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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I feel like I would lose brain cells if I answered that question in a serious manner.
  2. Of course, you moron. Mythbusters are extremely scientific and subject their materials to peer review and always run their experiments in extremely controlled environments. I also accept their results on how hard it is to find a needle in a haystack as scientific fact. (edit: lol, it's hit me that you tards are dumb enough to think this is a serious post)
  3. OC does not like factual information. So things like the fact that Dems care about job loss escape him.
  4. So does this make you rage? http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/10/26/behind-the-scenes-video-white-house-science-fair
  5. I think that OCinBuffalo is either one of the dumbest or craziest people I have met on the internet, and I cannot decide which. The guy completely lacks logic. Almost all of his posts are based on a ground layer of fictional premise that he takes very serious. The man lives in a fantasy land where facts and reality are not given consideration. Ya, I am aware.
  6. Lol. You have no idea how crazy this statement is.
  7. Dang liberals and their liberal attempts to fix America.
  8. Now you know why Bush and Cheney avoided Stewart like the plague.
  9. Welcome to America! ... or perhaps you think politics in this country is not a Joke.
  10. Obviously Magox is severely lacking in this department. LaBillz, you have exaggerated a ton on your assessments of J-Stew. However, I do have more respect for him than any other political commentator on TV. Him and Colbert the only ones who I feel do not lie to me. Because Stewart does not use PAC or Think-Tank marketing speak. Obama does, but I think Stewart really was able to make him keep it to a minimum.
  11. I don't care about any pwnage or not. I'll leave that for you cavemen to "debate". But either way, it was the most intelligent conversation cable television has seen in 20 years. It was a really great interview. Retards post retarded posts
  12. I was commenting to Peace. Sorry, given the hivemind around here, I sometimes mistake one person for multiple people.
  13. Guys I know you are all close minded and hate actual information and all. But that one statement was not the only reason he was fired. As linked to before, he was fired for the culmination of many statements that his employer was uncomfortable with and had warned him about and discussed in meetings. If your employees don't listen to you, you have to let them go. That is how things work. If this one statement was the only thing Williams had ever done, he'd still have a job.
  14. We all know that Obama has cut taxes for 95% of Americans. Right? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/19/us/politics/19taxes.html?_r=1&scp=5&sq=michael%20cooper&st=cse
  15. If you don't use "as a percent of the GDP" how else could an economist compare our current debt to the debt of the 1930's or any other period of time? Our dollar is worth less, and you need a measure with which to gauge that. But I'm open to any other suggestions you geniuses have for comparing our current debt to our historical debts. I know you people have heard of the concept of inflation, to start simple.
  16. http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/10/22/my-opinion-npr-shouldnt-have-hired-juan-williams-in-the-first/ Juan Williams sexually harassed a girl, and was fired from his job in 1991. This guy belongs at Fox.
  17. Hey here is more information to piss you ignorant haters off.. Bush's final budget had a $1.416 trillion deficit Obama's latest is down to $1.294 trillion. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69E54M20101016
  18. Lol, so when the debt goes up you blame Obama, but when it goes down Clinton does not get credit, but when it goes up it was not Bush's fault, but when it goes down Carter does not credit, but when it goes up it was not Reagans fault. Yes. Shall I assume that you think the Executive branch is not involved in the budget process at all? I'd rather not think you are that stupid, and I'll instead assume you are a brainwashed Republican zombie.
  19. Because you people believe what you want to believe, regardless of the actual information. As a percentage of the GDP it went down.. http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/downchart_gs.php?year=1992_2000&view=1&expand=&units=p&fy=fy11&chart=H0-fed&bar=0&stack=1&size=m&title=US%20Federal%20Debt%20As%20Percent%20Of%20GDP&state=US&color=c&local=s If you want more info, consult the CBO document on Clinton's good work with the budget, it's their data, not mine.
  20. Hi, you cannot be sated because you are a brainwashed Republican shill. The information is out there, and clearly you have no interest in knowing this information. Clearly you hate information. Looks like he was able to overcome that handicap to a degree.
  21. !@#$ you and your disdain for information. I'm giving you a damn link.. http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/27xx/doc2727/entire-report.pdf This is the CBO estimating a surplus. Go !@#$ yourself, you information hating neanderthal. Just saying. There is a definite pattern. And Bush had a Republican controlled congress for 6 of his 8 years.
  22. You getting your ad-hominem arguments all saved up? You can just shoot out logical fallacies left and right.
  23. Eitherway, the GOP still drives the country further into debt every single time they take over the presidency, it's been that way for 40 years now. Bill Clinton had a budget surplus and your boy Bush turned that surplus into a massive amount of debt.
  24. Usually firing someone is seen as taking some balls to do. I guess through your Fox New stained glass window things look a bit different. Fox is just trying to eliminate competition for the money with this whole "controversy". Stop doing their bidding.
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