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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Uhm.... those guys who run that site have got to be raking in the dough.
  2. I'm starting to think, if the 9ers start JT O'Sullivan.. the NFCW is so bad, they just make take that division. It's not a bad team.
  3. I like watching all quarters at the same time.
  4. I believe it. Very interesting. I would wonder what it's like if you live in say Michigan or New York where it's a bit more cloud cover.
  5. Sometimes. If it's an energy efficient building, and sunny enough weather. Given how much energy most americans use, the short answer really is no. Anyways, I'm happy to see this. This Solar power plant is by no means the solution, but it's definately a start.
  6. Well ... yeah, I don't think we were very good last year. Plus this season we got better and Pitt got worse. So, it adds up.
  7. I'm starting to think pittsburgh just sucks and we really should not be too proud of ourselves.
  8. lol, that's awesome. i've done the same before
  9. What's that old saying for reporters... don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to?
  10. He's playing with confidence today. I really like it.
  11. I'm sure Trent will be very happy to know this
  12. Wow that chat box is annoying. They need a way to turn it off. Only way I could figure to disable it was to add the lines below to my HOSTS file cbox.ws www2.cbox.ws
  13. Despite it's troll-like appearance, I give this thread a
  14. Oh goodness I wish this was a real game.
  15. what was that play call? what a stupid call.
  16. Uhm.. no. It's some guy who talks about Brett Favre all game and occasionally mentions something happening on the field.
  17. Chris Brown is a bag of hot air anyways. He could use some time on IR.
  18. Awesome! Here's to Henne being a bust.
  19. What are the advantages/disadvantages?
  20. Congrats! This thread has earned 9 wallbashes in the Wallbash Ratings System!
  21. We don't pay our TE's?
  22. Like I always say, the best thing to do in Buffalo, is leave.
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