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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Garcia  10 TD 9 INT

    Bledsoe 12 TD 11 INT


    QB rate

    Garcia 76.6

    Bledsoe 74.4



    Browns  3-7

    Bills      4-6


    Yeah, more BS, no sense.


    Garcia, another "real NFL quarterback"



    And considering how Butch Davis said that Garcia looked 'skittish' in the pocket, you could imagine how he would have reacted behind the Bills O-line at the beginning of the year.

  2. He is a true seer and a visionary.

    Everything he said would happen came to pass. :angry:



    Yeah, we would have looked a hell of a lot better with Brunnel or Garcia in here, right?


    Until Losman is ready, the Bills have to make do with Bledsoe. It's been that way since March. Some of us around here haven't gotten that through our thick skulls yet.

  3. The offensive line as a whole is playing better no doubt......


    Especially in the last 3 games....I thought we had pretty decent protection......


    The running game is still a little concerning



    Until the Bills have a QB who can actually run through his progression of receivers, opposing defenses will continue to load the box and double Moulds.


    Teams are stopping the running game with numbers. The fact that McGahee is able to post 100 yards against loaded fronts is a testament to the improvement of the line and his running ability.

  4. Rap is a tool.  It is a form of what is called Agitation-Propaganda.  Or in short Agit-Prop.  Take a lok at who owns the PARENT compenies of the rap record labels and you'll understand why it has grown so large.  The lay definition is rap incites the listener to perform violent acts, have a disrespectful attitude regarding authority and never accept disrespect from anyone.  This disrespect ranges from killing someone to looking at someone the wrong way.  This attitude when accepted by young black males makes them sitting ducks for police.  They either break the law or even better yet perform violence against eachother by splitting black males into warring factions.  Then the prison population piles up and the young blacks on the street disappear.... like magic!


    Have a problem with a specific group of males?  Just split them into groups that ARE TAUGHT to hate each other (Crips vs Bloods)and let them solve your problem by kiiling themselves and each other acting out their rap induced hate.  This mode of living has found it's way into the NBA big time.  Hence the problem.


    The sadest part for me is when young white males fall for this rap trap and act out like they are part of the target audience.  Someone should have noticed something wasn't right when we saw young blacks dressed in flannel lumberjack shirts with down jackets standing on the corner in Compton, CA in the 90 degree heat.  They bought a lemon somewhere along the way.  If it were only fashion gone wrong it wouldn't be so sad.  But it is much much bigger than boxers hanging out of the top of oversized jeans.



    Yeah, and the Godfather and other mob movies did the same thing to young Italians! Wop against wop, that's how the man keeps us Italians down!


    Rap, like mob movies are entertainment. If someone is acting out these mediums, they have a larger problem of understanding the difference between fiction and reality.


    And by the way, we all know that listening to Ozzy makes kids commit suicide, right?

  5. And I imagine the purists are still talking about the bygone days of the wooden tennis racket.  The use of better helmets and pads make football a better game now than 30 years ago, and it still remains a team sport.


    The technological evolution of hockey and the bigger bodies that populate it is the debate of the purists vs evolutionists.  It is a totally different argument than what's happening in NBA, where the concept of teamwork is being tossed to the highlights of 1 on 1 matchups and glams for the slam dunk championships. 


    If the margquee NBA players embraced teamwork, Lakers should not have lost one game last year, let alone get embrarrassed in the finals.



    The fact is both sports are dumbing down their games. Instead of finding talented players, they're both looking for big guys to take up space and grind down the action.


    The NBA has tried to introduce the zone defense to clog up the middle and force teams to shoot from the outside, but it's going to take a while for teams to re-introduce shooters to their teams.


    The NHL has watched the trap turn their game into unwatchable scrums. Players used to come close to scoring 50 goals in 50 games. Now they're lucky if a couple of guys come close to scoring 50 in a year.


    Rushes up and down the ice have been replaced by tedious cycling in the corner, brilliant stick handling has been trumped by hooking and holding.


    The game just isn't as exciting as it was. There's no Jordan, Manning, or Culpepper posting "take-a-look-at-this' type of stats to expand interest to new games.


    And it's not a question of star over team. Guys like Gretzky, Lemieux, LeFleur, Perreault, and Bossy were excellent team players. Those type of players are now extinct, and from the NHLs inaction on the whole subject, it looks like its by design.

