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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I agree, I'm weirded out by this move.
  2. Carl Rove :/ I hate Fox news
  3. I just finished watching her whole speech last night. She's smart, and seems like (similar to Barack Obama) someone who has not been corrupted by the system yet. I still don't understand why she doesn't want to invest into other energy sources besides oil. Oil oil oil, I'm starting to hate that stuff, there do exists other resources on this planet. It was a pretty good speach overall, well delivered. She talked a lot of smack on Obama. I dunno, whatever, the sarcasm on his devine abilities (While funny at first) is growing old. She should stop stealing jokes from the daily show.
  4. Meh, I think it's more because he sucks than anything.
  5. If everyone was playing the seahawks in week one, that might be a good idea.
  6. Aw I'm a fan of Hamilton. He does an awesome job with reporting on the Sabres at least.
  7. Doesn't matter. You have to admit what happened to them was pretty f'ing racist.
  8. Bah. Everyone on this board knows way more about the Bills than that guy does. Not worth reading at all.
  9. Tom Brady is not hurt! He knows he's going to suck this year because he can't cheat anymore (the defense mics), and he had to find an excuse for the horrible numbers he's about to put up this year. But he still wants to go to the hall of fame. So now when people look at his 2008 numbers and see how horrible he really is, they will so "oh he hurt his foot, that is why he played bad", instead of what they should say, which is: "Tom Brady sucks and has always sucked, and the only reason he ever did anything was because he cheated to get there, and when he couldn't cheat, he fell apart like the little girl he is".
  10. lol, at Charles Barkley.
  11. I did. I was wrong. Not that I was sad or booed or anything when we didn't draft him. Heck by that time I had almost given up trying to guess who was the best WR for us to take. Right now I'm thinking Sweed will turn out to be the best of the literal "big three" WR's.
  12. Good ol' snopes. Where would the internet be without you?
  13. So I don't get it, if he sits out long enough, will the money come to a point where he's actually paying the Bills money not to play for them?
  14. There are three bills on this which he was a part of... or helped write in some capacity. http://obama-08.blogspot.com/2006/12/obama...d-lobbying.html
  15. Oh I'm so glad all of you people who don't like Obama are not in charge. For the life of me I cannot understand your logic. It seems to me like pure "I'm republican, he's a democrat" ignorance. I am pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-gay and lesbian marriage in philosophy. As well as agreeing with republicans on many other issues. I fully disagree with Obama on these three issues. But Bush seems have gone over the deep end, and they seem to me to go beyond republican philosophy into some sort of power hungry, "rich people are better than poor people" power trip. To add to that, I honestly, seriously, from the bottom of my heart and would bet money on it, think that George Bush has an IQ below 100 and may suffer from mild retardation. McCain does not seem to me to be with the times. He does not keep up with technology and science. He does not have vision on the future of the planet. He does not see the urgency of curbing global warming. He does not seem to approach issues with intellectual honesty. What I mean to say is, I'm am 100% willing to look past a few differences with Obama to gain the vision and passion that he has. He is going to revolutionize Washington. His passionate hate of the corruption which plagues our government excites me to no end. His intellectual approach to foreign affairs and global issues is 100% awesome. Think about it: How much will it help to spread democracy in Iraq, when they see we've gone from George Bush to Barack Obama. It's a compete 180, how can they not stop and think, maybe democracy is not so bad. Barack Obama has foresight and vision to see the long term problems of this country and planet. He has the mental capabilities to approach issues in a scientific and intelligent manner. He has the honesty to carry out his plans and not let the power corrupt him or those around him. Barack Obama is just light years ahead of McCain in terms of their qualifications to be the President of the United States of America. ... well this is my 1 in 100 posts that I actually put effort into. Now I'll watch it go unnoticed and unappreciated.
  16. I'm telling you, it's always a loud minority that skews our perceptions of public opinion.
  17. You have no defense, but apart from that nice team.
  18. I thought evolution was a growth or improvement. The only thing that can possible be below kid rock on a musical evolutionary scale is Poojer banging on a triangle.
  19. If I made that list, the Bengals and Ravens would both be #1. Both will fall apart if they lose game #1 and have a good year if they win it.
  20. i still think we should have kept 6 corners. but we do have 5 really nice corners right now.
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