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Everything posted by KingRex

  1. The move strikes me as pretty desperate. Was this a planned part of "the process"? It may work. I hope it does. I just doubt it.
  2. I don't see the FACT that it was Garbagetime (if you don't think it was garbagetime in this blowout then feel free to make your case) but simply as a factor to be considered. The question is simply one of what gives you the best chance of winning now and secondarily in the longer term. Ironically, the answer to both questions is likely not start Peterman. In the short run it seems incredibly unlikely that starting a rookie QB is going to turn a team blown out by the Saints at home and by the Jets on the road into a winner. First off, changing QBs does nothing to stop the Saints running game from running over the Bills at will. Getting rid of Dareus for nothing upfront had by far more impact on the run D than who got the QB start. This is where this game was lost. Perhaps you want to argue that Peterman would have kept pace with Brees productivity for the Saints better than Tyrod did. Yeah right. Peterman opens the game with a TD drive rather than a FG drive as Tyrod did and it makes all the difference in slowing Ingram down. Yeah right. The true irony is that as nonsensical is the argument that going to Peterman now would be good for the Bills in the short term is that ironically, it probably would be even more harmful to Peterman's development. Bringing Peterman in when we did today was actually the right move for his development. Garbagetime is the perfect time to develop this rookie QB. One of the worse things we could do for his development is to rush him in to a higher stakes situation where there is a demand for him to lead the team to victory which will not be achieved on a team whose run D is swiss cheese, where the GM and HC are more committed to building a team for the future than winning now, and the OC has shown little ability to consistently be productive with talented players he does have. Garbagetime is not an excuse for Peterman, it's a REASON. Peterman should only play when the Bills have given up on winning the game or given up on winning this season. This is likely how his teammates will interpret a decision by our braintrust to give up on and bench our current starting QB. It is incredibly unlikely that a 5th round draftee rookie QB is gonna lead this team to win now. We rushed TC into the pressure of a starting role too early to train the happy-feet out of himand likewise we were stupid in our failed effort to develop JP as we gave him more responsibility than this youngster had the ability to handle. Throwing Peterman into a starting role difficult if not impossible for even most 1st round talented QBs to handle is almost certainly bad for the Bills and likely would be worse for development of Peterman himself. Even a QB as talented as Tom Brady profited from sitting for a year. A key for smart development and training of Peterman is to let him develop the success that a good rookie can achieve in garbage time!
  3. Actually, the real answer. One game at a time and the season will take care of itself. Beat the Jets!
  4. OK I'll calm down and be realistic 14-2 Baby
  5. Thr great likelihood (by far) is that if Peterman is thrown into a starters role at any point this season, it will be a horrible way to train him to be our QB of the future and might well destroy him as a player. Think about it, what examples can you nam of rookies drafted in the 5th round who ere ready to start in their first year. Evn Tom Brady sat on the bench, looked and learned as a rookie until injury forced Bdellicheat to start hm as a sophomore. Even then Brady speaks highly of the import of him having Bledsoe sitting on the bench to work with him while h learned the game (not to mention when Brady went down in the playoffs and non other than that idiot Bledsoe came in led the team back from the Brady led deficit and threw the winning TD allowing Brady to win his first SB. The Bills have a bad history of rushing QBs from Todd Collins to Losman to start as youngsters and demand they win before they are ready. What makes you think Peterman is more talented than Luck or other starting rookies who started and struggled or folks like Rothensburger or Flacco who the pro scouts judged to be worthy of a 1st round pick rather than Peterman who the pros had as a consensus later pick! Starting Peterman likely makes him a failure
  6. I looked in depth at one year where the general consensus was that it was a strong deep draft. After 1 season slightly less than half of each team's #1 picks were first on the depth charts of the team that chose them. There was a steep drop-of #2 picks who were first on the depth charts their second sason. Folks are right its only 2 games and quite frankly if he ends the season as a back-up on the depth chart he still is far from a bust s a rookie. Eric Moulds career is more like it than a 2nd round pick becoming a star as a rookie. Pa.