  6. The decline in hockey is not related to the change in the game, but a change in economics.  You can make an argument that hockey as a game is at an apex, with great talent in every team.  The European game was always more about teamwork and systems, and the NHL has done a very good job of incorporating the European game within the physicality of North American play.  To see a NFL parallel, look at what Patriots are doing with abunch of "nobodies" on the roster.


    The decline of the NBA is directly related to the ignorance of the 5 man teamwork in favor of individuality of the stars.



    Actually, I can make an argument that the decline of hockey is tied to the increasing use of the trap during the '90s. I can also say that the referees refusal to consistantly enforce obstruction calls has harmed the game. Also the increased size of goalie equipment and the introduction of composite sticks (equivalent to aluminum bats) has detracted from on-ice play.


    The goal of 'finishing checks' has shut down room on the ice and emphasized bigger, and less talented defensement over more offensive-minded players who were more concerned with joining the rush.


    There's nothing about the game now that resembles the game from the 70s and 80s. The emphasis then was to open up the ice. The emphasis now is to close it down.

  7. So I guess the reason that the NHL is in decline is because of black players.


    There are many reasons for the decline of sports like hockey, basketball, or baseball, that have absolutely nothing to do with race.


    Among them are drafting high schoolers, expanding outside the talent pool, lack of revenue sharing, poor enforcement of the rules (hooking in hockey, travelling in basketball, strike zone in baseball).


    Of all the problems that sports faces, the least urgent is race. Sports seems to have always been ahead of the curve on race.


    It would be a shame to miss the opportunity to have real conversations about the problems in sports because we're hung up on this non-issue.

  8. First of all...I am always glad to see Bledsoe do well....but I have to be honest in my assessment.


    - The throws that Drew made were not that great.....he was throwing it up and his receivers were fighting for it.....


    - This plays into my sad theory that Drew will break my heart yet again because he plays well enough not to be benched.....but as Losman was the number 3 QB this week....that didn't come into play.



    Actually, I'm pretty luke warm on Bledsoe. The best he can do for the Bills is not make mistakes and capitalize on the opportunites the D and ST give him.


    I don't expect him to win any games for the team by throwing 4 TDs and 300 yards.


    If Mularkey believes that Losman is ready to contribute the same, I'm all for starting him ASAP, because his mobility gives the team more chances to make plays.


    At the same time though, if Bledsoe makes a good play, I'll recognize it. That flea flicker was a good play.


    And I don't have a problem with Bledsoe putting the ball up, giving his receivers a chance to make a play. If he waits for guys to be completely open all the time, he turns into Rob Johnson, holding on the ball unitil he gets walloped.


    To me, it looks like Campbell, Moulds and Evans will make a play more often than not when given the chance.

  9. That wasn't me up above, but I'll say it too:  The flea-flicker was under thrown.


    That being said Bledsoe played well today.  Nothing spectacular, but we don't need spectacular, we need solid.  If only he could play this way on the road...



    That had to be the first flea-flicker I've ever seen that had 4 defenders in the backfield before the RB tossed the ball back.


    Bledsoe was clocked on that play. Under the circumstances, he did a good job getting the ball even close to Aiken.

  10. Hey stevestojan head both have to drop games since we don't know which one will win the division. That said, You need to look at ALL AFC Teams with winning records and hope they all lose several games.



    Again dumbass, you don't. The list is Jets, Ravens, Jags, Chargers OR Broncos.


    Notice, stevestojan-for-brains, that the Pats, Steelers, and Colts are not in the list, because they're the likely division winners. The Chargers OR Broncos will join that list.


    So the Bills need to pass 3 of 4 teams, no doubt a huge task. But in looking at the teams and considering their situations, not completely impossible.


    Two of the teams, the Jets and Jags, have injured starting QBs, and both have dropped a game over the last two weeks.


    The Chargers have slid during the second half of the season 9 of the last 10 years.


    The Ravens, despite Boller, look solid.


    So instead of looking at ALL of the AFC teams winning records, focus on the Jets, Jags, and Chargers.

  11. Who's on the roster right now who can replace Moulds? And don't say Evans, because they don't have anyone right now to take his place.


    Aiken, Reed, and Smith are all a huge step down from Moulds. They're even a step down from Evans.


