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Everything posted by BuffaloSol

  1. That one of the best linebacker names I've ever seen.
  2. It's weird I actually searched google for something like "Vince Youngs college offense, wonderlich ", to see what type of offense he ran and see what mack brown had to say about Vinces wonderlich in regards to how well he picked up Texas` offense. And like the third result was this TSW topic, lol.
  3. If he gets a 22 I would be much more interested at 22 in the draft maybe even the 12-22 range if we don't trade up and the my top 3 are gone Darnold, Rosen, Baker. I agree with what you said low scores are more telling, so that's why I'm passing on him as a franchise guy in today's nfl. He still could be a franchise guy I just hope the Bills pass if that score holds up. Does anyone know if he took it today? I took it awhile back and got a 37, Im pretty sure i didn't finish it all in the 12 minutes either. The speed at which you have answer I think is the more difficult part. I think I spent the most time unscrambling a word.
  4. The thread was archived so I couldn't reply, but I thought this was super interesting the takes on Young back in 2006 are similar on both sides of the arguement to Lamar Jackson even today. Vince Young has been referenced as Lamar Jacksons floor, so I thought this old thread was fairly relevant after we found out Lamar scored a 13 today. Vince apparently scored a 6 then a 15 or 16 on the retake. I don't claim to be a scout, but that 13 did worry me a bit, just as I was warming up to him at 22. Why does 13 worry me a bit? Because I've taken it like I'm sure some of you have, and it does measure intelligence and the ability to process information quickly through mostly just problem solving, some simple math, and some English language comprehension that a 3rd year college student should have little trouble with. The wonderlich is not the end all for a player but it is something. Obviously Lamar and Vince are different players. Lamar arguably had the better career and did have a better career statically. Time will tell with Lamar but, it does make sense to at least put a little weight into the similarities.
  5. You should take a couple practice wunderlichs and try and find the "very culturally & racially biased" questions. I am curious of how you decided that, I mean it's so easy to sesrch google or go to your local library and find sample tests, that you should have no problem finding proof in the form a very racially biased question. This should be pretty simple, all you got to do is take some screen shots or pictures of the very culturally and racially biased questions to show everyone here that you're statement isn't wrong. I'll wait.
  6. Also problem solving is apparently racially biased, like how many numbers in this group have a match.
  7. I didn't know mathematics and problem solving is racially and culturally biased? You learn something new everyday I guess, wait or do you?
  8. Nice forgot all about this guy.
  9. Makes sense, probably lost a couple more points if he took it again during his off-seasons as well.
  10. He would probably be a second round pick if he had his other hand, good for him making it this far though.
  11. And what do you know an insult again. You're saying I don't know what analysis means because it's uncomfortable for you to speak in direct terms? Also, I clearly didn't put words in your mouth, you wrote them out when you said Cam and Russell are treated differently because of their skin color, I said that's the type of stance you were taking before you took it "officially" on the board. Do you understand now that I analyzed your original post and made a statement based on that? It's not my fault you slipped up while hiding under the guise of an unbiased observer. And since you must keep missing it, avoiding it, deflecting the conversation from it, I had rebuttals and asked for information from you had regarding the stances you took. Well I guess you only "full on admitted" to the cam and Russell Stance when you slipped up. The only deflection tactic from actually debating I think you have left is going silent by not responding to me, that's what the other guy did or maybe finding an error in my Grammer(darn you already used that with the analysis thing)
  12. So analyzing what someone says and critical thinking is an "ugly tactic?" Funny saying that, seems like an ugly tactic I've seen before, which involves playing the victim to shut someone down that has a differing opinion. Then instead of refuting the points I made in an intelligent way you claim "the rest" of my post was "your usual obfuscations and misdirection." Which is another Tactic known as ad hominem. Just so we are clear, what you were saying was said in a way that was meant to be vague and take a stance kinda sorta(but not really). I saw that in your first post and called you out on it and then In your previous post you finally did come out and say people judge Cam aND Wilson unfairly on the account of their skin color which meant I was right when I analyzed your first post. So no need to extrapolate there. But you already knew all that, and we're trying to discredit me in anyway you could so you wouldn't have to debate. Well at least you didn't use the ugly tactic know as Red Herring.......Oh wait who brought up police shootings, who brought up kapernick, and who brought up BLM? That for the record belongs in ppp. So even though you said you are done because you could not refute or debate anything I said in either of the two posts. If you realize your mistake and deflection tactics I am still here to listen but BLM and cop shootings go to far on this portion of TBD.
  13. Useless? That's simply not true. If you have ever taken it you can tell it does measure intelligence plus brain processing speed. It is not the end all for a player but, it's definitely not helping Lamar. What field do you work in?
  14. Well lamars is not as bad as Vince Youngs first test of 6 or Jeff George's 10. Lamar was dumb not to get an agent, probably would have made him study harder, even a couple more points would have made a difference in perception. I think Vince Young got a 14 eventually. Side note does anyone know what leodis Mckelvin had as a wunderlich, no way it could have been to high.
  15. I know but why is it a joke that he is an A-hxxe? What did that have to do with the twitter feed? Is the guy that posted it an A-hxxe, I don't know him.
