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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Yesterday proved he is healthy as he was moving around pretty good.  He needs to play but probably needs a couple of games to build up his confidence before he is ready to play every down.  But he should get time this Sunday.  Screw the 'it sends the veterans the message that we are giving up on the season' excuse.  No one has any faith in Bledsoe at this point so I don't think you'd get much negative reaction from the rest of the team if Losman plays.



    You'll get negative reaction if he turns the ball over 4 times and costs the team a chance to win.


    Mularkey should have two lines of thoughts about Losman right now.


    --He's good enough to gameplan around so that he won't make mistakes


    --He's going to have to make a bunch of mistakes before he turns things around


    If it's the first case, start him now. If it's the second, wait a few weeks, and give the team a chance to fight their way back.

  2. OOOOPS.


    That pick is looking more and more like a top 5 pick.


    It is funny how much heat Parcells took for the trade last Spring.  He is looking like a genius again.


    Why is it that whenever we run into Parcells or Belichick, we end up being heart broken.


    Belichick is a genius and has made us look plain foolish. 


    Last night's game was about as bad as it gets.  The only thing that could have made it worse would have been if it had been a playoff/superbowl game.





    Parcells has coached his 10-6 team from last year into a top-five pick team itself, mainly because he has no running game.


    He could have had the best running back in the draft, Steven Jackson, but he traded his first round pick to the Bills.


    Parcells probably sacrificed this season to make that trade. Genius? Hardly.

  3. Maybe it's the "Parenting with Dignity" books that set Drew apart in this regard for posters. I admit - I think it's a nice notion that he wishes to be a good parent and appreciates his solid upbringing. On the other hand, his kids aren't that old yet so I question whether he really could be classified as an expert from whom I should take advice. The true test for Drew as a parent might be when his kids get in that 15-18 age range where they'll figure out that due to Dad's career they can snort coke off the back of a stripper and only put a slight dent in their allowance.


    Drew didn't write the book, his father did.


    If you want to criticize Bledsoe, stick to what he's doing on the field, there's more than enough fodder there.


    "Snort coke of the back of a stripper." It's a good thing we're avoiding personal attacks here. :P

  4. Granted JP can wait a few weeks, no big deal I guess...


    But as far as Big-Ben-its or whatever it is, I think you have to make the assumtion that JP is not as good as Big Ben if you don't insert him now...And there is only one way to find out, and that's by playing JP. The Pittsburgh Coaches have done a tremendous job in getting Big Ben ready, maybe our Staff is not up to that challenge, who knows? But I just cannot stand this idea of protecting JP like he's some sort of fragile China Doll...He's a QB, he's been drafted into the NFL, put the Kid out there and see what kind of ability he has when given all the Reps, Game Plan, etc...Does anyone believe there was a single person in the Pittsburgh Organization who felt Ben would be this good, this early? Of coarse not...Maybe the Bills are in for a pleasant surprise like that, maybe not, but there's only one way to find out...


    The Kids not a Ballarina, he's a QB...If playing hurts his development than I question immediately whether or not he's the QB of the future. I know for certain if you ask JP he'll say he wants to play now. That's the type of QB he is, and I think that type of personality needs to get in the Game, take his lumps like a Man, and learn on the Field not off... B)



    I agree with you. Playing time has never retarded the development of a good QB. And if Losman does get injured and gives off a RJ vibe, that something you want to know right away.


    At the same time though, the coaches are watching him in practice and are grading him out. They should have a pretty good idea on whether he's ready to go or not.


    They should have some indication that Losman is ready to play mistake-free football, or if he's going to need to make a bunch of mistakes before he starts to get it (like Elway).

  5. how long does he expect to keep treating fans like we are stupid?  Fans these days have a much greater grasp of what is going on than before.  We all know the season is over from a playoff standpoint.  It's time to get JP the development he needs.


    Or something like that  :lol:



    He'll probably congratulate you for finding the time to write the message in crayon while riding the short bus! :P

  6. Ok lets end the 'mathmatical elimination' bull stevestojan.  We are DONE. Game over man.....Game over!!!!  (god I love that line LOL)


    the guy that gives us the best chance to win?  Did you folks not see last night? The last 2.5 fuggin years???  Best guy? It isn't bledsoe I know that.  so start the guy that NEEDS the reps.


