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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Hmmm...only 1 week before the Election???


    What timing!!!


    I think liberals are rooting for something to happen between now and next week, they WANT To hear the GW planted everything

    Get over 2000 you babies



    Since Powell just sold democratic Taiwan down the river in favor of commie China, this could be it.


    Bush loves commies


    Now let's kick this over to PPP, so that those who signed the loyalty oath can spin Bush's support of a dictatorship over and over again.

  2. Allow me to edit my example...If I paid $200,000 for said tickets when I could have gotten them for $2,000, that would be a poor decision, no matter what the worth of the tickets.  Relating it to the draft is obviously different since we lack the information about what was offered and to who.  Still, I do know that the Steelers seem to have a stud that may have been available for a similar deal, and I also know that the QB we ended up selecting was projected to go lower.  Lastly, it would seem that the pick Dallas is going to get will be quite good.


    That being said, my personal problem with our draft, which hasn't changed since April, is that we spent a number 13 overall, a number 45 overall, and what will probably be a top 5 overall pick on the 4th WR to be drafted in 2004, and the 4th QB to be drafted in 2004.  To me, that seems like a lot to pay for two guys that weren't ranked in the top 3 in their position on most boards.  I also hated that we went with a WR when we needed so much help in other areas, but that's neither nere nor there.


    Hopefully those guys will end as ultra studs, but I'll always feel we could have gotten them (or their equivailant) for less.  Just my opinion based on incomplete information.



    I disagree. In Evans and Losman, TD got exactly what he was looking for. A WR with speed and a QB with mobility. Both these guys would have been gone by their 2nd pick in the draft.


    I'd like to hold off on blasting TD for this trade until I see Losman play. If he looks like Boller, I'll be pissed. If he looks like Leftwich, I'll be happy.

  3. I thought I caught on the post game show that when MM was put on the defensive & asked about starting JP, he said JP's not fully comfortable with his all of his drops yet & really not ready to play.


    Sure he has missed practice time due to injury, but not mental reps.  Why is JP not ready yet another rookie, Roethlisberger, has his team sitting at 5-1?


    Did anyone else hear MM say this? 


    Or is MM's thinking that:


    1) they're afraid to play JP fearing he'll get killed behind this OL, or


    2) they're afraid the OL is so bad it will ruin JP's confidence & progress, or


    3) they're not ready to replace Drew until they're mathematically eliminated





    It might be a combination of Losman really not being ready yet, and them waiting until they're mathmatically out of the race.


    It's going to be tougher for JP than Roethlisberger because of the interuption in his development.


    JP hasn't played in a game situtation since August. It's tough for a guy to rehab an injury, be mentally up on the offense, and be acclimated to the real spead of the game.


    Add to that, that the coaches might still have it in their minds that this offense can click (although that's probably fading after yesterday's game), and that they'll fight for this season as long as they can.


    Anyway, the goal should be to get Losman between 5 and 7 starts this year. That should give him enough time to get caught up, and for the offense to play us out of contention.

  4. That's what you "THINK".  That's what I think, that's what everyone thinks.  But we KNOW 100% that our offense stinks with Bledsoe.  In this case, the devil you don't know is better than the one you don't. 

    Really, I don't get why this is so difficult.



    It's not difficult, it's irrelevant. I don't care who the QB is, Matthews or Bledsoe, it doesn't matter. They're both equally inept.


    I'd love to see either of these guys rip off six wins. Problem is, we know neither is capable of doing it. This isn't a Flutie/Johnson debate, it's a Johnson/Johnson debate.


    Losman will end this season and start next season as QB.

  5. Right...let's not mess with the "team chemistry"...let's just lose with Drew until JP is ready.





    How good do you think Matthews will make this team, really? I have no problem benching Bledsoe. I just think we get more of the same with Matthews.


    Point is, it dosen't matter with these two guys, both of them are stand-ins until Losman is ready. Hopefully the team will win some games until then, but probably not enough to jump back into the playoff race.

  6. I care.  Especially if one could have gotten the same or better players for less, but it's a moot point.  It's really not possible to know exactly what could have been done with which teams.


    I just think it's irresponsible to not care what was paid, as long as the players are good.  For example, I'd really love to see the Bills win a Super Bowl in person, but despite how great it may be, I wouldn't pay $200,000 a ticket to be there.



    Not sure I get your example. If TD drafted two star players in the first this year, instead of one this year and one next, what's the difference?