  7. It sounds really pretty football stupid to both rely on preseason performance as the clear evidence which drives us to a decision and then at the very same time dub pre-season caveats as notwithstanding and allows a judgement which ignores the limitations of preseason one wants to ignore. It was my sense that the prevailing thinking was that Peterman did demonstrate he show great production for a rookie later round draftee. However, the fact remains that no one (and I mean zip, zero, no one with any football intelligence mistakes Peterman for demonstrating first day of the draft (or even second day of the draft) skills that would make it reasonable to put him in the NFL as a rookie starting QB. Peterman has been a great surprise who made a very good showing in the non-gameplanned, training speed of a pre-season game. The Bills might have to start Peterman if Tyrod gets hurt. However, to throw Peterman into the starters role and subject him to opposing DCs and the pro braintrusts of opponents dissecting the limited tape on him and exploiting the many failings in his game which led to the consensus of all scouts that his skills made him a 5th round pick. Look even if you want to dub Peterman the next Tom Brady (boy you must love the fantasy game), remember even Brady needed a year on the bench to learn the pro game. Further, even he has publicly sung the praises of the importance when he got thron into the game by B ledsoe's collapsed lung, that he as lucky to have the wounded Bledsoe around to help him understand the game and what was going on his second year. The fact quite likely is that if McDermott is stupid or weak enough to get bulldozed into throwing Peterman into the game it not only would likely pay few benefits for the Bills in terms of Ws as opposing staffs get to get more and more tape to gameplan for Peterman, but rushing this 5th round choice into a starters role is likely to be a poor way to train Peterman as a pro. The consensus of football pros who have forgotten more than us fans know about the game is that 5th round pick Peterman MIGHT be a good pro one day after a lot of practice and training. To force him to start way before he's ready is simply poor training practice. I hope McDermott doesn't panic and start Peterman like some encourage him to do.
  8. 1. The tacking was very good- McCown did an OK job checking down for the Jets and hitting short passes underneath, but one of the things that impressed me most about the Bills play Sunday was that for the most part there did not appear to be a lot of RAC yards because the Bills were doing good tackling. In particular Humber's numbers were a pleasant surprise for me. 2. I liked the safety play in general, the two INTs were good to see in response to McCown feeling a bit more pressure to go downfield, but the big ticket in terms of good safety play was in how they often forced McCown to check down and held their ground on running plays forcing them to the inside. 3. Good playcalling. I was particularly impressed by the TD to Holmes where they had him run a pattern that totally fooled the inexperienced Jets DB who had coverage. The redzone use of Clay was great (not only on the TD, but on the INT which was a good route, but TT airmailed the throw and Clay did not haul in the lousy but catchable pass. The significant # of plus 20 yard plays were another indicator of good calls. 4. Great decision making by TT- running OB instead of getting hit and also throwing the ball away and living to fight another down rather than forcing it.downfield.
  9. The best thing about this Bills team is that the only thing that makes sense in terms of speculation is ONE GAME AT A TIME! he fact that this old saw still applies is a tribute to the team's good play. The only speculations that make sense will be either one game at a time or how high a draft choice will they get. Its great that it is relevant to talk about the former rather than the later!
  10. My guess is that Reilly gets signed by Belicheat and is turned into the next Edelman and the Bills kick themselves for awhile.
  11. The main problem with the anthem is that its simply not a very good song for singing along with or even having it performed very well. Its simply a song which if you have a bad voice, it invites excess often leading to humorou renditions. I think America the Beautiful would make for a far better anthem if you're looking for a tune which honors the country and lends itself both to group singing and steering individual performances. What do we expect from a song which begins with a question beginning with the odd interrogative O.
  12. Actually, the country was founded on the idea that one way to make the country better is by complaining. The government is strictly prohibited from taking any action on someone for exercising his free speech right to complain. Your invective against complaining is simply un-American if you think the state should take any action. If the NFL/Bills want to praise the federal govt for its actions it seems to me they should not be picking and choosing ho the feds view the anthem which is honoring citizen's rights to complain about government action. The suggestion to bar complaining seems un-American to me.
