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  1. He played the first half in a similar situation vs Miami a few years back. Plus 14 wins would be a franchise record
  2. easy answer - KC@Denver. Even if KC is playing backups, Denver will need the win to make the playoffs
  3. 11% chance of Bengals making playoffs, so, we need to relax. Things will be more clear after tomorrow. I'm writing off MIA with Tua out, but if INDY wins, I'm guessing the odds of CIN making playoffs is round 9%. Stats would say DEN % of losing .50*IND Chance of losing .40* CIN chance of winning .45 = 9%
  4. Not sure if this belongs here but didn't think it needed it's own thread. The D wasn't as bad as I thought vs Detroit but it's hard to emphasize how horrible Cam Lewis paid. He was beyond downright terrible and let to a ton of Detroit's big plays. I like him usually but not last week
  5. Very bad luck for Detroit, but, I think all their injuries are going to be their downfall this year. If they can somehow hold onto the 1 seed, they'll have a decent chance to make the Superbowl, but I still see GreenBay, Philadelphia, even the Rams matching up well vs. them
  6. Gruden was doing fine with the Raiders. He was fired because of that text/email thing
  7. Talent evaluators don't go by pro bowl votes. Hamlin is a really nice story but he's an average to below average safety
  8. Tea leaves have been there all season. #23 was never issued, Cain cut yesterday. Makes too much sense,
  9. Nope - Poyer looked shot last year, Hyde still looked good
  10. As I speculated yesterday when I started this thread. Though, it wasn't hard speculating this
  11. Romo has mailed it in, which is sad, 'cuz he used to be interesting an good. Just collects a hefty paycheck these days
  12. KC, Baltimore and Detroit message boards are currently having open enrollment
  13. Damn are you people doom and gloom or what. two numbers, 7, 2
  14. technically, with standing as they are now, it wouldn't be until the AFC Championship game
  15. Slayton would be ideal
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