    IF MM Said those things about not giving up on the playoffs, fire his ass now.  There is NO disgrace in admitting this season is done. Play losman, give your fans, hell give the TEAM Something positive to take into the offseason!




    If I ever hear a Bills owner, GM, or coach admit the season is over when the team is still technically alive, I'm done with them. Wade Phillips remains on my personal stevestojan list until the end of time for this reason.


    I know it's a cliche, but anything is possible in sports. Frank Reich, the Red Sox, The Homerun Throwback, the Marlins from last year are just a few examples of players and teams overcoming the odds to do great things. That what makes sports great.


    So let's can the cynical "We are DONE" stevestojan.


    All last night we had to listed to how the Pats (and Red Sox) believe in the concept of team. You don't develop that feeling by admitting to your team, "We're DONE" before the season is actually done.


    Now if Mularkey believes that the Bills can win with Losman in there, START HIM NEXT WEEK. Same with Matthews.


    However, if he believes we'll get more of the same from Losman as last night, hold off a few weeks.

  7. But, but ... how does proving it help us ? (1) We are NOT a playoff caliber team, (2) DB will not be starting next year


    So, even if the current batch on the offense proves they can overcome adversity, that will not help with JP in there next year. It is better to prove it by the end of the season WITH JP so we are launching for next year. Much as coaches like to not admit the season is over, it is better to look at reality and act accordingly. Did naming McGahee a starter prove that MM had given up ?

    I bet the line is not as bad as DB makes it look. Yesterday was the first time I saw the Bills play and it is amazing how many times, DB could have just slid or moved somewhat to avoid a pass rush. But he does not and the line gets flak for 'having defenders in his face'. At a minimum, JP will learn to sense pressure, move away and make throws on the run.

    Purely from a business standpoint, it will put some interest in an otherwise putrid season and sell some seats.



    Read what I said. The coaches should play the guys that they believe will give the team the best chance to win. Period. When they're eliminated, then start playing for jobs next year.


    If the coaching staff believes they can win the Rams game with Losman at QB, by all means start him.


    If they believe that they need to get JP starts so he can start learning the position, hold off a couple of weeks.


    I know we all believe the Bills are done this year, but I remember telling my fiance at a playoff game in 1993 that nobody has ever comeback from a 28-3 score in the history of the NFL. And when the backup QB threw an INT-for-a-TD, I said to her, "let's get the hell out of here."


    Anything is possible in sports, and the good coaches encourage that belief in their players. Treating the season as practice games when your team is still technically alive is not the way build team character.


    So if the Mularkey makes the shift now, it better be because he believes that Losman can win games for the team.

  8. Until the Bills are mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs, the coaches should play the guy that gives them the best chance to win, whether it's Losman, Mathews or Bledsoe.


    The team is definitely on the ropes right now, but I want to see them land some punches before they go down.


    The coaching staff and players still need to prove that they can overcome adversity. Rattling off a two or three game win streak would do wonders to for maturity of the team, which will pay off next year.


    It would suck to lose that opportunity do to rookie mistakes.


    Unfortunatley, my problem is that, right now, I can't tell you which QB gives the Bills the best opportunity to win.

  9. 1. Who cares. Everyone knows the Bills played poorly, having Wilson reaffirm that is needless.


    2. Not ready to give up on Donahoe yet. The guy has replaced 51 of 53 players on the roster. We, as fans might not like it, but those rebuilding efforts usually take longer than 4 years to happen.


    3. If Vincent ever recovers from his injury this is a good idea, but there's no guarantee that Vincent is going to be a great, or even good safety.


    4. Bledsoe is on his way out, no doubt, this has been apparent since the Ravens game. But until the Bills are mathmatically eliminated from the hunt, I only want them to make moves that give them the best chance to win, not to give a guy reps. If Mularkey believes JP or Mathews give the Bills the best chance to win, great. After they're eliminated, they can start making moves for the future.


