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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The countries who support wikileaks have the freest press. I think that is a really good litmus test. (obviously the US is doing everything it can to destroy wikileaks, so..)
  2. http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/09/23/bachmann_hannity_donation
  3. Probably true. The parties change platforms so often that it's easy to lose track. It was a progressive platform though.
  4. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/mar/05/barack-obama/Obama-goes-back-to-his-Republican-roots-on-health-/
  5. It's good that the 51st state is doing well.
  6. Ya, I guess 80 years of Dems trying to pass health care reforms was too short of a period of time? Seriously man, get a grip on reality.
  7. No. I'm sure he just came across that on some right wingnut website and then posted the link. I'm also sure that R-House is ignorant of the fact that Obama did cut taxes for 95% of the country. So in his head this is an attack against Obama. Regardless of that fact and the fact that Bush signed TARP into law, R-House will continue to always vote Republican. That's just how it goes when you are ignorant. Either way, these topics are complicated and Henry Morgenthau, Jr is not the god of economics. Perhaps R-House would consider looking at Germany or Canada or other countries running healthy economies (Brazil?) right now. I'm sure in his head, them are soshalist nations. /endrant
  8. Ya, Austan Goolsbee said exactly that on the Daily Show last week.
  9. When the Republicans Party loves the Republican Party more than it loves American, the Republican party can get things done for the Republican Party.
  10. You can't ask for a much better start http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Stocks-surge-a-day-after-Fed-apf-3673030832.html?x=0
  11. No. Protect your President. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/11/bachmann-outraged-over-made-up-cost-of-obamas-india-trip-video.php http://factcheck.org/2010/11/ask-factcheck-trip-to-mumbai/
  12. !@#$ you for wanting to put the President of the United Stats of America's life at risk so you can save some pennies on your taxes. He'll be close to terrorist territory, his safety is priority.
  13. That's odd. People who do actual research on these subjects on places that are not twitter, come to the completely opposite conclusions. But I'm sure your research was very professional nonetheless.
  14. I wish both of them off the TV. (also I wish Hannity would follow up on his waterboarding for charity event)
  15. I don't think anyone on this forum watches Chris Mathews.
  16. I don't think it matters much. Republican majority in House + Dem Majority in Senate + Republicans loving their own party more than the county + Demo President = Lame-duck
  17. Lol. I'll assume you don't watch his show much. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-march-17-2010/don-t-mess-with-textbooks http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-26-2010/gay-old-party
  18. Hating gays, hating science. I look to Texas when I think what the Republicans would want this country to become. It's not pretty.
  19. They did try. The Republicans kept thinking they were the majority party during negotiations and never offered any compromises.
  20. Ya, electronic machines are highly subject to fraud and should really just be outlawed. Even the CIA agrees.
  21. The only senator that refused to air negative ads is about to lose.
  22. Not true. But I think I don't care to comment any further than that (in order not to ruin this mostly informative thread)
  23. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2010/1102/Who-saved-the-day-in-Yemen-bomb-plot-Once-again-a-Muslim
  24. You do hate facts, and I do use a lot of sarcasm. I have no hope to find middle ground with you (since you hate fact), so I'm left to mock you. You should really stop hating factual information. And leave my doltery alone, it's private.
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