  13. The two lead prospects everyone gets compared to are the performances of Taylor and Peterson. In the end, reality will trump fantasy projections every time.
  14. actually how it exacerbates an already pretty impossible situation with dealing with the WR situation. Even before the huge trades letting our #1 Watkinsgo and picking up Matthews, we had a huge challenge simply hoping to avoid injuries which had routinely sidetracked our #1 and no one outside of Donald Trump would have been surprised if old man Boldin had been our #1. Unfortunately reality intruded and not only did we lose Boldin, but a freak injury to Matthews removed much chance that he, Tyrod, Peterman, or Yates would gain any practical experience with each other. Add to this catastrophic reality, that Streater gets hurt along with the inability of Taylor, Yates to even practice.or for the braintrust to even predict whether the concussion protocol which depends upon assessment being made day-to-day will allow these two QBs to even do walk throughs. My limited understanding of the concussion protocol is that it is designed to force players with head injuries to stand down as pro football players and take away the ability of both the braintrust or the individual player to "suck it up" and show their commitment to their teammates and their own careers by doing anything but sit there with the lights turned out. My sense is that Taylor and Yates are mandated to simply sit for a couple of days and then only be allowed to increase their activity as they pass various cognitive and other mental tests. It is essentially unpredictable as to win they can be counted on not to simply play but even to pactice. My sense of what the Bills need to do are a couple of things. 1. Sign a QB right now! However, the key criteria for this hire is not his upside and potential to win games, but instead his ability to practice and run plays that are part of the 2017 Bills playbook. The priority for this player is not his talent and potential to win games, but instead his familiarity with Bills OC Dennison's offense and the terminology he uses so he can participate in good practice sessions that allow the braintrust to give good practice to the WRs so they can assess who should start with Peterman or it is to be hoped Taylor. For example we should be under no illusions that Ponder is going to be our answer at starting QB, but he has a history with Dennison and may be our best choice to sign him for practice. 2. Think about the potential to sign a potential starting QB. Its still way to early to look for a Kapernick or some other unlikrly bad choice to b our potential starter. I have few doubts a player like Kapernick is a better player than Yates, but given the distraction he would cause (to a team with given folks like Dareus already has character challenges) and given that the playbook might need to be changed to get the most out of CK, its likely not worthwhile to bring him in. However, concussions are so uncertain, and throwing the rookie Peterman in now is almost certainly poor training of this talented youngster, the Bills need to figure its Taylor or bust, but the time has come to think about but not impledment bust options like Sean Hill.
  15. The key thing to remember about developing Peterman is that if you are gonna compare him to folks like Manning and Brees is that their traing started with them having clear talent that earned them 1st round draft status. Even with his good play with and against the second stringers, no one mistakes Peterman for having 1st round skills. Lest folks forget and you want to make the outlandish comparison to Brady, remember that thre was 2 critical factors in Brady's development to be among the best ever. 1. He sat on the bench and learned his entire first season. If you want to actually train and develop Peterman into a franchise QB have him sit. If insteadyou want to ruin him as a player thn force him to play in real games when he is a late pick talent. 2. Both Brady and Bledsoe talk about the key role Bledsoe played in the training of Brady his sophomore year. First Bledsoe suffered an exotic injury which gave Brady a chance. My guess is w/o the collapsed lung, likely it takes 2 or maybe three seasons for the Pats to give up on the highly paid but crunch-time less performing Bledsoe. Both QBs talk about the critical mental role Bledsoe played for Brady as he provided a QB coach on the field btw plays for Brady. Bledsoe did not have the physical skills to be Brady or the mental skills to perform with the ball in his hands. However, he had played a whole lifetime and had the ability to see things only a formers starting QB could se anf translate that in a believable way. Peterman ain't Brady, Brees, Manning, or even Flacco. If you want to ruin him thn rush him forward before he is ready like he's Todd Collins or Losman..
