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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Gee, looks like child abuse to me.  Someone call the authorities. 


    How can our children turn into thoughtful and well adjusted adults when their parents stick them under the table and force them to watch Bills Superbowls?


    This country is going into a crapper.



    Or when they force their children to watch 24 point victories by the (horrible) '04 Buffalo Bills.


    It nearly sent ICE over the edge. :D

  2. My 6-yr-old son would not let us leave early.  I had to explain kneel-downs to him so that we could leave with 1:19 left  :D


    He also refused to wear a rain poncho. "It makes me hot!"


    That being said, we got back to Rochester at 6:10.  His trick-or-treating friend was waiting at our place.  My son changed into his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume and off they went with his friend's dad.



    You should be proud of that boy! And congratulations on raising a die-hard Bills fan. :D

  3. What I wanted to see happen was us trading up to get more of a premeir defensive end.  The Eagles traded, I believe, a worse 2nd rounder (3rd?), to move up to 15 to get McDougle.  I'm not really sure how he's doing, so maybe he wouldn't have been worth it in hindsight.  But, I really thought that was the move to do that draft.  Possibly, even trade up enough to get Suggs.



    McDougle has 6 tackles and 1 sack. Kelsay has 15 tackles and 1 sack. So instead of trading up, the Bills got McGahee and a DE that is playing a little better than McDougle.

  4. 4. Next year. No, IMO. I live in Cincy and watched David Klingler and Akili Smith get splattered.



    David Klingler and Akili Smith flat out suck and were horrible draft picks. There's no way either of these guys would have made it, even if they were benched their rookie season.


    No good QB was ever hurt by starting his rookie season. They might have struggled, but they payed off the following seasons.

  5. The Bills win a big game over the Cardinals and you guys just have to talk about the Patriots loss.  I thought you guys were Bills fans not anit Patriots fans.



    How is recognizing Roethlisberger as a great draft pick 'anti-Patriot?'


    Sounds like Pats fans, even after 21 straight wins, are a bit over-sensitive. :w00t:

  6. What were the rushing stats, how many balls did receivers drop, and WHAT did Roesthlisberger have to do with Vinny fumbling at his own 24 yard line (i.e. within FG range, to at least tie the game)?



    What does all that have to do with Roethlisberger being able to make plays when his pass protection breaks down?


    I think the original point is valid that Bledsoe has difficulty making plays when his protection breaks down. Our Oline a QB are a bad mix.

  7. on election day, please use your eyes and your heads.  It isn't that hard to find your candidate of choice, trace an imaginary line with your finger of voting tool over to the correct spot and either check or fully punch out a piece of 80# cover weight paper.  If this process is too difficult for you, please stay away from the polls.  this has been your public service announcement for today.  have a nice day!



    We Floridians will do fine. Our suggestion to the rest of the country is to fasten your safety belts and get ready for a wild ride! :blush:

  8. Well, it must mean something else, in my opinion.  Otherwise, with such a small force, couldn't Osama just high tale out of there and find another hiding place?  If the media knows the Pentagon knows where he is, don't you think Osama knows that they know too?  Maybe that's why the Brits are relieving some of the US troops in Bahgdad?



    Actually the Brits are moving so that the American troops can attack Fallujah, as part of a major offensive against insurgents before the Iraqi elections.

  9. I don't have a problem with the Bills in-effect calling their RB's 1a and 1b (same goes for LDE, and make no mistake, Evans is the starter and Reed is the 3rd WR).  The idea was to use BOTH RB's during games anyway, so where is the harm?  With QB's it's a different story because you play one QB only during a game (barring injury), but with RB's (and DE's) many teams use at least 2 during games.  And another thing to think about is that while Willis is the future (and he may even be the present), by relegating Travis to backup status for the remainder of the season, they basically prevent him from showcasing himself for another team for a possible trade after the season is over.  This way Mularkey is saying "whoever plays better will start."



    I think the problem is that with a struggling team, you really need to reward performance. Over the last few weeks, McGahee has played better than Henry, and the team realizes it.


    The goal for the remaining games should be to find guys to build the franchise around, not showcase players for trades.

  10. How is it much better?  This is his quote on BB.com.  This is a friggin joke and not "a little slip of the words".


    Starting Pair


    Head Coach Mike Mularkey has announced that both Travis Henry and Willis McGahee have been named starting running backs. “Based on Willis’ performance the last couple of weeks with the run game I felt like he has given us a spark moving the ball when there have been holes and when there hasn’t been holes,” Mularkey told Buffalobills.com. “We’re going to see if that can be a difference in this game.”



    It the quote is true, then Mularkey made a mistake, but corrected in the press conference.


    I'd prefer that he doesn't make the mistake in the future, but it's better than him going into the press conference saying, "Yup, that's what we have, two starting RBs. We're going to rotate them every series."

  11. A 7 man front?  I'll believe it when I see it. 

    I think they should just cut&paste every week.  Really, is there any other team in sports where the gameplan of the opponent changes ZERO from week to week? 


    Blitz, blitz, blitz up the gut on defense.  Don't turn it over on offense, make a play or two in the passing game, collect penalty yardage, wait for them to make mistakes in the 4th Qtr, score 13 pts and win the game...



    Works every time. 2 1/2 years of the same ol' mind numbing crap.

  12. Maybe we can start two guys at every position?!?


    would it improve our chances, or would we just get twice as many stupid penalties?




    It'll keep all the players happy, like the participation rules in little league baseball. And that's what's really important, right?

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