    That means the team would need to sign another WR on par with Moulds, which would take the equivalent of Moulds' salary, or waste a high draft pick to replace him.


    And by the way, the last thing Dallas needs right now is a WR. They need RBs.

  12. Just a few years ago, our special teams were the worst I had ever seen for any team.


    Now, I can say that I have NEVER seen so many good returns from one team in the same season. McGee, Freddie, Clements. . . all doing a great job.


    Can Bobby April really be this good? Even our coverage seems good. I think the poor choices of special team coaches began the slide of GW out of town. Truly, our special teams have gone from worst to first. MM, I think realized much more than GW, how important special teams really are.



    You have to credit Donahoe for bringing Morman, McGee, Smith, Haggens, Crowell, and Stamer. These guys are huge contributors on special teams. These guys were all special teams contributors in college.


    Even Lindell is having a decent season.

  13. This could be one of the reasons Shaw was let go, to make room for younger guys like Smith would could contribute on special teams.


    Good move putting both Smith and Clemments back on punt returns. Punters are going to shank some punts angling for the sidelines, trying to keep the ball away from these guys.


    I don't see why the announcers just don't call this guy Freddie if that's what he wants to be be called. Warren Moon's first name wasn't Warren. John Wayne's real first name wasn't John. Show the guy a little respect and call him what he wants to be called. After watching Antonio Brown return punts last season, this guy has earned it.

  14. Bledsoe was quite average today. What bothered me is that the Bills scored 20 points in the 3rd quarter mostly thanks to special teams & defense. Three times in the last 7 minutes of the 3rd, the Bills offense had the ball inside the Rams 30 and only managed 2 FG's and a punt. A GOOD offense would have scored at least 13 points instead of 6 (Indianapolis would have scored 21) and the put the game away by the end of the 3rd. The Rams were so bad the score should have been 48-17. Still a win is a win. You can talk about how good Bledsoe still is when the Bills win a road game and he plays decent.



    It bothered you that the Bills scored 20 points in a quarrter?


    Look, the Bills aren't a good offense. They're an mediocre to barely average one. The defense on the other hand is good and getting better. The special teams are great.


    This isn't 1990. This is how the 2004 version of the Bills win. It should be good enough to win a few on the road, especially against the teams left on the schedule.

  15. How about the fact that Campbell actually learned how to hold on to the ball rather than blaming Drew.


    Drew has never had a problem hitting TE's or FB's or RB's when they get involved with the passing game.



    I don't know, Campbell has made some nice grabs.


    Bledsoe isn't a progression QB. He's a pre-read, sling the ball QB. Unfortunately, his pre-reads aren't even that good.


    When the coaching staff told Bledsoe to get the ball out in 4 seconds, that meant make your reads in 4 seconds. Drew took it to mean, stare at Moulds for 3 seconds and gun the ball.


    He did what he needed to do today, but I don't expect this guy is capable of carrying the team, ala Manning or Favre, again.

  16. We do need both to lose 4. they have to lose 4 and us not lose any to hop the other team for a wildcard.



    Hey dumbass, the Chargers and Broncos are tied for first place in the West divsion at 7-3.


    The 4 division winners and 2 wildcard teams go to the playoffs, right?


    So the Bills can only knock one of them out of the playoffs, because the other will be the division champ.


    Hence, the Bills have to finish better than the Chargers OR the Broncos, not BOTH, since a wildcard team can't knock out a division winner.


    This is really simple stuff.

  17. Well the jests need to lose 4 for us to have a better record.


    Jags 3


    Baltimore 4


    San diego  4


    Denver 4


    I can go on but the point is there.



    Actually, they don't need both the Chargers and Broncs to lose 4, since one will win the division.


    The Jags and the Jets are without their starting QBs. SD is the king of late season slides.


    It's difficult, but you don't build character quitting in the middle of the race.


    I'd like to see the coaching staff put the screws to the team over the next few weeks and see what they're capable of.

  18. Did you see this game or just talking out of your ass?  My guess is the later, because we were dominating St. Louis in a way Seattle could only wish to do.



    Did you see the game? St. Louis spent the almost the entire 4th quarter in the Bills red zone. The late-game, red-zone turnovers kept the game out of reach for the Rams.


    It would have sucked to stop them with a turnover, and then have a rookie QB fumble or throw an interception, like he did against the Pats the week before.


