, if Ralph would have let him start.
  15. Ruben Brown. Fletcher was kind of sad for me, but I got over it quick. Man I was pissed when we cut Rube. Still am.
  16. Very nice Scott, especially good point when bringing up the Duke lacrosse team.
  17. lol, this thread is great. ... er i mean evil.
  18. I think if Chicago wanted a QB.. they would have gotten one already. Not saying they are smart for not wanting a QB, but .. the fact is they don't want one.
  19. Yuck that is short. Hmm.. how about that guy from the hercules and xena tv show? or maybe one of thse guys from american gladiator
  20. Yeah man, he's got that cheesy comic book feel as well as the chin that we should expect from our captain america. Lol, is that Starship Troopers 3 I saw on there? I didn't know they made a 2nd one.
  21. Hey.. on the serious.. you know who I think would work very well.. that guy who did Starship Troopers.
  22. Ok I think, if you want to play this in winamp or windows media player on your desktop... I think you can use this url... mms://nick11a.surfernetwork.com/weck .. though surfnetwork might get a little mad for missing out on some ad revenue.
  23. He loves us that much, posted that link like 3 minutes before he had to go on air
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