  7. I watched the Miss State/Gators game. It was incrediably exciting for an impartial observer. The teams traded scores the entire second half.


    Of course, for Gator fans, it was full-blown travesty and gut-wrenching embarassment of the highest order. It was like the Bills losing to UB.


    But, for me, it was fun to watch.

  8. Is Matthews going to rattle off six wins in a row for the Bills. Probably not. And Bledsoe won't either. Either guy might win a game here and there, but they're not going to ignite a playoff run.


    We're all hanging fire right now waiting for Losman to get healthy. He needs to follow the Leftwich program this year.


    Right now switching Matthews for Bledsoe is nothing more than a cosmetic change. Bills fans should be preparing to take their lumps with J.P. in hope of better things to come.

  9. We need to stop this Bledsoe/Matthews crazy talk.


    Losman is the future, and until he's ready to start, the Bills are in waiting mode.


    Bledsoe or Matthews might win a couple games in the interim, but neither is going to drive this team to the playoffs.


    Bledsoe? Matthews? Who cares?


    When Losman is healthy, he starts. Give Evans and McGahee as much experience as possible. Spend the rest of the season getting J.P. ready, Leftwich style, and then line it up next year.


    I'm not sure how many games the Bills will win doing this, but with 5 conference losses, the season is pretty much cooked.

  10. Mularkey doesn't suck but the jury is definitely still out on Donahoe.  He has left Mularkey out to dry with a QB who is NOT suited for 95% of today's NFL, and a terrible situation to manage at RB.


    For his first year, Mularkey has not been given every opportunity to succeed.  You are right that for now the future looks bright with Losman in the wings (though we paid a king's ransom for him), and McGahee does look to be a special back.  Who knows, maybe we get something good for Travis -- I think conditional draft picks might be the best we get there.  But that's four-five years of writeoffs to get there, which kinda does suck. 


    The good thing is that Mularkey is getting real tests in his first year and kind of having his feet held to the fire more than necessary, which is to say it should only get easier for him.  I'm confident he'll be good for this team in the long run.



    TD drafted Losman, who, by most accounts, is suitable for today's NFL's offenses.


    Unfortunately, Losman broke his leg. I find it hard to believe that Losman wouldn't be the starter next week if he were healthy.

  11. It may not happen next year, but I think that Donahoe will be gone after the 2005 season - and I'm hoping that someone with a brain comes in to turn things around. (Let's hope Mr. Wilson is still alive by then.) Flame me all you like, but I also see Jim Haslett coming in to be the coach. Maybe then we'll have some hope of building a contender.


    In the meantime, I will still refuse to watch this team under Bledsoe's "leadership".



    If Evans and McGahee continue to develop, and Losman sparks the offense, why would Donahoe be fired, especially if the defense continues to play well?

  12. I do not blame one poster here for being pissed at the way Drew played yesterday. He was awful.


    That said, I am seeing a trend here of people implying that all we need to do is plug Losman in there and our troubles are over. Sorry, not by a longshot. McNally was going to save the day too, right?

    There are far too many non-talented players on offense.

    On defense, talent seems to abound, so why all the third and long conversions? Could it be dumb coaching?  :blush:


    I agree with all of you who think that the Bills need new direction. It should start with a GM who has the guts to hire a true coaching staff. A GM who is competent to conduct an NFL draft for his team. One who will give the loyal Bills fans what they deserve, a team of tough guys.


    I want to see JP as much as the next guy, but let him fully heal. He is NOT enough by himself to turn this mess around. Look at what TD gave up for him!

    I would hate to see him join the growing list of qbs ruined by the Bills OL.



    There's no one 'savior' for the Bills. Getting a QB who's not dead every time a lineman makes a misread would be a start to improving the offense.


    Starting a RB who isn't dead every time the planned hole isn't there, and can beat a guy or two for three more yards will make this offense better.


    Playing a QB with some athleticism in the red zone will also make the offense better.


    I'm not really worried about Mularkey yet. Del Rio started winless last season before benching his veteren for a rookie. Hopefully Mularkey will do the same this year.

  13. If Drew is cut, his bonus will accelerate. It might actually cost monet to cut him before 6/1, I do not know. As for Williams, he would cost millions to cut before 6/1, so much, that it might make sense to try him at OG as Mark suggested.


