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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. You make a good argument. Not changing my point of view, but you make a good argument. That is really funny to me. All the talk radio and TV analysts that I've seen worship Farve. They talk like Green Bay is absolutely insane for not wanting him, and they absolutely don't even consider that Green Bay knows what they are doing by parting ways with him. And you are hearing the exact opposite. I guess you hear what you want to hear, eh? The thing to me about Rodgers, whether or not he has a golden arm, is if Green Bay does not give him a chance now, they won't get one. If he sucks they can find out this year, if he's good they can show the good faith they've put in him throughout this Farve saga, and he'll want to stick around. Also, given what little we've seen of him, Green Bay has evry reason to think he'll be good. I see it as a very good decision.
  2. I do to. But really I'm only looking at his last three years, as those would be most indicative of his future performance. 2005 was nice for him. Last year was a lovely story (that ended with an interception), but the real story of that season was Green Bay's amazing defense, which to me was the second best defense in the league. It is my opinion, and the opinion of many, that he will never ever be able to repeat the stats from last year. Tell me, who has watched him play more and interacted with him more and knows more about him than his own coaches and GM? And those guys agree with me, to the point of being willing to endure a PR disaster.
  3. Dangit whoever started this thread, learn how to spell Favre. You're making me mess up.
  4. Why because they have the vision to see that Favre sucks and if they don't invest in Rodgers now he'll be out the door?
  5. alright, you win, we're down one "plot hole"
  6. Wait.. I don't remember, but I thought they were pointing guns at him as he walked out? Which is why he had to show off the explosives inside his coat.
  7. Ya I def prefer when links to new sites open in new windows.
  8. The movie writers or the cops? Because all of the cops thought they were transporting batman to jail, and that the joker was going to let up because he had his demands met. .. you know.. why else would they yell out and demand "No more dead cops" I feel that the lengths at which they were asking me to suspend my beliefs in the laws of physics (and the intelligence of minor characters) were a bit to great for me to be able to think of the whole movie as anything but silly. Hardly what I would consider "a great movie".
  9. I think Limas Sweed is going to win the battle of the big guys stat wise. But.. I like Hardy, he'll be fine and we'll be happy with him.
  10. Like the love scene after they fall and land on the car.. and the joker is still chilling up in Bruce's penthouse?? Wtf?? Or when they are transporting harvet dent.. and .. no escort cops on motorcycles? What? That would never ever happen. Real cops would have spotted that firetruck miles in advance. Or the pointless blowing up of a hospital. Not only was it useless and did not help the plot at all, but was 100% unbelievable that anyone could load up that many explosives in a hospital (24hr facility) without anyone noticing (same deal with the ferry's .. sort of) ... plus just the never ending bag of tricks up the jokers sleave.. it just started to get rediculous after a point. Ok and here is one thing. They started the movie off with the joker killing his own henchmen. Who kills their own henchmen for no reason? Sorry.. but to be a stong crime syndicate you need to breed loyalty. You can't just kill off your own men like that.. you won't have any men.. and then the joker would just be a lonely crazy guy at that point. Joker's career really should have ended right there. And that pencil scene.. wtf? You know in real life people would just be pulling out guns right off and pointing them at the guy. Why even bother getting close to him? arg. drove me nuts with plot holes. and I'm not even good at spotting that stuff. I can only susupend my disbelief so far before it just becomes silly to watch something.
  11. Oh goodness. If Wal-mart hates obama, you know he's got to be awesome.
  12. Oh man. no goal, wide right, and monday night football. you're a music city miracle short of a home run. buffalo, what a city.
  13. Just saw it.. If that is the best hollywood has to offer... we need to burn hollywood to the ground and start over.
  14. This is a really fun list. I always thought Batman would make a good strong safety though. Wonderwoman should go fetch him some beer or something.
  15. Oh man, that would be awesome. We need to get someone like that on the team.
  16. Meh, who cares. I really don't want to depend on either of them this upcoming season. McGee, James, & Greer are a very solid starting linup. And Corner and McKelvin and Youboty and jsut good enough to light a fire under all three of their butts.
  17. Peters is not alive anymore. Has to be the case.
  18. "There is a javelin in my foot, ouch that hurts." here, you caption this: http://www.creativereview.co.uk/crblog/wp-...8/basszilla.jpg
  19. That was pretty cool. I think he nailed in on the head. The reason we Bills fans bind together is because of the pain (and occasional glory) we've shared. I think I've finally figured out the best way we can celebrate, if we ever do win. A nice solid handshake and saying to each other "well done.", because, man that was hard work.
  20. Yeah I know, they're all having sex with each other. It's gay.
  21. Actually, FYI, that's a really old video clip. Probably filmed in May about I'd guess.
  22. Yeah after thinking about it, I am convinced this commercial endorses gay sex with midgets. There is no other way to look at it.
  23. youtubed.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB58wS72YSU
  24. Yeah I don't fully get it either.. not have any clue what the 3rd guy is doing... .. uhm .. is that kosher? Doesn't that break some sort of man law or something?
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