  16. Why is he an a hole, I just looked it up and those are apparently minimum scores for those professions when those jobs require a wunderlich test. http://wonderlictestsample.com/wonderlic-test-scoring/ https://www.jobtestprep.com/wonderlic-scores-by-professions
  17. Apparently you think people don't understand how to read something and understand what the person writing is implying. Speaking in vague terms and using false equivalencies. It's a tactic I've seen used enough times that I am wise to it. It's usually used by people to give themselves a way out during a debate and a way to take a stance without being forced to back that stance up Another tactic I am wise to is deflection of answers by trying to discredit the debate stating that propaganda is the same thing as asking you show some proof of your "wonder" about fans use of race in determining their like or dislike of a player. "Derailing the topic" by questioning the validity of your claim that Tyrod and now Lamar are being unfairly judged due to their race. That's called engaging in the topic I'm sorry your political ideology doesn't fit with my rebuttals of the claims you proposed. Well I am glad you had a great source for your next statement "As other posters have pointed out EVERY franchise probably has kkk types, neonazi types, and other cretins embedded in their fan base..." which while statically anyone could probably conclude that, using at as point to lead in to your next arguement is another Tactic I am wise to. It is a way to try and cleverly conclude that there are much larger group of people (other than just the blatant scum racists) that think black QB`s cannot succeed in the NFL only because they are black. While you again make the statement that NFL Starting QBs have their fair share of criticism, you lead in the arguement by stating it is an unfair criticism based on being black. Which again you failed to show proof that their criticism is based on their race. So unlike you tried to say earlier by stating "you NEVER came close" you actually did. If you think a review of a QB in which some scout says or doesn't say the "code word" (which apparently is your way implying scouts have code words based on Race) of Pocket Passer "dangerous" with the potential of being "deliberately racist" I feel sorry for you. Oh and again zero facts regarding the "dangerous" use of Pocket Passer or Dual Threat. Well thanks for sharing your evaluation of Lamar Jackson and guess what you'll be happy to hear that there are plenty of scouts that see him that way, but you think based on your extensive scouting knowledge every Scout must say either he is Pocket Passer or not say something that implies he can run as well? That is why I used the word delusional earlier, Lamar Jackson ran for three THOUSAND yards in the last two years with possible 4.3 speed and you think it's okay to say that it's "dangerous" maybe even "deliberately racist" if some of the people that scout him don't say he only a pocket passer QB? As far as Rosen people have a right to question his character it doesn't make it right or wrong. He clearly rubs some people the wrong way and there were reports that came out of UCLA(who knows how true they are or if it was a way for his agent or another teams scout to make sure the browns pass), they have a right to their opinion on him. I personally think he has the highest floor but am very worried about two concussions and other injury history. Did you really say know your place or pay the price about Rosen? You're kidding right....... the price? He is a clear Top ten pick with potential to go number one in a draft that has not happened yet. Sign me up for paying the price please. Or better yet LeBrons price, I would have movie and book deals and someone I already think is an idiot on Fox news that says they think I should shut up because of my political views(oh the horror). Have you watched main stream media lately they have all chosen sides, to act like Fox News is the only one that does it is extremely naive. We dont have time to get into the kapernick james stuff and it should go in ppp. But I'll say a couple things since you brought it up. Saying it's racist or he is being blackballed because of race is also lacking proof, everyone on the the right that is mad says it's due to disrespect of the flag while everyone on the left says it's racist, they are both out of line. I know what kap was trying to say and I don't think he was trying to disrespect the flag, doesn't mean I have to agree with his stances. I will say he didn't help himself with the childlike pig as a cop socks(ya know the MAJORITY of which are underpaid public servants that put their life on the line and are good people) and defending the dictator Castro to a Cuban refugee(pretty hard to bring him to the dolphins last year after that), along with ya know the football and business things involved.
  18. Did you read my post? I clearly was talking about the great college careers but, scouts seeing flaws in their transition to NFL have them mid to late first as a grade.
  19. Is he doing other speed drills?
  20. Yeah it's a dumb move because QB's get their 40s looked at as well. Just because Bill Polian says he thinks you would be a good reliever doesn't mean most other organizations don't see you as a QB. But why not show how fast you are? Is he doing any of the other drills like shuttle long jump etc?
  21. He is getting similar treatment from real scouts as Tebow did who also a Heisman trophy and had outrageous numbers both passing and rushing and Tebow(a 170 qbr in college compared to lamars 142)got picked late first, lamar has more potential than Tebow. It's clear that most scouts are worried about fixing his accuracy, mechanics, etc or he would be the number 1 pick. Lamar seems like a leader with alot more speed than Tebow. Though their game is not that similar their heisman trophy past and great college careers elevates their draft stock, but scouts didn't have them at the top of the draft class. He should go mid first for his potential, in fact he will probably be motivated even more if he is picked later, but he does have to work on accuracy, inconsistancy and fix some mechanics, which I am sure he has potential to fix and will still get picked top 15 even with teams knowing that.
  22. In today's game Flacco and Rodgers seem to complete the longest through the air, not sure who has the strongest though.
  23. Check out this high school kid, I found when looking up throws. In a game he threw it about 74 yards in the air even though it says 77, unfortunately doesn't look like it translated to college QB. https://youtu.be/IGeeDv6g2LY
  24. You brought up race and wanted a discussion but, anytime someone has a rebuttal you think okay to hide behind the guise of people are being race sensitive? Then you discuss Identity politics like you are not part of the issue. If you are scared to talk about race and can't handle facts being shown to you or a difference of opinion don't bring it up. You wanted a discussion you got one, but don't act like you didn't expect people being offended that you interjected race with zero proof. Answer this not some other part of my discussion- Let's face it where is your proof of the claims that a large part of fans in Buffalo made there decision on Tyrod based on Race, the media made decisions on Tyrod based on race, and the organization made decisions based on race? >>>>>Again answer last question<<<<<<
  25. Hey kid, trolling does not mean a disagreement. The fact that your arguement is weak does not mean a difference of opinion is trolling buddy. Just because you feel righteous or some people are to afraid to talk about it, doesn't give you a free pass on a debate. You failed to respond to any of my rebuttals because you knew how weak your arguement was, and the only way to keep your political identity in tact was to change the subject or not respond.
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