    5. I don't know if I'd cut him, but Tucker should be starting.


    6. McGahee should never be a regular starter at FB. It's a complete waste of talent. Henry is done as the starter. I would like to see the Bills run the ball 40 times a game, though, giving McGahee 25 carries and Henry 15. But, at the same time, Henry has shown nothing this year.

  10. So a guy who's been screaming that JP should be be starting ASAP is bitching because JP wasn't ready last night? Boo-freakin'-hoo!


    Hey ICE, when it comes to gaining experience, it's all good. Losman needs to realize that every minute on the field he should be learning something new.


    Last night, prepared or not, Losman was introduced to the speed of the game. It was a good lesson.


    We don't need to play Oprah-mind-reader or conspiracy theorist to figure out this move.


    As long as the Bills are still (technically) alive in the playoff race, Bledsoe starts. When they're mathmatically eliminated, Losman starts.


    Unfortunately for Mathews fans, right or wrong, their boy doesn't figure into the equation.

  11. If I am correctly informed, remedial education is quite prevalent for incoming freshmen. We have seen article after article on cheating, grade inflation, honor roll status by quota, hoards of valedictorians and so forth. There are web sites where people discuss which college to go to based not on value of education, but where it is easiest to get an "A".


    I don't know if "remedial" education is prevalent, like you claim. However, since I tutored "remedial" kids in college I know that the programs are there. I also know that the majority of kids who take these classes wind up graduating. And while, there are a minority of kids who try to game and cheat their way through college, the majority of kids there do the the work needed to improve themselves.


    Do not paint me as an ogre. I was making a point. And btw, if I understand your view, where do you get off telling me what to try? You stifle me, and then lecture me on stifling.


    I didn't paint you as an ogre, just paranoid. And if you consider advice about trying an act of kindness to be stiffling you, so be it.


    You're the one claiming "Blade Runner" and "Brave New World," and yet you won't even take the risk of returning an item to a person for fear of retribution. If all society felt the same as you, we would be in trouble.


    What do you think about the pc atmosphere, the so-called "hate laws", the endless litigation at the slightest offense? The finding fault at the atomic level perpetrated upon politicians? Stifling? The violent and purile lyrics of a fair portion of modern popular music?


    I think hate laws are BS, which at best, give us a way to tack on a couple of extra years to a scumbag's sentence, and at worst are fodder for politicians to cry wolf.


    Violent and purile lyrics in music are merely entertainment. In the 1950s, the moralists had problem with Elvis Preseley. In the 60's, it was with the Beatles and hippies; in the 70s it was with satanic rock. Somehow, as a nation, we've survived. People who listen to the music still got married, still love their families, still work hard, still pay their taxes, still obey the laws, and still go to church.


    And it seems presumptuous to state that viewers do not realize that "Mayberry" is fictional. Possibly elitist or arrogant. See also the waning of the Democratic Party.


    You claim that high schoolers have a vocabulary of only 1,000 words, can't communicate with out saying suck or f*ck, are poor college students because they take remedial classes, and are more interested in promotion than work.


    And I'm the one who's arrogant and elitist?


    Look I believe that as a People, Americans have incredibly strong values; religious or atheist, Republican or Democrat, black or white. I also believe that seeing a naked breast for 3 seconds, or hearing a soldier say !@#$, or listening to the Roots will not shake a person's core values.


    I don't believe that we have to protect those values by building society that is scrubbed and sanitzed, like Mayberry, for their protection.


    And by the way, the Democratic party received more votes than it ever has before in this past election. It didn't win, but it's not wanning. There are 10s of millions of people out there (including many Republicans), who believe that the unfettered commerce of ideas and expression make this country stronger, not weaker.

  12. I heard recently, that the vocabulary of the average high school graduate these days is around 1,000 words, and it was close to 8,000 forty years ago. The influence of tv and the widespread use of obscenities were mentioned as factors.  It sometimes seems like everywhere, in any situation (almost always inappropriate) the response to anything is "F-you" or "This Su*ks" or some such.


