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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Dude, your "he's guilty until proven innocent" mindset is very un-american. That lawsuit is frivolous. I'm going to sue you for being a from India, and post some ignorant crap about how muslim you are because someone is suing you. And even after my stupid lawsuit it thrown out, I'm still going to claim it, because I'm ignorant and can believe what I want to believe. Isn't this a country where you are free to believe what you want anyways.. Christian, Muslim, Jew.. Flying Spaghetti Monster.. or the "StupidNation church of the preconceived notions that have to be right, even if fact must be bent to make them that way" ... and are you getting on him for his mothers marriages and name changes while he was a child? lol.
  2. (Dean you are the second) Come on gregg, you know you want to. Take that legendary ability to a new level
  3. unrelated .. but not deserving it's own thread... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...?urn=nfl,108056 lol.. we get a 1st round bye
  4. PTR, I like you. But man, sometimes you are crazy.
  5. I voted Nader the last 2 also.
  6. I'm boycotting any ranking that have the Broncos over the Chargers.
  7. Do you know the type of people that seriously think Bush caused the 9/11 attacks? They are professors, distinguished researchers, and survivors who were in the towers and escaped. I laughed when people first started blaming the U.S. government for that too. Now after a good bit of reading, I don't laugh at it any more. I give it good consideration, and keep an open mind that it was distinctly possible, even if it was not likely.
  8. Somewhere in the ravens line they forgot a </i>
  9. Ya. Good call. Even if you were joking (which I doubt), there is some degree of truth to that.
  10. What I see when ans4e64 posts: Lol, I know .. thanks for brining up that memory, good times.
  11. TBD has a now officially changed the definition of favored to "trap game". Wer'e favored, we should win. Ya.. lets see what our boys are made of. If they lose, they'll surely deserve it.
  12. could we see the return of Koren Robinson?
  13. If Pakistan drops a nuke on us.. do you think Da Big Man and StupidNation will change their tune. .. or just keep blaming "liberal media".
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vVc50LzStA
  15. Did you just call me a giant ball of gas burning billions of miles away? How dare you@!@
  16. He's shattered all of the Bills Franchise records, I know that.
  17. The Bills have hispanic heritage month?
  18. Guess I'll consider re-thinking my opinion of the guy. (even if he thinks the Bills went 8-8 last year)
  19. I really like their WR's. I think Brown, Curtis, and Jackson are great. And this Basket fellow has played nicely also. Aside from TO.. when has McNabb ever had a really good WR? He's always done fine without them. I mean I kind of agree with you, but they have looked good in their two one win. Edit: oops
  20. Naw that's interesting. I didn't even know I was supposed to know that (If that makes any sense) I don't like Jaws, I think he's not a very smart person, and (as was nicely worded in another thread) a "master of the obvious". So seing as how I don't like the guy, and haven't much respect for him, I was ignorant of any such info. Because, well... why would I care about this guy?
  21. Lol, I just found this... for how much Buffalo hate jaws, .. we sure like to reward him for his stupidity... http://www.buffalobroadcasters.com/hof_2008.asp I didn't even know he was from here.
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