    If you think Mularkey was overly conservative or cautious, so be it. The result proved it was the right decision.

  19. Since when is getting your QB ready to play 'quitting'?  It's not. It's saying 'Ok this year is stevestojan. time to get ready to WIN and I mean Playoffs type of WIN, next year'



    Look, all I want Mularkey to do is play the players who give us the best chance to win NOW, rather than playing guys just to give him reps.


    I'm not ready to turn this season into a preseason for '05.


    If the coaching staff believed Losman would give this team the best chance to win, I'm all for it.


    I've said it before, that if Losman didn't miss those 3 months of practice, he'd probably be on the field right now.


    I don't think the coaches ready to turn the team over to a rusty rookie right now. And I can't blame them for that.

  20. In the hunt for what?  Ok I tell you what jad1  I bet you 100 we don't make the playoffs. Take it now or shut the fugg up.



    Honestly, I don't think they'll make it. Probably won't get close.


    But if they adopt the loser ICE/Wade mentality that the team is out of it before they're eliminate, they're cooked for good.


    Unlike you, the last thing I want to see this team do is quit.


    I want to see this team end up with a winning record at home. I want them to win half their remaining road games. I want McGahee to rush for 1,000 yards. I want to the defense to finish in the top five.


    I want the Bills to start the Losman era with no freakin' monkeys on their backs.


    I know you think it's all about the QB position and your idiotic, moronic, tiresome crusade to prove the obvious that Bledsoe is done, but some of use are concerned about the development of the rest of the team.


    And nothing would help the development of those 52 other players than winning NOW.

  21. Nobody has to eat any crow, except for you perhaps.


    This is the problem at its essence: If Bledsoe has a decent game, everyone thinks "he's back". He's not. He's still a liability to this team. Even today, he missed a ton of plays. Granted, Moulds didn't give him much help, but Drew has not played at  a truly high level since week 8 of 2002. This was his first 3 TD performance in TWO YEARS. And it came because the Rams' defensive plan was to leave our TEs on LBers and Archuletta, who is a lot like COy WIre in his coverage skills.


    Drew hasn't thrown for 300 yards in TWO YEARS. Go around the league and look at every QBs stats...you can't say this about any other QB who's starting right now.


    Drew is a great guy who is mentally slow and too easily breaks down into terrible technique. He has a good game every now and then and seduces people into thinking that that's him. No one's eating any crow about Drew. His numbers don't lie. Look at his completion % this year. Look at his TD INT ratio. He has had great protection in the past 5 games and yet his numbers haven't improved.



    Look, we're not stupid. We all know the Bills aren't going to win games from the QB position this season.


    Not with Bledsoe, and not with Losman.


    This team has found it's niche, it's winning with the running game, special teams, and defense.


    The QB needs to play within the system . So pick you're poison. The 11 year veteren in decline or the rookie who's missed 3 months of the season.


    Why not quit on the season and train the rookie for next year? Well because the team doesn't want the other 51 guys on the team to get used to losing.


    That's what we're forgetting here. The team isn't about Bledsoe right not. He's a cog. There's a ton of talent on the Bills that needs to learn how win in this league.


    Mularkey is going with the known commodity here. And as bad as Bledsoe can be, I can't blame him.

  22. I don't know, JP, I don't see too many people in here showing Bledsoe a lot of love..

    most everyone realizes he's done & are just really enjoying a nice Bills win.

    Rest assured JP will be in there soon enough. :(



    The effort to turn the Bledsoe/Losman debate into Johnson/Flutie is laughable.


    I believe that if Losman hadn't missed 3 months of practice, he'd probably be playing now.


    I fully expect that Losman will be the starter sooner than later, but I can't blame Mularkey for not wanting to turn the team over to a rusty rookie while they're still in the hunt.


    And if there comes a time when Mularkey believes that Losman does give the Bills the best chance to win, we would all be behind that move.

  23. I was yelling for JP in the chatroom from 2 min left in the 3rd Q on.  Not that DB was having problems but I thought it was exactly the kind of game to break in a QB.  Obviously MM does not think he is capable of holding on to a 20 point lead with JP in there.


    And before you get on MM, remember he is part of the greatest coaching staff ever assembled.



    Why don't you ask the Seahawks if a 20 point 4th quarter lead is enough against the Rams. :(

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