    Someone mentioned "Reality" shows - nice stuff - let's make everything in-your-face and confrontational.  If someone dropped a coin and I picked it up to return to them, I would not be surprised if I was accused of theft, sworn at profusely, and threatened with violence.


    So "express yourself" - enjoy your freedom - but don't be surprised if in the future, your society is something akin to that depicted in the movie, "Blade Runner". :D



    High schoolers only know 1,000 words? I doubt it, Coco the sign-language gorilla knows almost that many.


    I don't have any stats on how many words a high schooler uses, but since college enrollment for high schoolers is at an all time high, I doubt the situation of our young people is as dire as you make it.


    And from my personal experience, the many times I've returned a dropped item to its owner I've gotten a thank you, not an accusation. Maybe you should try it sometime, it's a good feeling.


    Personal expression leads to blade runner? Yeah, right. This country thrives on the exchange of opinions and ideas. Any attempt to stiffle this exchange weakens the country, it doesn't protect it.


    I find it ironic that many stations that didn't show Private Ryan showed 'Return to Mayberry' instead. Unfortunately too many of us don't realize that Mayberry was a fictional place.

  13. Precisely.  If someone tunes in to Howard Stern and is suprised to find out he's offensive...they are too stupid to live on my !@#$ing planet. 


    Certain things in life are offensive.  What those things are differs from person to person.  It is the persons responsibility to avoid them, not the government's to make them less offensive.



    That's how I feel about the 'values' issues that were debated during the last campaign.

  14. Honestly...I wish I could help, but I've never cleaned curtains. 


    And I just realized why...I went to check the cleaning instructions on my curtains for you...and I don't have any curtains.



    Somewhere there's a queer eye with a tear in it.

  15. What's the ITB?



    In Track Betting. It's the game's version of OTB. It's a good place to build up a massive reserve of cash, since the two long-shot horses (purple and green) hit every 4th or 5th race.


    It's marked by the horse head on the map that comes with the game.

  16. Again, I loved the move to tag and trade Peerless. I wouldn't have used the pick to take Willis (for the record, I was hoping for Dallas Clark or Eric Steinbach), but this could turn out to be a very nice move by TD.


    The Bills will have a chance to draft a player like Clark or Steinbach in every draft. They opportunity to draft a top talent like McGahee comes around every 10 or 12 years.


    The last time the Bills grabbed a guy who had fallen in the draft due to an injury, he had a hall of fame career and became the franchise's leading rusher.


    If you had the choice to draft the next Rueben Brown or the next Thurman Thomas, who would you take? I'd take the next Thomas, every time.

  17. Of course, everyone here is missing the freakin' point. Jennings, when healthy, is better than both Williams and McKinnie.


    So if McKinnie was a Bill, he'd be a RT, just like Williams.


    And if you don't like drafting a right tackle that high, the Bills could have drafted a different position, which would cause people to whine that the Bills don't pay enough attention to the OL.


    And while the LT is supposed to protect the QBs blindside, preventing sacks and turnovers from the blind side, remember that Culpepper fumbles more than any other QB in the history of the league, averaging more than 1 fumble a game.


    How many of those record-setting fumbles come from the blind side?


    Maybe the point here is that tackle is a position that requires a few years to master. Guys that pick it up quickly are more the exception than the rule.

  18. you mean like 90% of Pats fans..... :D  :(



    For Pats fans, the Red Sox are that shiny thing that distracts them from being true football fans.


    'What you guys think about this week's game, wait a minute, this guy's got a Red Sox avatar. GET OFF THE BANDWAGON blah, blah, blah.'


    The Bills have improved since the last Pat Sox game. This game will be a good test for them.

  19. The USA is now a one party government, like the Baaths in Iraq, or the Soviets and Chinese.  They keep the Democrats around for show.  I wonder if they will even bother having another election in '08, or will they just declare "W" President-for-life!





    The most interesting thing that happened last night was the coming of age of the evangelical vote. The religious right can make the argument that they have given the republicans the mandate to legislate morality issues.


    This is going to cause waves for moderate republicans as well as democrats.


    As for the democrats, there'll be a time where the country will be forced to seriously examine policy issues such as the deficit and health care. Yesterday wasn't the day.

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