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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Rule #1 for me in fantasy... never draft Tom Brady. Finally paid off this year.
  2. I think I said something similar to you in another thread. But you don't get it apparently. The AFC *IS* wide open. Otherwise.. why bother even playing the games.
  3. After leaving WNY, and being able to eat real mexican food... Mighty just aint that special anymore. I no longer care much for the stuff. I'll take the street vendor taco's out here on the west coast any day.
  4. The National - Fake Empire
  5. The division was wide open before Brady got hurt. ... any given sunday buddy. I would prefer Brady was not hurt so the pats have no excuses when we beat them.
  6. Ya. Where did that Catharsis thread run off to?
  7. Yep. Any Bills fan getting too excited .. all they need to do is look at our past 8 seasons to keep them grounded in reality.
  8. and the lack of penalties, and several big pass plays, and the sacks, and the solid pass defense, and the solid run game....
  9. Ya you are getting way ahead of yourself.
  10. I was hoping for a more embarassing season for him.
  11. Marshawn. He got things off to a start for us, inspriring the rest of the team.
  12. I don't want it to end this way. I want Brady and 100% and throwing 5 picks per game. I do not want that ugly mofo in the HOF.
  13. JoeSixPack, from reading your comments in this thread.. you certainly live up to your name.
  14. Ya validating your party as right is what I see in it. Which is why I hate that there are only two parties. There is no possible way either party is right all of the time, or wrong all of the time.
  15. ... imagine being on a rollercoaster, and suddenly a head lands in your lap...
  16. Every NFL game is tough. The Bills cannot afford to look at game through "this game is harder than that game" glasses.
  17. I just hope Peters is all disgruntled and is willing to re-sign at some point.
  18. Gotta re-read this thread once a day now.
  19. YES!!!! I love it. He snuck that in there nicely.
  20. Sounds like some sort of candy. What the heck is he doing giving out candy during a football game?
  21. Do you think this could be the tale of two LB's Merriman vs Crowell? One decided to have the surgery and one decided not to. We'll see how it ends in three years.
  22. You don't need much to vote in another state. 2 pieces of mail with your name on them, I think, both of which you could easily make forgeries of. lol @Chef Jim btw
  23. For a few moments his speech was pretty good, during that part when he talked about his imprisonment. Outside of that.. .. was rather uninteresting.
  24. Lol. You sound like a republican still hoping to win the election.
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