  16. I think that football is such a great game because it is the ultimate team game. In the end it matters less how Tyrod looks than whether the team is 10-6, 8-8, or 6-10. Sure, how Tyrod performs will tell a lot about the W/L, but a much bigger factor for us fans to watch will be how will this team do utilizing the full playbook than the partial plays the Bill are willing to show in pre-season. Will Glenn truly be on schedule as McDermott says and if not how dos the OL perform w/o both Glenn and Henderson is likely to cause Tyrod to put up a W or L.. Whether the WR corps is too depltedw/o the talents of not only Watkins, but now Boldin, and apparently Matthews due to injury may mean it does not matter what skills Tyrod shows, in the end most passes are tests of Tyrod getting it close enough but a quality WR winning the battle for the ball. Tyrod's skills are important but simply are not likely to be the rate limiting factor for this team's O success.
  17. Coaching? As bad as Rex was, the current coaching staff needs to prove they are better than a lousy Rex on the field.
  18. In today's Pardon the Interruption Sow (PTI is an ESPN hot stove argument show which I probably like cause Wilbon and I went to the Jesuit H.S) on of the discussion pieces was a rare dip into the Buffalo pro sports team pool. They discussed in this short segment whether trading Watkins made sense. They concluded no because: A: Its a win now league and Sammy recovered from injury is gonna be more productive than his replacement. They heralded Watkins achievements during his brief healthy time and theorized that even the threat he poses likely makes the O and his fellow WRs more productive players. B. The key to the Bills being better is trusting the process and given that over the last decade and a half plus shows that the ownership has been insufficient to run a process which can win. Unfortunately, I think they might be right. Stocking up draft choices might be fun for us armchair GMs, but there is no evidence to indicate the process will work. Sadly.
  19. The thing which strikes me as irrational are the concept that anyone wants to engage in putting a bunch of our eggs in the Peterman basket when clearly to me he shows some potential, but needs a lot of work and training before a team would make him there #1. Making a player your starter before he is ready to start is simply a recipe for poor training. Even a consensus first round pick might easily be better trained and developed by sitting on the bench, or even up in the booth as the disaster QB sitting next to the OC and absorbing how this AC sees and understands the game. Is Peterman ready to play with the 3rd string and beat other third stringers and even look good doing it? Yep! Is he ready to start or even is it good training technique to throw him into the starting fire. Nope. Is Tyrod a franchise guy? Nope, certainly not with a team with an unweildly WR corp at best which just traded away their oft injured #1 WR, lost their #2 to FA, and just signed a pretty good old vet to be their #2. However, I think he has shown enough productivity that he will either pull off the unlikely feat of developing into a starter capable of being part of a winner, or at the least improve his marketability as trade bait. Throwing Peterman in as your starter is simply irrational training technique and throwing Taylor away when simply an injury to someone else's starter would greatly increase his value seems the hallmark of panic to me.
  20. Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. It seems quite sad to me to have built a career around pointing out the many flawed actions of the long playoff less Bills.
  21. The good news is that while all of us fans can have our arguably and potentially legit theories about a 5th round QB not having any future for this tam, reality says this decision is gonna be decided on the field with pre-season performance and then with whatever the realities of performance or injury provides for Tyrod, Peterman, or some fantasy QB to merge in the 2018 draft. Will Tyrod be the answer? Unlikely but possible. Will Peterman be the answer? Even more unlikely but possible. Is some 2018 draft phenom the answer? Even more unlikely but possible? We'll see
  22. Ralph was stupid to shovel money into the bank account of the previously oft-injured RJ and he really came off as a low-grade person for how he ditched Flutie despite him simply achieving all his incentives, but at least he tried to win every season. Wake me when this season ends.
  23. I trust them to provide a lousy product this year. The future is now in this League and I trust this leadership to have rejected the here and now. It's simply going to be embarrassing watching the Pats have as their major 2017 challenge no serious competition in the regular season. What is BB to do when the rest of the East is not even worth cheating against.
  24. If I'm him, I say trade me or watch me go into a funk. I did my best to talk Mac and others to come here because I believed McDermott/Beane were planning to both walk and chew gum by building for the future, but start by building a winning ethic. These trades have clearly set the tone for what we are shooting for in 2017 (which is 2018). For Bills fans the Sabres are looking good right now.
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