    Btw, I am not down on the MaGahee pick. The Bills, contrary to what we thought, needed a running back, and WM looks good. I just will never understand the philosophy of overlooking blocking.



    The thing about Bledsoe is that he magnifies just about every mistake the O-line makes. Kelly's O-line was never perfect, but Jimbo could cover up their mistakes by making plays.


    Look at how much better the line looks with McGahee playing instead of Henry. McGahee has the speed to get outside and the power to drag blockers after contact.


    Henry runs straight ahead, and if the hole isn't there, he lacks the elusiveness to bounce the run. Also, his injuries this year have prevented him from making yards after contact.


    So the line looks better with McGahee in there than with Henry.


    The line hasn't played all that great, but there has to be intense pressure on them to play perfectly for Bledsoe and Henry to be effective, because these two guys can't compensate for their mistakes.

  14. >>>One thing is clear. We are 1-5 with Bledsoe at the helm this season, I won't even go into the road record for the last two year. Can someone please tell me why we shouldn't change just for the sake of change?<<<


    Our record is worse with Henry as the starter this year. can we bench him too?

    Seriously, most of our offense is piss poor. We cannot bench all of them. I will be at the game on Sunday and would rather watch Drew, however painful, than Shane Matthews.



    McGahee should start. That was painfully obvious from yesterday. I doubt that Matthews would do better than Bledsoe, but if they did make that change, I'd be able to live with it.


    Losman starts as soon as he's cleared by the doctors. It's time for the Bills to implement the Jacksonville plan from last season.

  15. I understand the play.  The decision is to not throw the ball or to throw it away.  If a play is blown up, or a receiver is covered you don't throw it there. 


    By your logic, we have one primary receiver and if he is covered, Bledsoe should throw it there anyway. 


    Today of all days, Bledsoe HAS to know how important it is to protect the football.  Baltimore’s offense is awful and he cannot turn the ball over.



    Bledsoe should have audibled out of that play or called a time out. It's difficult to run those horizontal passes with the entire defense is up on the LOS. Mularkey, Clemments, and Bledsoe have made this mistake before.


    The offense was also hurt by Henry's inability to average more than 2 yards a carry in the first half. The Bills offense can't face 2nd and 3rd and longs and be successful.


    And Bledsoe still might be a good NFL QB, but not in this system, and not with these players. He seems to have no concept of the limitations of the offense. He should know that he can't throw a screen when there are 4 defenders lining up in the flat.


    It's time for the Jacksonville plan. Start McGahee and Losman (when he's healthy). Spend the rest of the year getting them (and Mularkey) up to speed. Hopefully next year they'll develop an offense that can put up a few TDs a game, which would result in a winning record with the defense they have.

  16. So what if he was a number 1 draft pick? Most would agree that was a wasted pick, even if WM turns out to be the next OJ. All that will mean is that TD got lucky with his gamble. If he had drafted for other needs the Bills have we probably wouldn't be 1-4. Did you see the burst Joe Burns showed when he spelled WM in the Miami game or the game Sammy Morris had, does that make them special?  If we had drafted for a need that year and just had one of these backs come of the bench we wouldn't have a need of 2 quality starting backs.


    With that being said, I wish WM all the best as I am a Bills fan. And how can you be stupid enough to make acomment that TH can't get the job done? BS; you'd have to be a fool to think he is hands down better than Henry; especially after posting identical numbersthroughout the year. As a matter of fact, up until the play where he slipped, TH game against NE was more impressive than WM game against the Dolphins as he consistently gained yardage against them keeping the chains moving..




    You really can't be serious here. Joe Burns proved last season that he couldn't be a starting RB when Henry was injured.


    And you talk about Sammy Morris being a quality back, well he was passed over when TD drafted Henry. So is Henry a bad draft pick?


    The Bills are 1-4 because Henry, among others, HASN'T gotten the job done.


    --For a guy with 23 TDs over the last 2 years, his goal line performance has been poor.


    --For a 4 year year veteren, it's unforgivable that he run the wrong route on a passing play, but he has also run the wrong way on a running play.


    --For a guy that has gained 1300 each of the last season, it's disappointing that he couldn't manage to gain over 100 the first quarter of this season.


    --And as a power runner, you expect him to move the sticks on short yardage situations, not fall down.


    I hope the guy turns his game around, but until he does, the Bills have to play the guy who's contributed more this season. Right now, that's McGahee.

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